Today at assembly we discussed the role of media and how it can influence our thoughts on certain groups in society. We examined headlines linked to refugees and decided if we thought they were true or false.
Responsible : Article 17 – We have the right to get information that is important to our well-being, from radio, newspaper, books, computers and other sources. Adults should make sure that the information we are getting is not harmful, and will help us find and understand the information we need.
During assemblies children have been learning about child refugees. They can identify the difference between a refugee and a migrant and are able to share their feelings about this topic with others.
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Children worked in smaller groups; discussing what words apply to the term refugee.
Respectful : Article 1 – Every child (person under 18) is entitled to their rights.
Our JRSOs have worked hard over the last few weeks. Here is their Road Safety campaign video.
<p><a href=”″>JRSO Video</a> from <a href=””>Woodlands Primary</a> on <a href=””>Vimeo</a>.</p>
Safe – Article 3 – Adult decisions can affect us all.
Responsible – Article 12 – We will share our opinions with adults who live and access the area in and around our school.
As pat of our Outright campaign the children participated in a Know Your Rights Quiz. Children worked in groups discussing possible answers to questions linked to children’s rights.
Active : Article 42 – We know about our right to know our rights. We like to share our knowledge of rights and help other to learn about them too.
Today the P.A.G took to the streets to promote safe driving around our school. They brought their amazing banner and used a speed gun to check that drivers were obeying the speed limit. Most drivers were very careful and slowed down near our school.
Active : Article 12 We have the right to give an opinion, and for adults to listen and take it seriously.
Today at assembly we launched the UNICEF Outright campaign. It tells the story of Paddington bear’s reasons for leaving Peru and travelling to the UK. We compared his circumstances to that faced by child refugees across the world. We got into our house campfires and discussed issues that can impact on child refugees and what can we do to ensure child refugees can fully access their rights.
Responsible : Article 10 – (Family reunification): We are learning that Governments must respond quickly and sympathetically if a child or their parents apply to live together in the same country. If a child’s family members live in different countries the child has the right to visit and keep in contact with them.
Nurture : Article 22 (Refugee children): We are learning if a child is seeking refuge or has refugee status, governments must provide them with appropriate protection and assistance to help them enjoy all the rights in the Convention. Governments must help refugee children who are separated from their parents to be reunited with them.
Mr Green and some Primary Sevens attended NLC Children’s Rights Conference. The children presented a workshop focusing on how rights are promoted at our school; sharing our journey from our introduction to rights, onwards to level 1, our development to level two and beyond. The Primary 7s did a fabulous job and everyone was commenting on what a professional and informative presentation it was (They were even given extra biscuits!) Everyone at the school is very proud.
Active : Article 42 – We know about our right to know what our rights are! We helped Adults know about these rights and how to help other children learn about them, too.
Woodlands Primary School hosted a MacMillan coffee morning on Friday the 29th September 2017. Primary Sevens helped serve parents and others from the community. We raised a whopping £380.
A huge thank you to everyone who attended and donated the delicious home baking.
Responsible: Article 29 Children have developed their respect for others who are going through treatment programmes or bereavements due to disease.
Welcome to the blog for Woodlands Primary's Pupil Action Group. We fight for children's rights!