Meeting On Tuesday 15th December 2015

Today we had a meeting and discussed the following:

  1. Two classes will be a part of a pilot for Unicef’s Kid Power project. It is very exciting and children will have the chance to get active and help bring children out of malnutrition at the same time. After the trial we are allowed to keep the tracking ‘watches’ so other classes will get a chance to use them later in the school year!
  2. The Pupil Action Group would like to trail at this year’s Valentine’s Disco one joint disco that all children can attend at the same time. They feel it is a great chance to have a disco with younger friends and relatives and also to play games together. Mr McCrorie will feed back this decision to the Parent Council at their next meeting.
  3. We will begin work on our RRSA comic in January 2016

Next Meeting: Wednesday 20th January 2016 at 9.30am

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