Outright Campaign Launch

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Today at assembly we launched the UNICEF Outright campaign.  It tells the story of Paddington bear’s reasons for leaving Peru and travelling to the UK.  We compared his circumstances to that faced by child refugees across the world.  We got into our house campfires and discussed issues that can impact on child refugees and what can we do to ensure child refugees can fully access their rights.

Responsible : Article  10 – (Family reunification): We are learning that Governments must respond quickly and sympathetically if a child or their parents apply to live together in the same country. If a child’s family members live in different countries the child has the right to visit and keep in contact with them.

Nurture : Article 22 (Refugee children): We are learning if a child is seeking refuge or has refugee status, governments must provide them with appropriate protection and assistance to help them enjoy all the rights in the Convention. Governments must help refugee children who are separated from their parents to be reunited with them.


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