St. Patrick's Primary, New Stevenston

Primary 4 Assembly


Primary 4 performed “Eddie the Penguin Saves the World” at assembly this afternoon. The level of performance was excellent and enjoyed by pupils, staff, parents and friends. The children taught the audience through song, dance and acting about how to save our planet with the following simple messages:

If the journey to school  is short –

  • think about walking, cycling or use your scooter

Save energy –  use less electricty/gas –

  • if cold, wear something warm,
  • give the tumble dryer a rest by hanging washing on the line to dry,
  • by shutting the door to keep heat inside
  • by turning lights off when you leave a room

And finally:

  • Remember to recycle – place your rubbish in the correct recycling bin


Remember we have one world to care for – follow the above advice and help to save our planet.

Very well done P4 – a fabulous assembly!!!!


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