Tag Archives: P1b

Fairtrade Fortnight

We had great fun making Fairtrade logos today. We learned that when we see the logo on items at the shop, we know that the farmers have been paid a fair price for what they have grown.

The Fairtrade Council are selling Fairtrade fruit juice and cereal bars throughout Fairtrade Fortnight for the bargain price of £1 for one of each. Snap them up while you can!


Our Local Area

We had a lovely time this morning, having a walk down Whitelees Road.  We wanted to find out about the different homes in our local area.

“I saw a bungalow.” Logan

” I saw a flat.” Connor

” I saw lots of semi-detached houses.” James

“I saw a terrace.” Abbie

‘ I saw detached houses.” Jack

Another Busy Week

The first week in February has been fun, fantastic and fabulous! We have worked hard and learned lots.

“I enjoyed writing ‘ch’ words.”  Luke

“I liked drawing my house.” Cerys

” I had fun using my magnetic board.” Aiden

” I liked learning some new spelling words.” Sheryl

” I liked playing dodge ball.” Kyle

” I enjoyed making a monkey and learning about Chinese New Year.” Alysha

Jack was the Dojo Champion this week.  Congratulations Jack!

Logan was awarded an Effective Contributor Certificate for coming up with super research questions for our local area study.  Well done Logan!

Friday Blog

What a fun and busy week we have had! We have been learning about pictograms and bar charts.  We had great fun practising our ball skills outside and we learned to make a persuasive poster.

“I enjoyed learning about pictograms this week.” Luke Scott

” I liked reading my new book about Little Teddy and Monkey” Alison Robertson

“I had fun making words with my magnetic letters.” Abbie Smillie


This week’s DOJO winner was…Abbie Smillie! Well done Abbie.


James Bradley was awarded a Responsible Citizen certificate for his commitment to the Fairtrade Council group.  Congratulations James!