30.04.20 Home Learning ✏️

Good morning boys and girls, 😃

Don’t worry if you feel like you’re having one of those days where you wake up and there’s a little cloud on you. ☁ 🌈 If you’re feeling a little bit down and your mood just isn’t right. Sometimes we can’t put our finger on why we feel like this but exercise and fresh air always helps. 🌲

You can ‘Take a moment’ to go to a special place with Mrs McMillan and use this relaxation activity to do just that. Use your imagination, create a safe, peaceful, happy place where you can take a break.

You could even draw out what your special, happy place looks like. Draw what you see, hear, smell, taste there and add details to the drawing. You could even put up the picture on your wall so that you can see it at night before you go to bed. 😴

Here are today’s lessons…

Thursday 30th April

Warm up task: Spelling practise ✏

  • I can read, write and order the letters in my spelling words accurately. 

Word list: time, came, made, your, about, house, said, have, like, here. (revise)

Task: Record your date and title. Practise your spelling words in your jotter. You can choose an Activity from your grid. This could be: rainbow spelling, bubble words, ABC words (alphabetical order), curly words, word shapes, capital and lower case words or simply write out 4x in your jotter. Check over your work!


Main Activity – Sentences and Phrases

  • I can identify that a sentence must contain a verb and a phrase is a short group of words
  • I can include capital letters and full stops in my sentences.


Read the information in the text about Sentences and Phrases twice.

A sentence is a group of words that makes sense on it own. Every sentence must contain a verb.

A phrase is a group of words that does not make sense on its own. Most phrases are short and do not contain a verb.

  1. Which of the following are sentences? Which are phrases?
  2. Underline the verb in each sentence. (describe actions)

Making sure

  1. Choose a suitable phrase from the box to complete each sentence.
  2. Make up 6 sentences and include one of the phrases from the text box in each one.

Practise your Punctuation

Rewrite these pairs of sentences. Swap/ exchange the verbs in each pair so that the sentences make sense. For example, in sentence 1, laid and fried are the verbs (action words) so swap them over so that the sentences now make sense:

  1. The lady fried an egg. The hen laid an egg.

Complete 1-6. Read and check over your work then traffic light.🚦

Finisher: Reading

First, log on to Oxford Owl using the ‘my class login’ details woodp4 and password as the password. Next, choose a book of your choice. Listen to the text or read the text. Finally, play an activity if you wish from the top. If your book has more content you may wish to read the first 10/ 15 pages only. 📖

Maths: Multiplication

  • I can count on in sets of 4’s.

Warm up task: Mental Maths. Record your title and Q1-16. Building upon last week’s 4x table we are going to use the strategy of repeated addition of 4’s. You have been given the first two numbers. Write them out and then circle the multiples of 4’s that you have in the 4x table.

Read and check over your work. 🔍

Main activity
: Multiplication

  • I can build up the 4x table

Task: Record your Title in your jotter. Look carefully at the grid. copy and complete the grid in your jotter. Q1-8 asks you to write the last number in the given row. Q9-14 asks you to write the number of legs in each set of animal pictures, if each animal has four legs. for example:

9.  3 x 4 = 12 (3 pictures of horses x 4 legs each = 12 legs)

Check over your answers and traffic light your work.🚦

Finisher: Sumdog Activity – Take part in at least 15 minutes of Maths games today. Our Sumdog challenge finishes tomorrow.

Well done to: Callum, Hollie, Ryan, Lilly, Nathan, Isla, Gabriella, Sonny and Szymon for good effort and accuracy yesterday. 🏆


Interested in Science?

Glasgow Science Centre at Home🧪🧬


Thursday 30 April. Water – lovely, crisp, clear water! In this stunning demonstration, CJ will show you how you can amaze your friends and family with the awesome properties of water and change its state almost instantly from supercool to solid. Intrigued? You will be! If you’d like to try at home, you’ll need: a bottle of distilled water, a freezer and some ice. You will need adult permission and supervision. Fun for all the family, with science over 5s will find fascinating.



Shonagh from BDSP will be live TODAY at 12 on Facebook to show everyone the habitat of the SEA LIONS. Tune in to find out some fabulous facts, ask your own questions and take part in the quiz at the end. 🌊

Have a lovely day! 👍🏼

Mrs Maher 😃

29.04.20 Home Learning🍎

Good morning everyone,

I can’t believe that it is Wednesday already and we’re half way through another week. I hope that you are still managing to get outside for some fresh air. You are all doing wonderful work, keep it up! 🙂

Here are yesterday’s addition answers that you can mark. I completed one sum and explained the process to Stephen then Stephen completed one sum and explained the process to me. We checked our answers together at the end. 👍🏼

Here are your tasks for today…

Wednesday 29th April

Literacy: Comprehension

Warm up task: Spelling practise

  • I can read, write and order the letters in my spelling words accurately.

Word list: time, came, made, your, about, house, said, have, like, here. (revise)

Task: Record your date and title. Practise your spelling words in your jotter. You can choose an Activity from your grid. This could be: rainbow spelling, bubble words, ABC words (alphabetical order), curly words, word shapes, capital and lower case words or simply write out 4x in your jotter. Check over your work!

Main Activity

  • I can skim and scan the text.
  • I can answer in a full sentence.

This is the month of Ramadan which is an important event in the Islam calendar. Find out more here:

🌜⭐ Ramadan and Eid-ul-Fitr: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFU9Cb0D6lo

🌜⭐ Seven things you need to know about Ramadan: https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/23286976

Ramadan Comprehension Task

Read the text ‘All about Ramadan’ carefully twice. Take time to think about what you have read. Complete the questions Q1-Q7 in your jotter. Remember to take a new line for each answer, start with a capital letter and end with a full stop.


I have given you the quanswer (key words from the question to help you answer) in blue to help you start off your answer. ✏ 

Read and check over your work then traffic light.🚦


Take part in a craft task to make a Crescent Moon and Star which is the symbol of Islam. You could even decorate it with glitter or other craft materials you have. 🌜⭐

Maths: Subtraction

  • I can choose the correct strategy to work out the missing number

Warm up task: Mental Maths. Record Q1-16 in your jotter.

Sometimes, it is more useful to use inverse operation (subtraction instead of addition) when making a given number.

Complete your ‘Make 20’ mental maths sums by adding on, from a larger number (?+12=20 so you add on from 12) or subtracting from a lower number (8+?=20 so you calculate 20 – 8).

There are other strategies we have practised in class to do our number bonds so use whichever way works best for you! 😃

You can even use a number line to help you if needed.

Check over your answers. 🔍

Main activity: Subtracting 10’s and 1’s.

Task: Write Q1-16 in your jotter. Subtract your two-digit numbers using the mental strategy of taking away the Tens and then the Units. For example,

1.  44 – 13 = 31 (4-1 and 4-3)


Challenge: Can you try the same process and subtract 3-digit sums? Write 5 of your own and give them a try. What do you notice about your numbers?

Check over your answers and traffic light your work.🚦

Finisher: Sumdog – take part in at least 15 minutes of games today, our challenge with P4/5 is still on for two more days. 🏆


Interested in Science? Today on Glasgow Science Centre at Home:


Wednesday 29 April. What is DNA? Where do you find it? In this experiment to try at home, Sabah will help you answer those questions and show you how you can extract strings of DNA from fruit. Check out the link to see which materials you will need. You will need adult permission and supervision. Aimed at over 7s.


Reminder: Blair Drummond Safari Park 🌲🦏🐅🐵

You’re in for a real treat tomorrow as BDSP go LIVE from their sea lion pool at midday. 🌊

Join Shonagh on Facebook and she’ll introduce you to their beautiful sea lions and tell you more about how they look after them at the Safari Park.

Have a lovely day! 😃

Mrs Maher 🍎 

28.04.20 Home Learning🌟

Good morning boys and girls,

I hope you are all staying safe and managing to get out for a daily walk or exercise. It helps you to stay healthy, both mentally and physically by getting an hour of exercise a day. ☀

Remember there are lots of new daily activities on BBC Bitesize that I am sure you will find very interesting. Feel free to take a look!

Click on the link below > Primary > 1st level P2-4. 🖥


Here are today’s lessons:

Tuesday 28th April 

Literacy: Handwriting

Warm up Task

  • I can practise my horizontal join from the letter o.

Record your date, title and I can statement in your jotter. Copy the ‘oa’ join and the sentence ‘A goat in a boat’ neatly into your jotter.


A. Copy the pattern into your jotter.

B. Copy one row of ‘oa’ letters into your jotter neatly, one row of ‘ow’ letters and one row of ‘oe’ letters as shown in the text.

Remember in the horizontal join the letters hook half way up the line and the letters do not touch each other. 😃 

Main Activity

  • I can trace and write pattern, letters, words and sentences in my neatest handwriting.

Extra –  Copy these words into your jotter. Remember to take a finger space between each word and take care with tall letters: t, l, b, h and d.

Extension – Copy these sentences into your jotter. Underline the oa sound in each word. 📝 

Finisher: Reading – Log into Oxford Owl by clicking on ‘MyClassLogin’ at the top in pink and enter woodp4 with password as the password.

Click on MyBookshelf and search for a book of your choice. Look at the front cover and try to read the first page – if you can it’s a good book for you. Listen to the story or read the story and try to complete one short activity if you wish. If your book has smaller print or more content you can read 10 pages. 📚 


Maths: Addition

  • I can identify the number with the largest H, T or U.

Warm up task: Click on the link below to enter Coconut Ordering on Topmarks. Can you order the numbers to 100 or 1000? starting with the smallest to largest?

Remember to look carefully at the Tens when the Hundreds are the same or look at the Units when the Hundreds and the Tens columns are the same.


Play this game for 15 minutes to revise your learning in Ordering numbers.

Main activity: 3-digit formal addition

  • I can formally add 3 digit numbers by 3 digit numbers with carrying.

TaskRecord your title and I can in your jotter. Take your time to write sum 1-12 out, one sum at a time with neat digits written underneath each other.

Remember the addition + symbol is wrote at the left. This will help you keep the HTU in the correct columns. Use a ruler to draw your answer lines. Calculate each sum.

REMINDER: If the two numbers in a place value column add up to a number greater than 9, you must carry a digit to the left column.

Addition example:

What is 343 + 329?

Start from the Units column: 3 + 9 = 12, place a 2 in the Units column and carry 1 (1 set of Ten) to the Tens column by placing a 1 below.

In the tens column: 4 + 2 + 1 = 7 (Don’t forget to add what you carry over)

In the hundreds column: 3 + 3 = 6

The finished sum = 672

You can use your fingers carefully to help you count on in each column accurately. 👍🏼 



Check over your answers and traffic light your work.🚦

I will post the correct answers and you can be the teacher and self-assess your work – remember to check back!

Finisher: Play 15 minutes of Sumdog. Remember we only have until Friday in our weekly challenge against Primary 4/5.🏆


Interested in Science? 🧬🧪

Glasgow Science Centre at home:



Tuesday 28 April. How do you get a rocket into space? Before lockdown, CJ talked us through how the space agencies do it. Using a hydrogen rocket – it’s NOT one to try at home! – CJ will explore the explosive reaction and forces involved in this Science Show Theatre favourite. Fun for all the family with science over 7s will enjoy.


Reminder: PE with Joe Wicks is live at 9am on YouTube or you can play back at any time. Why not search for The Body Coach TV and join in with the family – keep fit, active and healthy! 🏃🏼‍♂️

Have a great day! 😃

Mrs Maher 🍎


Problem Solving & Sumdog

Here are the answers to Friday’s problem solving tasks of Number Lines and Jack and the Beanstalk.

Did you work it out on your own? Did you work together with an adult? Did you manage to create one of your own and challenge an adult?  Well done and keep up the good work!

Well done to: Sonny, Emily, Isla, Ryan, Szymon and Nathan for good accuracy in today’s Sumdog games. 🌟

Reminder: read the question given, look for the correct answer and click carefully!


27.04.20 Home Learning 📚

Good morning everyone!

I hope that you all had a nice weekend and managed to spend a little time in the sunshine. ☀

Remember that even though you are doing school work at home AND spending your weekends and free time at home, it is important to relax and switch your brain off. I have posted a great mental well-being resource at the end of this post and will continue to this week for you to have a look at.

Here are today’s lessons:

Monday 27th April

Literacy: Spelling

Use your spelling method to help you learn your words:


LOOK: at a small group of words and their letter patterns.

SAY: the words quietly, thinking about the letter patterns.

COVER: the key word list.

WRITE: the group of words you have practised

CHECK: how many you have spelt correctly. If you need to, have another go.


Warm up

  • I can read, write and spell words with ‘ear’ and ‘ead.’

Task – Focus – Record your date, title and I can in your jotter. Write out your words from the key word box with a finger space between them.

A) Look at the picture clues. Write the ear or ead words in your jotter.

B) Write four other ear key words from the word bank into your jotter.

C) Write a sentence that includes at least two of your key words.


Main Activity

  • I can match words to simple definitions
  • I can identify hidden words


Task: Extra – Q1-6 The answer to each clue is an ear or ead key word. Write them in brackets after your sentence. For example:

  1. I have a sharp point. (spear)

Extension – A) Find the 11 words hidden in this puzzle where ea sound like the short e sound as in bed. Copy the words you find into your jotter. B) One word in the puzzle can be said in two different ways. Which word is it?

Read and check over your work. 🔍

Finisher: Word Hunt. Can you find any other words that have ‘ea’ that sound like ‘ee’ or any other ‘ead’ words that sound like the short ‘e’ as in bed? Record them in your jotter.


Maths: Place Value

Warm up

  • I can count on and back in steps of 1, 10 and 100 and can describe how this changes the digits in the number

Task – Q1-3. Look carefully at each number line. Write the number that each arrow points to.



Main Activity

  • I can use symbols to help me to describe number relationships – Up to at least 100


Task – Write the Less than < or More than > symbol between each pair of numbers in your jotter. Reminder: in class we asked ourselves the number sentence out loud to help us. For example:

  1. 85 > 65

(We asked ourselves ‘Is 85 more (>) or less than (<) 65?’ We know that 85 is more than 65 so we use the > symbol)

Check over your answers and traffic-light your work. 🚦

Fun Finisher

Sumdog Activity – Mrs Macleod has set up a challenge between P4 and P4/5. Take part in at least 15 minutes of Sumdog today. Let’s show them what we can do Maths Magicians! ⭐


Interested in Science?

Today on Glasgow’s Science Centre 🧪 🧬


Monday 27 April. Learn about what a pinhole camera is with Natalie from The Planetarium team. Discover how it works and make your own simple version at home. You’ll need a cardboard tube, a smaller piece of cardboard, tinfoil, baking paper, a pin, sticky tape, scissors, blu tack, and some adult permission and help. Best suited to over 7s.

Health and Wellbeing 😃

A great way to help children manage their emotions and sleep better is to practise breathing techniques. Taking time out to rest and relax each day with deep breathing allows our minds to become clearer and feel more refreshed and focussed. With practice, our children will have better control over their breathing. They will be able to use their breathing techniques when they are feeling nervous, angry or frustrated and discover that things can change in a matter of seconds!

Mrs McMillan will introduce a breathing technique or relaxation activity each week that you might like to try. This week it’s “Belly Breathing”


Feel free to check out links on the main blog page to websites you may find useful for relaxation activities.

Have a lovely day everyone! 👍🏼


Mrs Maher 🍎

24.04.20 Home Learning ✏️

Good morning boys and girls, 😊

Well done for all of your hard work this week! I have noticed many of you have been taking part in Sumdog Maths and Spelling and reading on Oxford Owl. Super effort! Can I remind you to only complete what you can manage – try reading online as well as Sumdog and feel free to message me on the blog. 📖

Did you start your day with Joe Wicks? We decided to have a change today and start our day with Go Noodle then we enjoyed some of the Kidzbop videos on YouTube. Check them out! 👍🏼

Here are today’s lessons…

Friday 24th April

Literacy: Warm up task – Spelling

  • I can read, write and spell my common words

Log on to Sumdog Literacy and click on spelling. Take part in at least 15 minutes of Spelling games that include your vocabulary. Collect coins along the way. 🌟

Main Task: Writing ✏ 

Write an information report on a topic of your choice. You can write in your jotter, make a leaflet or use ICT to create a PowerPoint.

In your jotter: write a title, heading and three sub headings with three short sections of information about your topic. Each section can be a few sentences long or short paragraph – your choice.

Make a leaflet: fold your paper in your own style (see below), draw a title on the front cover with illustrations and write your fabulous facts inside. It can be a few sentences or short paragraphs. After that colour it in neatly.

Creating a PowerPoint: Make slide one with your name, title and pictures/photos. For the next three slides have a heading and subheadings and include your facts on each page. Remember in ICT we have highlighted the fact online using click and drag and then used the command CTRL + C to COPY. Then click on the text box in PP and CTRL+V to paste information. Include pictures/ photos to match your facts.
🌟 Challenge: Can you add animation?

Topic Ideas:

  • Carry out personal research on a topic of your choice. (favourite sport/ sportsman/ favourite singer/ celebrity/ band/ favourite animal).
  • Use Earth Day or Ramadan (linked to our recent topic of Islam).

Ramadan is the most important calendar event in Islam and it has just begun. It lasts for 30 days until the 23rd May.

To complete this task, find your interesting facts using a variety of media: books/ magazines/ websites (safely).

Useful Links:

Earth Day – https://www.kids-world-travel-guide.com/earth-day.html

Earth Day – https://kids.britannica.com/kids/article/Earth-Day/390242

Earth Day – https://www.natgeokids.com/uk/

Ramadan – https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/23286976

Ramadan – https://www.oddizzi.com/teachers/explore-the-world/country-close-up/egypt/living-in-egypt/festivals-2/ramadan-and-eid-al-fitr/

Ramadan – https://www.dkfindout.com/uk/more-find-out/festivals-and-holidays/ramadan/

Here are a few examples of leaflets to remind you…

Success Criteria:

  • Front cover with a title and illustrations?
  • Headings and sub-headings on each page?
  • Short paragraphs of information?
  • Included topic vocabulary?
  • Included connectives to link sentences?
  • Used openers to capture the reader’s interest?
  • Used a variety of punctuation?
  • Diagrams/ Illustrations to match your writing?

Read and check over all of your writing to check you have not missed anything and that your writing makes sense. 🔍

Fun Finisher
Take ten minutes out and let professional storyteller Julia Donaldson take you on an adventure! There is also a link on this page to listen to chapter books. 📚


Maths: Problem Solving

Today, you have a choice of 2 problem solving cards. Read them both carefully and select one of your choice. Think about which skill is involved to complete.

Card 11 – 1. Make each line add up to 16. Count on carefully. 2. Make each line add up to 20. Check over your answer. 3. Make your own puzzle if you wish. Why not challenge an adult or sibling at home?

*HINT – use the strategies of counting on and look for the number clues of where to start to help you*

Card 15 – Jack climbed up the beanstalk. He always went upwards. He first did it like this: left, right, left, right. Find five others ways that Jack can climb the beanstalk.

*Look carefully at your number clues to help you to start. Use guess, check and improve if you get it wrong*

Don’t give up easily – keep on trying of it gets tricky! I will post the answers on Monday and you can check if you are correct.


Sumdog Activity – Take part in at least 15 minutes of Maths games today. Our next Sumdog maths class challenge with P4/5 will begin next Monday so keep your eyes peeled. 🏆

Well done to: Szymon, Nathan, Isla and Callum for your great effort!  ⭐

Interested in Science?

Glasgow Science Centre at Home🧪🧬

Three Things About Saturn 🪐

Friday 24 April. By popular demand, we’re heading back into space for a fascinating tour of Saturn. Natalie will be sharing three amazing facts about the ringed planet. Perfect for budding astronomers of all ages!

Have a lovely weekend and stay safe! 👍🏼

Mrs Maher 🍎

23.04.20 Home Learning 🍎

Good morning everyone, 😃

I hope you managed to kick start your day with PE with Joe on The Body Coach TV. We have been enjoying it from home too. Remember you can watch back at any time on YouTube or join in at home every morning at 9am! 🏃🏻‍♂️

There is a reminder at the end of the blog about Glasgow’s Science Centre activity and Blair Drummond Safari Park’s live monkey habitat that’s on today, if you are interested. 🐵

Here are today’s lessons…

Thursday 23rd April

Literacy Warm up task: Spelling practise

  • I can read, write and spelling my common words

Word list: Earth Day Vocabularly

Task: Log on to Sumdog Literacy and click on spelling.  Take part in at least 10 minutes of Spelling games that include your Earth Day vocabulary. Collect coins along the way. 🌟

Main Activity – Verbs (doing and being words)

  • I can identify a verb – tells what someone is doing or what is happening.
  • I can include capital letters, full stops, commas and questions marks correctly.


Read the information in the text about verbs twice. 

The frog hops into the water. – hops is the doing verb. It tells us what the frog is doing,

The frog is green and brown. – This is a being verb. It tells us what the frog is.

  1. Copy the sentences. Underline the doing verb in each sentence.
  2. Complete each sentence with the correct being verb from the word bank box.

Making sure

  1. Copy the sentences. Choose the correct doing verb from the brackets to fill each space.
  2. Copy the sentences. Underline the being verb in each one.

Practise your Punctuation

  1. Write out these sentences as a short paragraph. Punctuate the sentences in this story correctly.
  2. In the sentences you have written: a) underline the doing verbs.  b) circle the being verbs.

Read and check over your work then traffic light.🚦

Finisher: Reading

First, log on to Oxford Owl using the ‘my class login’ details woodp4 and password as the password. Next, choose a book of your choice. Listen to the text or read the text. Finally, play an activity if you wish from the top. If your book has more content you may wish to read the first 10/ 15 pages only. 📖

Maths: Multiplication

  • I can count on in sets of 4’s.

Warm up task: Mental Maths. Record your title and Q1-16. You have been given the first two numbers in sequences of 4’s. Can you count on in 4’s and give the next missing number?  You can layout like this:

  1. 20, 24, 28.

You can also use your 100-square to help you with counting.

Read and check over your work. 🔍

Main activity
: Multiplication

  • I can make up multiplication sentences to describe arrays.

Task: Record your Title in your jotter. Look carefully at each picture with pegs for Q1-8. Write two multiplications sums for each set of pegs.

To do this you need to look and count the pegs from the top and then look and count the pegs from the side. Next, count up all of the pegs to give your total answer. (or remember your times tables facts) for e.g.

Q1. 2X4=8 and 4×2=8

Copy the multiplication sums and complete Q9-14 in your jotter.

🌟 You may give the rocket a try if you are up for a challenge!🌟

Check over your answers and traffic light your work.🚦

Finisher: Sumdog Activity – Take part in at least 10 minutes of Maths games today.

Our next Sumdog maths class challenge with P4/5 will begin next Monday so keep your eyes peeled. 🏆

Well done to: Isla, Szymon, Nathan, Lilly, Rebekah, Sonny and Amileigh for your hard work and improved accuracy. 👍🏼

Interested in Science?

Glasgow Science Centre at Home🧪🧬


Thursday 23 April. More experiments for you to try at home as we explore Bernoulli’s Principle. We will investigate how the pressure in a fluid changes when the speed of its flow changes, in this case, air. You’ll need some paper to make some straws and some empty tin cans. Or, you could try a hairdryer and a ping pong ball. Ideal for ages 5 and over.


Shonagh from BDSP will be live TODAY at 12 on Facebook to show everyone the habitat of the Monkeys. Tune in to find out some fabulous facts, ask your own questions and take part in the quiz at the end. 🐒

Have a lovely day!

Mrs Maher 😃

22.04.20 P4 Home Learning 😀

Good morning Primary 4,

I hope you managed to kickstart your day with Joe Wicks on The Body Coach TV. 🏃‍♂️ We have been enjoying getting up, having breakfast and joining in at home every morning at 9am! 😁

Today is is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day and we are raising awareness to protect our environment. There are many ways in which we can care and love our planet but this year our theme is ‘Climate Change.’

Wednesday 22nd April

Literacy: Comprehension

Warm up task: Spelling practise

  • I can read, write and spelling my common words

Word list: Earth, planet, water, land, air, reduce, reuse, recycle, and protect.

Task: Record your date and title. Practise your Earth Day spelling words in your jotter. You can choose an Activity from your grid. This could be: rainbow spelling, bubble words, ABC words (alphabetical order), curly words, word shapes, capital and lower case words or simply write out 4x in your jotter. Check over your work!

Main Activity

  • I can skim and scan the text.
  • I can answer in a full sentence.

Earth Day Comprehension Task

Read the text ‘Earth Day 2020’ carefully twice. Take time to think about what you have read about Earth Day. Complete the questions Q1-Q7 in your jotter. Remember to take a new line for each answer, start with a capital letter and end with a full stop.


I have given you the quanswer (key words from the question to help you answer) in blue to help you start off your answer.


Read and check over your work then traffic light.🚦


Take part in an outdoor activity if you wish: pick up litter, craft a nature collage using outdoor materials you find, go on a nature scavenger hunt, look for different types of butterflies, build a bird house or bird feeder,  build a big hotel, or cut back on energy waste at home by switching off water and electricals.

Maths: Subtraction

  • I can count back in steps of 100’s.  

Warm up task: Mental Maths. Record Q1-14 in your jotter. Complete mental maths sums by counting back and taking away in steps of 100’s. You can also use the link below as an abacus to help you. Check over your answers. 🔍

HINT: Use your strategy of covering over the Tens and Units and look at the Hundreds column only.

To help you, you can make the number and use – to subtract in 100’s: https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/abacus/

Main activity: Earth Day Bar Graph

Task: Read over your bar Graph task. You can draw the bar graph in your jotter that look like this: vocabularly along the bottom and number 1-7 on the left.

You can see that you have 6 columns along the bottom horizontal axis: Earth, planet, water, reduce, reuse and recycle. You have the numbers 1-7 on the left vertical axis.

Your task is to count the number of each word from the top then colouring each rectangle to show the number of words you found. For e.g. there are 7 Earth words so colour up to the number 7 in the Earth column. 👍🏼

Check over your answers and traffic light your work.🚦

Finisher: Sumdog – take part in at least 10 minutes of games today. 🏆

Interested in Science? Today on Glasgow Science Centre at Home:


Wednesday 22 April is Earth Day 2020 – so, we are looking at the importance of bees in the pollination of plants. Plus, you get to make your own flower – we can’t wait to see them! You’ll need some paper or card, pens, pencils or paints, some scissors, glue or tape, and some adult permission and supervision. Perfect for over 5s – though younger children will enjoy too with help from a grown-up.



Have a lovely day! 😃

Mrs Maher 🍎 

21.04.20 P4 Home Learning 📚

Good morning boys and girls,

I hope you are all well and cheery whilst staying at home. Hope you are all enjoying the sunshine. ☀

There are lots of different fun activities on BBC Bitesize also that I am sure you will find it very interesting if you would like to take a look.

Click on the link below > Primary > 1st level P2-4. 🖥



Here are today’s lessons:

Tuesday 21st April 

Literacy: Handwriting

Warm up

  • I can practise my baseline join from the letter i to e.

Task: Focus – Record your date, title and I can statement in your jotter. Copy the ie join and the sentence into your jotter.

A. Copy the pattern into your jotter. B. Copy these letters into your jotter: ie on a line, ide on the next line and igh on the next line.

Remember to start the letter i halfway up on the line. 😃 

Main Activity

  • I can trace and write pattern, letters, words and sentences in my neatest handwriting.

Task: Extra – Record your title and I can in your jotter. Copy these rhyming words into your jotter. Remember to take a finger space between each word and dot the i when you have finished writing the word.


Task: Extension – Copy these sentences into your jotter. Choose a word from the box above to complete each sentence. Check over your tall letters and letters that fall below the line. 📝 

Challenge: can you find and record other words that have ie, ide or igh in them? Record them in your jotter.

Finisher: Reading – Log into Oxford Owl by clicking on ‘MyClassLogin’ at the top in pink and enter woodp4 with password as the password.

Click on MyBookshelf and search for a book of your choice. Look at the front cover and try to read the first page – if you can it’s a good book for you. Listen to the story or read the story and try to complete one short activity. If your book has smaller print or more content you can read 10 pages. 📚 

Record the book title in your jotter and give it a rating out of 5 stars (1 ⭐  is poor > 5 ⭐ is excellent).

Maths: Addition

  • I can mentally count on in 100’s.

Warm up task: Mental Maths. Record your title, I can and Q1-14 in your jotter. Complete mental maths sums by adding on in steps of 100’s. You can also use the link below as an abacus to help you. Check over your answers. ✏

Make the number and use + to add on in 100’s:


Main activity: 3-digit formal addition

  • I can formally add 3 digit numbers by 3 digit numbers with carrying in the units column.

Task: Record your title and I can in your jotter. Take your time to write out one sum at a time with neat digits written underneath each other and the + symbol to the left. This will help you keep the HTU in the correct columns. Use a ruler to draw your answer lines. Calculate each sum.

Remember to look at the example given to remind you how to carry over. If we look at the Units 9 + 1 = 10 so we write our 0 in the units column (one digit in one column) and we carry over the 1 (tens) to the column to the left. Don’t forget to add this on in the next step. 6+2+1=9 so we write 9 under the tens column. Finally 5+4=9 so we write 9 in the Hundreds column. The total answer is 990.

You can use your fingers carefully to help you count on accurately. 👍🏼 Check over your answers and traffic light your work.🚦


Finisher: Play 10 minutes of your ActiveLearn account. Click on my stuff and enter the games to play Bronze > Silver > Gold and collect coins. ➕

WELL DONE to: Amileigh, Nathan, Isla and Szymon for good accuracy yesterday. 🏆

Interested in Science? Check out Glasgow Science Centre at home:



Tuesday 21 April. There are some science show theatre demos on Tuesday to explain Newton’s Three Laws of Motion. Join us for some fantastic forces – it’s fun for all the family, with science over 7s will love.

Reminder: PE with Joe Wicks is live at 9am on YouTube or you can play back at any time. Why not search for The Body Coach TV and join in with the family – keep fit, active and healthy! 🏃🏼‍♂️

Have a great day!

Mrs Maher 😃


20.04.20 P4 Home Learning ✏️

Good morning everyone, 

I hope you all had a lovely Easter with your family, enjoyed lots of chocolate and managed to stay safe. I had a relaxing holiday enjoying the lovely sunshine and going walks each day. ☀

Here is a quick reminder of our home learning plan. Miss Donaldson P5, Mrs Macleod P4/5 and I have collaborated to plan and organise a series of progressive lessons suitable for the age and stage of our learners. If you look at the blog for your child’s class and it is too difficult, go to the class below for support and keep going if necessary until they find the learning that suits them. Likewise, if it is too easy, please go to the class above for challenge. If you would like to complete more, then pupils can try another class’s blog.

Weekly Literacy lessons cover:

Spelling > Handwriting > Comprehension > Grammar/ Punctuation > Writing focus/ Free writing.

Numeracy and Maths lessons will cover:

Place Value > Addition > Subtraction > Multiplication > Challenge Problem Solving or Other.

Children should try to complete:

  • learning tasks on the blog in their jotter (Maths and Literacy) or a page of their activity book
  • Sumdog maths and literacy for 10 minutes each day

Here are today’s lessons…

Monday 20th April

Literacy: Spelling

Use your spelling method to help you learn your words:

LOOK: at a small group of words and their letter patterns.

SAY: the words quietly, thinking about the letter patterns.

COVER: the key word list.

WRITE: the group of words you have practised

CHECK: how many you have spelt correctly. If you need to, have another go.

Warm up

  • I can read, write and spell words with ‘wh.’

Task: Focus – Record your date, title and I can in your jotter. Write out your ‘wh’ words four times from the key word box below and check you have ordered your letters in words accurately. 

Copy these questions. Choose the ‘wh’ word to fill in the gaps from the word bank. Start each sentence with a capital letter and make sure your question mark is neatly on the line.



Main Activity

  • I can Identify words within wh words
  • I can match up compound words and include in sentences

TaskExtra – Record your title and I can in your jotter. A. How many smaller words can you find within these ‘wh’ words?

1. Wheel

2. White

3. Wheat

4. When

Here is an example:

where = he, her, here.

B. Write four questions that you would like to ask your teacher. Begin each sentence with a ‘wh’ word from your key word list and include your question mark at the end. Read and check over your sentences.

– Record your title and I can in your jotter. A. Make as many compound words (one word that is made up of two smaller words) as you can using these words. The first one is done to help you. (no – where = nowhere) Write three sentences using one word from each group you have made.

: Can you research and find 10 other compound words where two smaller words make up one new word? 👍🏼 

Maths: Place Value

Warm up

  • I can count on and back in sets of 50’s


Task: Record your title, I can and 1-14 in your jotter. Complete Mental Maths – counting on or back in 50’s in your jotter. You can use the number line above to help you. Please layout like this.

1. 150, 200, 250.

Main Activity

  • I can match figures to words and words to figures for 3-digit numbers.


Task: Q1-6 – Read the words in each rocket and then write each number in figures. (Numbers) For e.g.

1. 561

Q 7-12 – Read each star and write each number in words. For e.g.

7. Three hundred and sixtyfive

Remember to write the word ‘and’ after your hundreds and include a dash – between your tens and units.

To help you with the spellings you can use the word bank below:

[one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

eleven , twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty.

thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety.  hundred]

Check over your answers and traffic-light your work. 🚦 

Game: Play 10 minutes of Place Value Basketball – Numbers up to 999. Count on your blue blocks of 100’s first, then green blocks of 10’s and then red cubes of 1’s. Click on the correct answer on the basketball to shoot into the hoop. 🏀


Sumdog Activity: Take part in at least 10 minutes of Literacy and Maths games today.


PE with Joe Wicks is live every morning from 9am. Tune in and take part with the family and keep your body fit and active. 🏃🏼‍♂️

Glasgow Science Centre are also showing daily home activities and videos related to Science everyday from their Youtube channel.  Watch or join in today…


Monday 20 April. Learn about the European Space Agency’s rover, The Rosalind Franklin that is due to be sent to the planet, Mars in 2022. Use your new knowledge of what makes a good rover to build your own model and share it with us on social media. You’ll need some things from around the house like cardboard, paper, empty plastic trays, sellotape, glue, scissors and crayons, pens, pencils or paint. Make sure you’ve got permission and supervision from an adult.

For all other Learning activity websites such as Go Noodle etc. please see the main page for all links.

Have a good day and stay safe!

Mrs Maher 😁📚✏🍎