All posts by gw16parkdeborah@glow

International Olympics Day !

Good morning boys and girls!

Today is International Olympic Day. Below is a range of different activities you could choose from to complete. Remember you can post on the blog, twitter or email ( ) and share which activity you have chosen.


  • Train to win – keep active at home by challenging yourself to try a simple activity such as star jumps, jumping jacks or line jumps (jumping from one side of a line to the other with your feet together and knees bent) each day and track your personal best.
  • Wearable colours design challenge – design a product to show support for Team GB and ParalympicsGB!
  • Winter kit – research and design a piece of kit for an athlete at the Olympic Winter Games.
  • Determination and courage bookmark – decorate a bookmark with a time you showed determination or courage.
  • Inspiration rosette – explore the things that inspire you.
  • Super friend template – what powers would a friendship super hero have?

  • Respect torch and flame – share examples of respect at home, at school and in the community and create a respect torch.


  • Host Cities – research a former Olympic and Paralympic Games host city and create a story to share your findings.

  • Super Saturday – read a newspaper report from Super Saturday, answer the comprehension questions then create your own news article.

  • Paralympic heroes – research and use IT to create a poster profile of a Paralympic athlete.


  • History of the Olympic and Paralympic Games – read our information guide to discover Olympic and Paralympic history. Perhaps you can create your own quiz?




Friday 19th June 2020 🎉

FUNday Friday –

Today is our yearly sports day. Just because we are at home, it does not mean we can’t have a super sports day! Here is our virtual sports day agenda for you and your family to take part in at home.

There are 6 main events listed below. Choose one or as many as you would like to do!

Please share your photos and videos of your participation. Good luck!

🥚 🥄 Egg and Spoon Race · Use a boiled egg or potato, race against someone in your house over a set distance. · If you have no competitors in your house, time yourself to travel the distance and try and beat your highest score each time. The aim is to complete the race without dropping the egg. *Challenge* Make it an obstacle egg and spoon race.

🥾 Welly Boot Toss OUTDOOR · Decide on your starting point and use an underarm throw to toss the welly as far away as you can. · Each person has 3 turns, with the furthest throw being the winner.

🏃‍♀️Sack Race · Find an old carrier bag or a strong bin bag. · Hold the bag by the handles and put your feet inside the bag ready to race. · Hop from the starting point to the finish line. If you have no competitors in your house, time yourself over a set distance and try to beat your score.

🕺🏼Standing Long Jump · Agree on a starting point. · Bend your knees and swing your arms to propel yourself forward into a long jump. · Measure your distance using a measuring tape or by counting footsteps. Each member will have 3 jumps. The furthest jump wins!


 🥔 ‘Shot Put-tato’ OUTDOOR · Normally a real shot put will be used. However, we will use a potato for the ‘Shot-Put-ato’ event! · Decide on a starting point and throw the potato as far as possible using an over arm throw. Each member will have 3 throws and the furthest throw wins!


Create your own obstacle course ·

Option 1 – Basic Course · Start > Bottle Flip > Crawl under a blanket > Jumper ·

Step 1 – Balance: Balance a plastic cup on your head. ·

Step 2 – Flip a bottle ¼ of water before you move on. ·

Step 3 – Crawl under a big blanket. ·

Step 4 – Put on a jumper to finish the race. ·


Option 2 – Challenge Course

Start > Bottle Flip > 10 sit ups > Plastic Cup Balance > 10 Burpees > Jumper and Shorts:

Step 1 – Bottle Flip Challenge ·

Step 2 – 10 Sit Ups and hop one footed to next station. ·

Step 3 – Balance Plastic cup and move to next station. ·

Step 4 – Complete 10 burpees and run to next station. ·

Step 5 – Put a jumper and shorts on over your clothes and run to the finish (stop the clock!)

or Option 3
🌟 Create your own obstacle course.

Be happy and healthy! 🌈 ❣️


Thursday 18th June 2020 😁

Thoughtful Thursday ❤️

Good morning P6/7! I hope you are all well! We only have 4 more days of online learning after today and then it is SUMMER! Can you believe it?! 🌞


I would like you to think one 1 thing you are thankful for from your year in P6/7.

Activities: As always, choose one or more of the activities below, or create your own linked to thoughtful Thursday:

❤️Post a Hug- Cellotape paper together.  Lay down on top of it and put your hands out to each side.  Ask someone to draw your outline.  Colour it in. Post your hug to someone special.

🧡Family and Furry Four-Legged Friends – Who or what do you enjoy spending time with? Is it a family member or a pet? Spend 15 minutes giving this special person or four-legged friend some love and attention.

💜Write a Poem or Draw a picture for someone you love.  Think about a special person in your life. This could be a friend, family member or someone else. · Write a poem or draw a picture for one of these special people.  Share it with that person once you have completed it.

💛An Attitude of Gratitude Each day take a few minutes to talk, reflect or pray for things you are thankful for.  Write or draw a picture of one of these special moments, things or people this week.

💚Feel Good.  Do something this week that makes you or someone in your house feel happy.  It could be drawing, baking, exercising, dancing or simply giving someone a big hug!

💙 or create your own activity linked to thoughtful Thursday ❣️


Let us know what you chose to do today through twitter, the blog or email:

Stay safe! 🌈 ❤️

Missing you all!

Wednesday 17th June 2020 🌟

Good morning boys and girls! I hope you are feeling energetic today! 🦋

Remember to keep using Epic and Sumdog to keep practising your maths and literacy skills!🌟

HUGE well done to DB continuing to use Sumdog!👏🌟

Huge congratulations to the following for being level 5 or above on Epic! Fantastic! I am very proud! AM, DB, JF, EM, EW, GS, KM !👏🌟


Work Out Wednesday

Choose one or more activities to do today and as always you can create your own task, as long as it fits the theme today of working out!


Brainstorm as many types of sport or exercises that you can in 1 minute.

How many did you get?


💪🏻Family Boot Camp: Each member of the family chooses 5 exercises. These can be any move such as a dance move, martial arts or a fitness exercise.  On your next family walk stop every 5 minutes and do one of the exercises for 30 seconds.

🏃‍♂️Film yourself doing a short workout of 5 exercises.

💃🏻Why not try these fab Zumba for kids videos? I’m sure your family will love to join in!  link needed

🕺🏼Just Dance Use ‘Just Dance’ on YouTube. Copy the dance moves and ask your family members to join! Waka Waka /watch?ve9AdPjMqHKE Uptown Funk atch?v=9QAdPjMqHKE

🏃‍♀️Move to Music.  Play a song that makes you happy.  Invite family members to a pick their favourite song to share.  Make up a dance to your chosen song and teach it to someone in your family. Relax and enjoy some music!

😅Wicked Workout Have you tried any of Joe Wick’s work outs? Try a Joe Wicks workout online: watch?v=fomkRYcl_mo

🤪Super Skip Skipping is a fun way of exercising.  Many athletes use skipping as part of their training regime to keep them fit.  Use a skipping rope, hula hoop or simply skip in a large space to get your heart beating faster.

🌟Or Create your own workout!


Remember you can share the activity you chose to do today through the blog, twitter or email:

Have a good day!🌸🦋

Tuesday 16th June 2020 🌸

Good morning everyone 😄 how are you all today?



🍎Name the Fruit · How many fruit and vegetables can you name? · Can you find one for each letter of the alphabet?

🍉Design your own healthy smoothie then make it.  Write a list of your ingredients and design a bottle or container for your smoothie.

🍓Eat Well Plate Think about all the foods we eat. They are broken into fruit and vegetables, carbohydrates, protein, dairy and foods high in sugar or fats. Can you group your last meal into the correct food group?

🍋Cook or help to prepare a healthy meal.  How much did it cost to make?

🍊Make a healthy sandwich for your lunch.  Ask someone to help you and you could even make lunch for all the family.


Remember, you can take a picture of something you have done and send it through twitter, the blog or email:


Monday 15th June 2020

Hello everyone,

Instead of our normal learning activities, this week your home learning is going to be a Health Week.

We have created some fun, healthy activities for you to try at home. Each day we will post some activities, you don’t need to do them all, but we’d like you to try a few each day.
We hope you will all enjoy the health and wellbeing focus this week.

Remember: your brain works better when your mind and body are healthy!

Mindful Monday 


Take a Moment with our very own You Tuber, Mrs McMillan:

High 5 Breathing:


😊Now choose at least one of the activities below:

🌸Using materials of your choice, create a positive/ motivational message. This may be a single word e.g. SMILE using stones. Take a photograph of this and share on Twitter, Email or blog.

🌸Are you feeling a little worried just now? This lovely book might help answer some of your questions. It’s called Everybody Worries by Jon Burgerman:

Can you create your own little book for other children to read similar to this?

🌸Make a list of 5 things that make you happy, 4 things that worry you, 3 things that make you laugh, 2 things that make you sad and 1 thing that makes you angry. Discuss these with someone in your house. It’s important to share our emotions.

🌸We are heading for summer so think about ways to stay safe in the sun and think about a way you can share this information. You could:

-Make a leaflet

-Film a television advert (this could be using real people or using teddies or drawings with stop motion or using just drawings alone, be an illustrator.

-Write an information leaflet


🌸Put away all technology and talk to a family member. What is the best part about being at home? What is the worst part? Talk about any worries you might have.

🌸If you can, source natural objects like leaves, twigs & stones, see if you can arrange them to spell the names of family members or recent common words or make a symmetrical design.

🌸Concentrate Colouring. Colouring is a good way to help you relax and give your brain a rest. Choose a picture, colouring book or use Youtube tutorials to create your own drawing. If you have the materials handy, you could try your best to colour within the lines, even add in shading of using your writing pencil. I will attach one I tried to do, using a pencil. Of course, you do not have to use tutorials, you can just use your imagination and practise your skills. Try listening to your favourite music while you draw/ colour.

🌸You can always create your own task which helps you to stay healthy in your mind and body.


Don’t forget you can tweet pictures of your chosen task or email them:




Friday 12th June 2020

Good morning boys & girls! Hope you are all well! 😊

We have top 7 pupils from the Sumdog challenge from P6/7 & P6. HUGE well done to OT, AM, ST, LH, AK, JF & FW! Fantastic effort guys 👏 🌟



Should hoverbikes be a form of public transport? Your task is to write a balanced argument about the general public using hoverbikes to get around town.

Watch this video to remind yourself of how to write a balanced argument:



Activities- I can write a balanced argument

Begin by making notes on:

  • Reasons for having hoverbikes – what’s good about them? Who would benefit?
  • Reasons against having hoverbikes – what might happen? Is it safe?

Go back to the video clip at 3.04 mins and list useful ‘for and against’  and these words to link the arguments together:

Use this template to help you write a balanced argument:

Here is the success criteria for your argument:

  • The title is a question


·        The opening paragraph introduces the argument.
·        It contains opposing views of for and against.
·        There is evidence to support your arguments.
·        There is a concluding paragraph that includes the writer’s own opinion.
·        It is interestingly written.
·        It is written in the third person (except final paragraph).
·        The final paragraph is written in the first person.
·        It is written using formal and technical language.
·        It contains a mixture of causal conjunctions and adverbials that have been used correctly (see useful words and phrases sheet).


Share the success criteria with someone at home then ask them for some feedback in the form of 2 stars and 1 wish.  If you want, you can email the feedback you received



Activity: I can investigate the probability of getting heads or tails.

  • We are going to investigate whether we have an equal number of heads and tails when we toss a coin 30 times.
  • We will also investigate whether we get an equal number of 1s, 2s, 3s, 4, 5s and 6s when we roll a dice 30 times.
  • Record your findings.
  • Perhaps we will have 15 heads and 15 tails when we toss our coin 30 times?
  • Perhaps we will have each number on the dice 5 times. (five scores of 1, five scores of 2 etc.)
  • It’s up to you to find out!


Challenge and Finisher:

Write out 2 events which have:

  • Likely chance to happen
  • Certain chance of happening
  • Impossible chance of happening
  • Unlikely chance of happening
  • Equal chance of happening



Have the best weekend everyone! 🌞

Stay safe.

Thursday 11th June 2020

Good morning! 🙂


Bob has had his brand new hoverbike for a week now and he’s not happy. It is not what he expected from the advertisement he read. He’s followed the instruction leaflet carefully and it still doesn’t work properly.

Your task is to write a letter or email to The Iconic Transportation Company to complain about their hoverbike.


Let’s remind ourselves of how to write a complaints letter.  Watch this link:

Activities: I can write a formal letter or email of complaint

Think about:

  • How you feel
  • What is wrong with the bike
  • What you want the company to do.


Now use the template in the above video to write a letter/email of complaint.  Make sure your letter is laid out as explained in the video.


Share your letter/email with someone at home or send it to me at  Ask for some feedback in the form of 2 stars and 1 wish.




Activity: I can list all of the possibilities.

Challenge and finisher:


On Sumdog both P6 and P6/7 are in a probability competition, which begins at 9am, and finishes at 7pm. Spend at least 15 minutes on this competition and see if you can make it on to the top 10 leader board! There will be 200 coins awarded for anyone in the top 10.

Wednesday 10th June 2020

Good morning everyone 🙂

Hope you are all staying positive, smiling and being kind.

Firstly, I would like to take the time to say a HUGE well done to EM! She has completed a course for coding. Super effort, we are all very proud of you!



You work for The Iconic Transportation Company who have invented a new method of transport – the hoverbike!

It is your job to let people know about the new invention and increase sales of hoverbikes.

Let’s remind ourselves of the features of advertisements by watching this clip:


Activities: I can use language to persuade my reader

Your task is to create a persuasive advertisement and persuade people to buy one.


Think about:


  • What the hoverbike is
  • Who the hoverbike is for
  • What the hoverbike can do

Remember to:

  • ensure the advert is attractive, colourful and eye catching
  • ensure the reader knows the name of the hoverbike and where they can buy one or find out more information
  • exaggerate
  • tell the reader the benefits
  • use powerful adverbs
  • repeat good points
  • include a snappy slogan
  • ask the reader a rhetorical question


Self-assess you advertisement then, if you can, send me a photo of you advert to




Activity: I can list all the possible outcomes.

Eg. 1a) There are 4 odd numbers out of 9 possible  outcomes: 11, 3, 7 and 21.

