St. Patrick's Primary, New Stevenston

Sport’s Day 2017


So weather permitting (it’s not looking too hopeful today!) Sport’s Day will begin at 1.30 p.m. in the pitch area. Pupils were given their team colour on Thursday in a letter.  As the letter said,  if your child has an item of clothing/skip hat of that colour they should wear it for Sport’s Day. If they do not then please don’t worry. Pupils should come to school wearing their sport’s clothes/team colour/jogging trousers, sweatshirt and trainers and bring a water bottle. If we are rained out then our sports will take place inside, but unfortunately we will not be able to accommodate spectators due to limited space. A text will be sent out as early as possible if it is cancelled outdoors.

This year North Lanarkshire are supporting the Transplant Games at the end of July. On Friday afternoon NSP are holding a ‘Summer Sloshathon’ to raise money and show support for this charity which had previously helped and supported pupils/staff at their school.  NSP asked St Patrick’s to join in and the pupils and staff have been busy practising our Slosh moves! There will be fundraising buckets available on Tuesday if you wish to contribute a donation. On Friday we are having a dress down day and pupils will choose if they want to participate in the slosh or be part of the audience. Pupils will not be charged for the dress down day but any donations can be handed in all week or on Friday.


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