Tag Archives: P1b

Friday Blog

We have had a busy and fantastic week.

” I loved having an open afternoon.” James

” I liked gluing things into a bag. I chose a toothbrush and also soap.” Erin

” I liked reading.” Luke

” I liked making new words on my magnetic board.” Sheryl

” I liked learning to play tennis.” Jack

We really enjoyed having visitors this week.  They though:

“I liked the open day” Mr Lafferty

” It was lovely seeing the children all working hard.” Mrs Bradley


The Last Week in April

We have had an awesome week!

” I liked designing a new animal to live in Loompa land.” Logan

” I enjoyed writing instructions.” Eilidh

” I enjoyed learning to play tennis.” Cerys

” I liked writing in my Daily Writing jotter.” Kyle

A great big well done to Nathan, our worthy Dojo Champion this week!

Congratulations to Aiden for winning an Effective Contributor Certificate. He was very good at helping his partner this week.

We hope you all have a lovely Bank Holiday on Monday.

Please remember your outdoor P.E. kit for Tuesday.




The children had great fun working on their hand eye coordination this week.

” I learned to hold the racket tightly.” Alysha

” I  had to keep looking at the balloon.” Harry James

” I hit the balloon softly.” James

The First Post of Term 4

We are very happy to be back at school for the last term of Primary 1.  We had a fun and busy week learning lots of new things.

” I enjoyed making words on my magnetic board.’ Aiden

” I liked writing a recount of the school holidays.” Alysha

” I liked making number stories with pegs.” Sheryl

” I had fun learning some new tennis skills.” Maddison

” I liked outdoor P.E.” Jack

A big congratulations to our Dojo winner this week – James!

Nathan received a Responsible Citizen certificate for his excellent self evaluations.  Well done Nathan!

We had a super week and we are looking forward to learning more together next week.  We hope everyone will remember their P.E.  kits for next week.  Indoor P.E. is on Monday and Outdoor P.E. is on Tuesday.


Happy Easter!

Primary 1 heard some sad news this morning. Mummy Chick had lost all her chicks! The Easter Bunny sent us  a letter because he knew we could help and…we found all 40 chicks in no time at all.  Mummy Chick was so happy that she said the boys and girls could take a chick home.

We hope you all have a super Easter.


The boys and girls had a great time learning outdoors! We have made Woodland Potions, written a senses poem in the nature garden and we have been riding our bikes and scooters.



Would you you like to hear some of our senses poems?

The children also used natural items to decorate an Easter egg and made a label for their Woodland Potion.

“I liked riding my scooter.” Logan

“I enjoyed making a label for my potion.” Abbie

“I had fun making a potion.” Eva

“I loved riding my bike.” Cerys

“I liked making a potion.” Ashley

“I liked going to the nature garden.” Kyle

” I liked finding things in the nature garden to decorate an Easter egg.” Nathan

Friday Blog

This has been another fun and busy week for Primary 1.

We watched a very interesting video about Chifundo.  His village has electricty, a bore hole and a school all thanks to Fairtrade! We can still buy a Fairtrade snack next week for £1.


Congratulations to Eva who was our Dojo winner this week.

Connor was awarded an Effective Contributor certificate.  Well done Connor!

We learned lots of new and interesting things this week.

” I enjoyed learning about dentists.” Eva

” I like learning new spelling words.” Nathan

” I enjoyed learning to balance at P.E. time.” Jack

” I liked the spelling test.” Maddie

” I liked finding the missing words from my reading book.” Alysha

” I liked taking away using the dinosaurs.” Connor