The Physics department is part of the Science Faculty which is located on the top floor along with Chemistry and Biology. The faculty Head is Mr Osborne.
The Physics Department consists of 4 members of staff.
Mr Osborne (Faculty Head)
Mr McCann
Mrs Menzies
Mrs Howie
The department, as well as offering broad general education for S1-S3, offers the following courses:
National and Higher Qualifications
- National 4 Physics (S4)
- National 5 Physics (S4)
- Higher Physics (S5/6)
- Advanced Higher Physics (S6)
Online Learning
In addition to BBC Bitesize and Scholar the following can be used in line with files on the Physics department home page and within Glow.
Nat 4-AH (Special thanks to Mr Wilkinson from Wallace High for sharing this page.)
Nat 5 Past Papers by Topic
Higher Past Papers by Topic
Advanced Higher Past Papers by Topic