St Helen's Primary & Nursery

Primary 1a


Good morning boys and girls,

I can’t believe we are now at the end of our second week of home learning! I hope you have all enjoyed completing your tasks at home and impressing your families with your hard work.

I am missing you all very much and the fun and laughter of our classroom but I am enjoying some extra time at home to try new things. I’ve been learning how to bake cakes which is great fun and has been keeping me very busy. Nieve sent me a message on Teams and told me that she has been learning Spanish with her gran on Facetime too – what a fantastic idea! Has anyone else tried anything new?

Remember, today is the final day of our Sumdog challenge! I can see that many of you have given it a go already and some people have even completed it! If you’ve not been on yet, why not give it a go today?


Do you remember all of the Bible stories we read together in class all about Easter? This Sunday is Palm Sunday when Jesus and his friends had a parade in Jerusalem but some of the leaders did not like it! Maybe you could tell someone in your family about what you heard.

Today we stop for our Easter break which will be quite different this year as we will be spending most of our time at home but I’m sure you will find lots of ways of keeping busy and will enjoy relaxing with your families.

I have attached an Easter activity booklet if you’re looking for something to keep you busy whilst you’re at home.

Easter Activity Booklet

Happy Easter to you and your families!

Love from,

Miss Gillooly and Mrs Boyle xx

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