Have a look at our wonderful primary 7’s sporting their leavers’ hoodies. I’m sure you will all agree they look fab!
June 23, 2020
by Mrs Carroll
June 23, 2020
by Mrs Carroll
Have a look at our wonderful primary 7’s sporting their leavers’ hoodies. I’m sure you will all agree they look fab!
June 23, 2020
by Mr Dinsmor
June 22, 2020 by Mrs McIntyre | 0 comments
Today we had a lovely day meeting and welcoming all our fabulous new intake of Primary 1s and their parents.
June 22, 2020
by Ms Mulvaney
Hello boys and girls!
Just to let you know I have updated the school closure work page.
Remember and try to post a message on Teams, it would be nice to hear how you are all doing.
Missing you all!
Miss Mulvaney
June 22, 2020
by Mrs Tait
Hello P3/4
I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Today is the virtual sports day and I hope you all have a lot of fun if you decide to take part.
Technically we should be spending our last day of P3/4 in class this Wednesday before finishing up for our summer holidays. I cannot believe how quickly time flies. I hope you all have a lovely summer and have lots of fun with your families. I am looking forward to seeing you all when you return to in school in August.
I have left some tasks in the School Closure section above. You can complete them this week or finish them during the holidays if you wish.
I will add more messages to Teams. Take care for now boys and girls.
Miss Park
June 22, 2020
by Mrs McCargo
This is always my favourite day, I love watching my little ones taking part and enjoying all the fun races! This year I will have to wait and see all your smiley faces when you post pictures to Teams!
Enjoy taking part in the first ever NLC virtual sports day 1
Take care, Mrs McCargo x
June 21, 2020
by Mrs Slavin
Hello boys and girls how are you all?
Sunday’s Gospel was about Jesus sending his Disciples to carry on his mission of preaching and healing. Click the link:
The Gospel is about how the Disciples should not worry so I have included a little link on this too:
In this uncertain time I think it is very important that we should not worry!
Enjoy the time you have with your family boys and girls.
We are looking forward to seeing you all in August but until then stay safe and enjoy your summer holidays!
God Bless, Mrs Slavin x
June 21, 2020
by Mrs Allan
Hello boys and girls! I have posted a few things on our school closure page and on Teams! I hope to see lots of you taking part in the virtual sports day today! Good Luck
Take care,
Mrs Allan
June 19, 2020
by Mr Dinsmor
Letter from Derek Brown Executive Director
Good evening,
Attached is a letter from our Executive Director, Derek Brown and it contains important information about our return to school in August.
The letter outlines that there will be an in-service day on the 11th of August (on which pupils do not attend) and all pupils will attend for at least some of the time in the days covering the 12th, 13th and 14th of August. Exact details of when your child will attend on the first week back will be issued next week. We will ensure all siblings attend on the same days and times.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we have all waited together for more information about our return in August.
Kind regards,
Martyn Dinsmor
June 18, 2020
by Mrs Carroll
1 Comment
My wonderful primary 7 pupils paid a visit to the car park today (they all social distanced of course), to say goodbye to the staff of St Patrick’s and to see each other as a class for one last time. I would like to say on behalf of myself, Mr Dinsmor, Mrs McIntyre and all the staff that you have been fantastic children throughout your seven years at St Patrick’s. You will be sorely missed and I am just devastated that our school year had to end the way it did. However, I know that each of you will go on to achieve great things – remember you are all more than ready for this next chapter in your lives! I will miss you all. xxx