The Pupil Action Group looked at the school improvement plan. They considered how it impacted on the children and presented their findings to their peers. Explaining to children that their participation in school can have the largest impact on their learning journey.
Active: Article 29 The children at Woodlands Primary School understand that within school time children have the right t rest play and engage with work that will help them reach their potential.
Woodlands Primary School hosted a MacMillan coffee morning on Friday the 30th September. Primary Sevens helped serve parents and others from the community. We raised a whopping £506.
Responsible: Article 29 Children have developed their respect for others who are going through treatment programmes or bereavements due to disease.
Our Parent Council organised a great Fun Day for the whole school community – it was a great way to bring the community together. The event raised £487.90!
Included: Article 3 – Adults making decisions for children enabling good choices that affect children.
Welcome to the blog for Woodlands Primary's Pupil Action Group. We fight for children's rights!