Meeting on Tuesday 17th November 2015

The Fairtrade Council met today to update the members on our progress so far and our plans for the future.  Here is what we spoke about:

1. Our Fairtrade assembly will be on the journey of the Cocoa bean and will take place in the next few weeks.  Some children volunteered to lead the assembly and Mr McCrorie will work with them over the next few weeks.

2. Bring in recipes from home for the Fairtrade Committee to make at our next meeting on Tuesday 15th December. We will then try these out on pupils and see what is popular.

3. Mr McCrorie will organise volunteers for stall runners for the Fairtrade stall at the Christmas Fayre. This stall will sell Christmas cards.

4. Investigate making the ‘cookie jars’ that P3/4 and P6/7 are making for the Christmas Fayre with Fairtrade products to help promote Fairtrade within the community.

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday 15th December at 10am. Please feel free to comment on this post in the meantime if you have any ideas or suggestions.