All posts by Miss Hollinger

SSPCC visit

Yesterday we had a visit from the SSPCC explaining how we can help to prevent cruelty to animals. P7, P6 and P6/5 attended the workshop together. We saw videos about the charity and were able to ask many questions. We also were able to split into groups and play games about identifying animals. It was great fun and very informative!

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Novel Studies

Primary 7 have finished their block of non-fiction reading and have now began their novel studies. We will be focussing on the 6 reading strategies which were used in the first term.

Each group have designed their own front cover for their new novel. The novels are proving to be very popular already!

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P7 Rugby

primary 7 are in their final weeks of rugby with Ruaridh, from the School of Sport. They have been learning the rules of rugby and how to play but today they got to try out some tackles. This was a lot of fun and there was plenty of screaming and laughing from the children as they practised some different, fun techniques.

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Fit Club

Some pupils from Primary 4 and Primary 5 chose to come to Fit Club every Wednesday after school. We have been playing lots of fun games to keep us fit and healthy and also completing circuits! There have been a lot of very red faces at the end of the club! We still have 3 more weeks to go and the children are enjoying choosing their own stations for circuits and games for warming up and cooling down.

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Friday Funday

Last Friday we had a non uniform day and fun day to raise funds for our school. We started in the morning with a sponsored danceathon which Primary 7 led. Each class had a 20 minute slot to come and dance along with Cyber Coach. Primary 7 had great fun participating!

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Feast of St Blaise

Fr. Daniel visited Primary 7 this morning to tell them about St Blaise. His feast day is on February 3rd and he is the patron saint of sore throats and other ailments. Fr. Daniel explained to the children why this was and then we had a short prayer service and we had our throats blessed by Fr. Daniel.

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This week is Catholic Education Week and the children will be focussing their religious learning on the Year of Mercy.


P7 tartan making

This week Primary 7 have been designing some tartan that would be suitable for the Jacobites. They firstly designed the tartan in their jotters and then got more creative by creating tartan patches using coloured card and coloured wool. The tartan effect was completed by weaving the wool through the card. They look fabulous, have a look at the children preparing their tartan.


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P7 Rugby

This week Primary 7 began a 6 week block of rugby with Ruaridh from the School of Sport. Ruaridh is trying to encourage the children to join the School of Sport once they go to St Maurice’s in August.

The children have been learning how to play touch rugby and have had the opportunity to practise passing, attacking and defending. They have been able to play short games of touch rugby in their groups.

Here are some pictures of the class in action.

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