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Information Evening: Questionnaire Responses
September 2017
The staff team would like to take this opportunity to thank you for attending the Information Event and taking the time to complete the questionnaire. The information will help us to evaluate our practice to ensure that we continue to provide a caring, nurturing and educational setting for your children to grow and develop.
- What information did you find most useful in supporting your child’s development and learning?
Responses to this question included how parents enjoyed finding out about the different variety of play and learning experiences which are provided for their children, particularly outdoor learning and Meddy Teddy. Please see below some of the positive comments received;
“ Meddy Teddy is a fantastic idea”
“Enjoyed listening all about Meddy Teddy and how children can discuss how they feel”
“Meddy Teddy encourages children to talk to someone if they feel sad and also teaches calming technique”
“Learning all about the forest and all the different activities the children experience. This is in more depth than we realised”
“Very clear all staff are aware of individual needs of my child”
Points for Action
- Continue to provide a wide range of responsive play and learning experiences to develop and extend children’s development.
- Continue to provide information relating to nursery curriculum via the nursery web-site, twitter and nursery display boards.
- What additional information would you like to receive about your child’s development and learning?
Responses to this question indicated that some parents would like to receive more daily, weekly information relating to their child’s play and learning at nursery. Some of the comments are detailed below;
“A general handover and parents evening”
“An update on focus areas with children in order to further develop this at home”
“Update on milestone progression or anything we can help him work on”
“I’m really happy with the information I already receive”
“None, the nursery provide daily information as required”
“I think everything was covered just right”
Point for Action
- Staff will continue to provide verbal daily feedback to parents regarding their child’s day at nursery.
- Children’s Learning Journey folders will be shared with parents at the end of each Learning Context, enabling parents and children to explore the fun play and learning experiences which have supported children’s development and learning at nursery.
- Continue to seek parent’s views on children’s next steps in learning via the child’s Learning Journey folder.
- Update the nursery web page to include internet links for Meddy Teddy, ABC Music, Having Fun with Language and Sid and SHANARRI.
- Parental meetings are part of the nursery annual diary and will be held in November and June. Specific dates will be noted within a nursery newsletter, on twitter and the nursery web page. Dates will also be displayed on the nursery noticeboard.
- Did you find the event helpful in understanding how your child plays and learns at nursery?
All the responsive were extremely positive, thank-you. Comments included;
“Yes, the nursery is a great environment. The outdoor area is fantastic”
“Yes, I found it really useful in understanding my child’s learning at nursery”
“I found it really interesting. Great to know all the different aspects of their learning”
“Yes, also helped with how/what type of questions we can ask at home to re-inforce what he is learning at nursery”
Points for Action
- Staff to work alongside Parents Committee to arrange small focused workshops throughout the term to provide parents with additional information relating to how the staff team provide play and learning experiences for all children
- Any additional comments
Once again the comments we received were extremely positive. They included the following;
“Thank you for a very interesting and friendly information evening”
“Enjoyed the structure and information”
“We look forward to being part of our child’s learning and development journey”
“I am very happy and content about my child starting St. Timothy’s Nursery”
“An excellent nursery and friendly staff”
The staff team would like to thank everyone for attending and providing us with such good feedback. As a team we strive to create a caring, nurturing, secure play and learning environment for your children to grow and develop and we cannot do this without your continued support.
Thank you