Traditional School Uniform
Black blazer with school badge
Grey skirt / pinafore (girls)
Grey trousers (boys)
Pale blue shirt
Grey jumper / cardigan
Alternative School Uniform
Black fleece jacket with school badge
Grey skirt / pinafore / trousers (girls)
Grey trousers (boys)
Short sleeved 3 button polo shirt with school name
Black sweatshirt with school badge
Additional Information
The polo shirt and sweat shirt are only available through the school.
Ties and blazers with embroidered school badge can also be ordered.
It is necessary for parents to provide a pair of shorts, a t-shirt or blue school polo shirt and gym shoes for Physical Education. This enables the children to move freely during these lessons.
St. Patrick’s Primary encourages children to wear the traditional uniform with shirt and tie. The alternative uniform of polo shirts is recommended for convenience when children are changing for P.E. etc.
Clothing which is unacceptable in school under any circumstances would include items which:
could potentially encourage factions (e.g. football colours)
could cause offence (e.g. anti-religious symbolism or political slogans)
could cause health and safety difficulties such as loose fitting clothing, dangling earrings and other potential dangerous jewellery
are of flammable materials which may be a danger in certain classes
could cause damage to flooring
carry advertising in particular for alcohol or tobacco, and
could be used to inflict damage on other pupils or to be used by others to do so.