Category Archives: Primary 5/6

P6/5 Art

Hi everyone!

We hope you have all been enjoying the fabulous weather we’ve been having lately. In class, we created beautiful flowers to reflect all the bright colours which are growing outside. Take a look at our efforts!


P6/5 Media Studies

In Primary 6/5, we have been working on our latest Media Study. It is based on the trailer for the new ‘Jungle Book’ movie, and we have been analysing it based on our 6 reading comprehension strategies. We are becoming more aware of the ways in which lights, camera work, action and dialogue have an impact on our viewing experience. Here are a couple of photos of the work we’ve been doing. image image image image imageimageimageimageimageimage

P6/5 Fractions Work

in Maths, we’ve been learning all about fractions. Before we move on to working out fractions of quantities, we’re consolidating our knowledge of basic and equivalent fractions. Have a look at the fun we’re having!

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