23.04.20 Home Learning 🍎

Good morning everyone, 😃

I hope you managed to kick start your day with PE with Joe on The Body Coach TV. We have been enjoying it from home too. Remember you can watch back at any time on YouTube or join in at home every morning at 9am! 🏃🏻‍♂️

There is a reminder at the end of the blog about Glasgow’s Science Centre activity and Blair Drummond Safari Park’s live monkey habitat that’s on today, if you are interested. 🐵

Here are today’s lessons…

Thursday 23rd April

Literacy Warm up task: Spelling practise

  • I can read, write and spelling my common words

Word list: Earth Day Vocabularly

Task: Log on to Sumdog Literacy and click on spelling.  Take part in at least 10 minutes of Spelling games that include your Earth Day vocabulary. Collect coins along the way. 🌟

Main Activity – Verbs (doing and being words)

  • I can identify a verb – tells what someone is doing or what is happening.
  • I can include capital letters, full stops, commas and questions marks correctly.


Read the information in the text about verbs twice. 

The frog hops into the water. – hops is the doing verb. It tells us what the frog is doing,

The frog is green and brown. – This is a being verb. It tells us what the frog is.

  1. Copy the sentences. Underline the doing verb in each sentence.
  2. Complete each sentence with the correct being verb from the word bank box.

Making sure

  1. Copy the sentences. Choose the correct doing verb from the brackets to fill each space.
  2. Copy the sentences. Underline the being verb in each one.

Practise your Punctuation

  1. Write out these sentences as a short paragraph. Punctuate the sentences in this story correctly.
  2. In the sentences you have written: a) underline the doing verbs.  b) circle the being verbs.

Read and check over your work then traffic light.🚦

Finisher: Reading

First, log on to Oxford Owl using the ‘my class login’ details woodp4 and password as the password. Next, choose a book of your choice. Listen to the text or read the text. Finally, play an activity if you wish from the top. If your book has more content you may wish to read the first 10/ 15 pages only. 📖

Maths: Multiplication

  • I can count on in sets of 4’s.

Warm up task: Mental Maths. Record your title and Q1-16. You have been given the first two numbers in sequences of 4’s. Can you count on in 4’s and give the next missing number?  You can layout like this:

  1. 20, 24, 28.

You can also use your 100-square to help you with counting.

Read and check over your work. 🔍

Main activity
: Multiplication

  • I can make up multiplication sentences to describe arrays.

Task: Record your Title in your jotter. Look carefully at each picture with pegs for Q1-8. Write two multiplications sums for each set of pegs.

To do this you need to look and count the pegs from the top and then look and count the pegs from the side. Next, count up all of the pegs to give your total answer. (or remember your times tables facts) for e.g.

Q1. 2X4=8 and 4×2=8

Copy the multiplication sums and complete Q9-14 in your jotter.

🌟 You may give the rocket a try if you are up for a challenge!🌟

Check over your answers and traffic light your work.🚦

Finisher: Sumdog Activity – Take part in at least 10 minutes of Maths games today.

Our next Sumdog maths class challenge with P4/5 will begin next Monday so keep your eyes peeled. 🏆

Well done to: Isla, Szymon, Nathan, Lilly, Rebekah, Sonny and Amileigh for your hard work and improved accuracy. 👍🏼

Interested in Science?

Glasgow Science Centre at Home🧪🧬


Thursday 23 April. More experiments for you to try at home as we explore Bernoulli’s Principle. We will investigate how the pressure in a fluid changes when the speed of its flow changes, in this case, air. You’ll need some paper to make some straws and some empty tin cans. Or, you could try a hairdryer and a ping pong ball. Ideal for ages 5 and over.


Shonagh from BDSP will be live TODAY at 12 on Facebook to show everyone the habitat of the Monkeys. Tune in to find out some fabulous facts, ask your own questions and take part in the quiz at the end. 🐒

Have a lovely day!

Mrs Maher 😃

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