Category Archives: Primary 5/6

SSPCC visit

Yesterday we had a visit from the SSPCC explaining how we can help to prevent cruelty to animals. P7, P6 and P6/5 attended the workshop together. We saw videos about the charity and were able to ask many questions. We also were able to split into groups and play games about identifying animals. It was great fun and very informative!

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P6/5 Gymnastics

Good morning!

This morning, we were working very hard in gymnastics. We are getting really good at forward rolls, spelling our names with our bodies, mirroring our partners’ balances, bench jumping and springing onto a horse and then from the horse onto a crash mat, landing in the squat position. Now we are in I.C.T., blogging about how well we did.


P6/5 Science Investigation

We have been learning about Materials in Science this term and so decided to conduct an experiment about dissolving. We found that coffee dissolves better in boiling water, than warm or cold water, that 3 vitamin C tablets have a more explosive effect in water than 1 or 2 tablets, that icing sugar doesn’t dissolve as well as caster or granulated sugar and that jelly powder dissolves better in a larger volume of water. Have a look and see how we got on!

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P6/5 and P6 Cooperative Clans

Happy Friday everyone!

Today, our two classes got together again, to create a timeline for the Jacobites topic. It was really good! We didn’t realise how much time had passed between King James VII and II being removed from the throne and his grandson, Bonnie Prince Charlie, going to claim it back. Look how we got on!

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We have created an updated blog from the one pupils have been using so that the posts from previous years can be removed. You can still access this by clicking on the link, Previous Class Blog, under the BOOKMARKS section on the right.  Each class is learning to blog to share their work with others. We hope you visit us regularly to see all the wonderful things that are happening in St. Patrick’s Primary.