22/11/18 Happy Thursday 😀

🚨 Alert, bring a full change of clothes tomorrow. All are chairs a gone, for the Christmas fair.

This morning we were unscrambleing letters to make words.We started this yesterday and today, we were trying to beat are score from yesterday.

Next we were finishing are csi or making a true or false questions. We were making them with our reading books.

Now we are going to read Percy Jackson’s and the lighting theif.

Also we have a new writing book for are ideas. We are stealing ideas and then writing it into our jotter.We are learning how to improve our writing.


Now we are going to get our books and  Kimberly is reading to the class then coral and we are writing words down if it is a wow word.Here are some examples.

Then we all chose something to take ideas form and here are some examples.

Me ,Leah and carri are making a power point for the assembly about


kilbowie . After that we are going to do maths, some people have made games on the computers called (do you want to be a millionaire)now we are going tolisten to other people’s ideas. 

These people have worked really hard to make these games. After that we are going to play a maths game called win or lose.

Now, we are starting are new maths topic, and it is add and subtract. We watched a little clip about someone doing millionair. We saved it for the end.

After lunch we did the daily mile. We are overlapping our time to 20 mins. We are going to win, but not with the lazy people.

At the end of the day, we had assembly and some p7s came to the front, to talk about kilbiow,  and what it is like. Mr green put on all the pictures that we took. It was so much fun.

Some people got toke out, to make our delicious treat, for everybody for the Christmas fair.



In the morning we were doing work sheets that made us colour in a picture at the bottom and we hade to colour the right word in and we had to figure out what the correct word is – past tense verbs


We also read our books for twenty minutes and then we got a partner and we were talking about our books to someone that has a different. This isn’t to help us think more clearly



In maths this is the last day of  multiplying and dividing by 10 100 and 1000.

We are also making posters about multiplying and dividing by 10 100 and 1000 here are some examples:



In assembly we are learning about international space stations  because it’s the birthday of international space station the Russian space station and we are learning about people eating insects 2 billion people in the world eat insects like  🐜  and 🐛 all the animals we eat makes damage to our environment . People are making insect burgers and different types of food to make insects into meals that people actually might like.

By Ashton