St. Patrick's Primary, New Stevenston

August 30, 2020
by Mrs McIntyre

P.E. Reminder for P5-7

P5-7 Remember to come dressed for Day 2 of the Active Schools Outdoor P.E. programme tomorrow.

P6&7 Don’t forget to bring your bikes and helmets if you have one.





August 24, 2020
by Mrs Carroll

Active Schools

Today primaries 5, 6 and 7 enjoyed the first week of their P.E. block from NLC Active Schools.  Their activities included Archery, Orienteering and Multi-sports.  The children of primaries 6 and 7 also got their bikes safety checked in preparation for their bike skills session next week. A great time was had by all.

August 20, 2020
by Mrs McIntyre

NLC Active Schools Outdoor P.E. Programme

On Monday 24th August, NLC Active Schools will be delivering the first of a four week outdoor P.E. programme for P5-7 in the school grounds and pitch during the school day.  Letters were issued to all pupils today. (please check pockets!)

All pupils in P5 will receive Multi-Sports, Archery and Orienteering.

All pupils in P6 will receive Bike Skills and Multi- Sports and all pupils in P7 will receive Bike Skills , Multi Sports and Archery/Orienteering.

Pupils should come to school dressed for their outdoor lesson with a waterproof jacket.

Pupils who have a bike in P6 and P7 should bring this and a helmet, if they have one to school.(Please also provide a padlock for additional security if possible.)

Bikes/helmets will be available to pupils who require them.

Please get in touch if you require any further advice.


July 30, 2020
by Mr Dinsmor

Schools Update

Good evening,

We are awaiting advice and confirmation of North Lanarkshire Council’s plans for return to school in August. We require this information before we can finalise our own school plans.

As soon as we receive this communication we will share it with our families.

Thank you


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