Sports Relief 2018

Today was our Sports Relief Active Day.  Primary 4/5’s assembly on Monday explained why we run activities for Sports Relief and where the money raised goes to help others. They did a great job, well done P4/5!

Children came dressed in their sport clothes or anything red. They brought £1 to donate to this great cause.  Children participated in many activities during the day (including a house assembly!)

The winners of our Woodlands gym kit design challenge will be announced next week!

Responsible:  Article 17- You have the right to get information that is important to your well-being, from radio, newspaper, books, computers and other sources. Adults should make sure that the information you are getting is not harmful, and help you find and understand the information you need.

Safe: Article 27– Children have the right to food, clothing and other basic needs.  Children should not face disadvantage because of their circumstances.

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