Category Archives: Primary 3/4

P4/3 Roman Weapons

Good morning everyone!

p4/3 have now completed their homework task, whereby they had to make a Roman shield, sword or dagger. The effort that went into each and every one was tremendous! Have a look for yourself.


P4/3 Active Literacy

This morning, P3 were creating quiz questions for their shoulder partners, about their novels. We then answered and corrected each other’s work. Have a look and see how we got on.


P4/3 Romans Research

Good morning!

As part of our Romans topic, we were researching the similarities and differences between Roman housing and housing today. We were surprised at our discoveries. Have a look and see how we got on.

P4/3 Maths

Hi everyone! This morning, we have rounded up our learning of time by timing each other in seconds, doing certain tasks. See how we got on.


P4/3 Active Maths Selection

In class, when we finish our Maths written tasks, we are allowed to choose an active Maths task. This is  an opportunity for us to revisit many aspects of Maths, not just our learning for that day. Have a look at some of the choices we made this morning!


Learning Time

Hi everyone! P4/3 have been learning how to tell the time in Maths. We are doing really well! Have a look at how we can match lots of different analogue and digital times.


We have created an updated blog from the one pupils have been using so that the posts from previous years can be removed. You can still access this by clicking on the link, Previous Class Blog, under the BOOKMARKS section on the right.  Each class is learning to blog to share their work with others. We hope you visit us regularly to see all the wonderful things that are happening in St. Patrick’s Primary.