Meeting on Tuesday 17th November 2015

Today the Pupil Action Group met and discussed and decided the following points:

1. The PAG assembly on Comic Relief day went really well and the PAG would like to do more of these. The PAG and Mr McCrorie will plan the next oneĀ and present it along with our first comic before Christmas.

2. The PAG looked through the school’s ideas for a Rights comic and decided upon 10 ideas they would like to see turned into comics.

3. Ava, Katie and Niomi will work with Mr McCrorie over the next few weeks to create the first edition of the school’s Rights Respecting Schools comic.

4. Ruben will work with Mr McCrorie to post relevant information on this blog over the next few weeks.

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday 15th December at 9.30am. Please feel free to comment on this post in the meantime if you have any ideas or suggestions.

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