Friday Blog

This week has been spectactular!

” I liked playing tennis with Harry James.” Cerys Greig

” I had fun speaking French.” Harry James

” I liked creating my own special chocolate treat.” Jack

” I enjoyed designing an art folder.” Luke

” I liked drawing a picture of a plant.” Ashley

Congratulations to our Dojo winner this week…Eva!

Cerys was awarded a Successful Learner certificate this week for her super counting. Well done Cerys!

Friday Blog

We have had a busy and fantastic week.

” I loved having an open afternoon.” James

” I liked gluing things into a bag. I chose a toothbrush and also soap.” Erin

” I liked reading.” Luke

” I liked making new words on my magnetic board.” Sheryl

” I liked learning to play tennis.” Jack

We really enjoyed having visitors this week.  They though:

“I liked the open day” Mr Lafferty

” It was lovely seeing the children all working hard.” Mrs Bradley