Primary 7- Maths Activity

Good afternoon Primary 7,

How did you find today’s mini assessment?

This video will take you through the answers to the 4 number operations with decimals assessment. Check your answers and give yourself a score.

I would really like to hear how you got on! 😀

Have a great weekend everyone!

Mrs Butler ❣️🌈


Friday 1st of May

🌈 Good Morning Primary 4/3 🌈

Today is Friday the 1st of May, a new month, a special month as we remember that this month is dedicated to Mary, Jesus’s Mother.

As we normally go to mass on the first Friday of every month, maybe today, with an adult supervising, you could watch the live stream of mass with Father Campbell at 10.00 am on Facebook.

Let’s begin with our morning prayer and afterwards we will remember all those who have died:🙏

Eternal rest grant unto them O’Lord

and let perpetual light shine upon them

May they rest in peace.

May their souls

and the souls of the faithfully departed,

Through the mercy of God

rest in peace. Amen.

The Diocese of Motherwell have asked the school to share with you that every weekday during May, they will tweet a new video for families to do at home and these will also be hosted on their website and on Facebook.  Here is the first one for you.]

DOM Daily Angelus Challenge CardDOM Daily Angelus Challenge Card

Attached above is a lovely card for you to record your prayer each day. 🙏

In class we would be creating our May Altar.  If you have a little space in your room or in your home, you could create your very own May Altar.  I have attached a powerpoint to show you what you would need.   May Altar


Literacy-Task – 1st May


Please log in to Sumdog to find your times table challenge for today.

Boys and girls well done for all of your hard work on Place Value.  I have attached below a link to take you to a wee recap of Place Value up to 3 digits.   This will help you consolidate your work from the last two weeks.  If there is anything you are still unsure of, please let me know and I can send you some more work to practise.

Health and Well-being

It’s been a while since I have completed Joe Wicks as we have been using our daily walk to keep active here.  I think I’ll log on to carry out my exercise for today.  Why don’t you join me!

If you have time and have not already done so, a little reminder about the road safety mascot competition.  Today is the closing date, so you still have time.  Remember to send a photograph of your entry to Miss McMullen at  All the details are on Twitter.

If you need me for anything today, please get in touch by email – my email address is

Thank you to everyone for all your great work this week.    Thank you also to all of our parents/guardians for making this all possible.  I hope everyone has a lovely weekend.  Take care and stay safe.  Hopefully the weather picks up

Mrs Boyce x 🌈🌈



Primary 6 – Friday 1st May

Good Morning Primary 6,


Yay, It’s Friday!!

Time for a spelling assessment.

Here are your spelling words for this week. If you can, have another member of your family read them to you as you write them into your jotter, when you are done correct them using this list.

arrow, narrow, sparrow, yellow, elbow, pillow, window, follow, hollow, borrow, sorrow, burrow, shadow, shallow

For those of you who are feeling confident here is an extended list with some extra words from this week.

growl, known, prowl, show, growth, scowl, clown, slow, blown, brown, throw, crown, shown, down, frown, thrown


Here’s Cressida Cowell reading chapter 18 of, “How to Train your Dragon.”

Toothless has shown extraordinary bravery. Why? Make a list of the possible reasons for Toothless to behave so out of character. Even Toothless seems surprised by his own actions telling himself that dragons are selfish even while he is flying up The Green Death’s nose.



Here are the answers to yesterday’s maths questions:

Example :- 3.48256 = 3

a) 2  b) 4  c) 7

d) 9  e) 5  f) 8

g) 12  h) 12  i) 26

j) 1  k) 28  l) 32

Today I would like you to use what you have learned about rounding this week while doing some division. Don’t worry though you can use a calculator for all of these sums, it’s just the rounding that you will need to do yourself.

Write down the answers to these division sums and then round them to the nearest whole number.

Example: 34 ÷ 7= 4.857  rounded to 5

a) 30 ÷ 7  b) 45 ÷ 6  c ) 78 ÷ 15  d) 104 ÷ 27  e) 215 ÷ 46  f) 400 ÷ 39

g) 840 ÷ 350  h) 1000 ÷ 76  i) 2500 ÷ 104  j) 15 ÷ 14  k) 0.2 ÷ 0.3  l) 85.6 ÷ 100

Yesterday I asked you to look at some statements and decide if the situations were fair or unfair in your opinion. Today I would like you to look at statements and decide if your behaviour is fair or unfair.

a) You are punished for breaking the rules but you’re not given a chance to talk your way out of it.

This is …….

b) You see someone else breaking the rules so you break them too.

This is …….

c) You want a bit of fruit bar so you try to cut a deal using your chocolate bar.

This is …….

d) You are being so annoying that someone gets furious and yells loudly at you.

This is …….

e) You do the wrong thing but you have a plan for how you will talk your way out of it.

This is …….

f) You are working with someone else to pack up 25 chairs. You pack up 5 chairs and they pack up 20.

This is …….

g) A friend shares their fruit bar with you so you share the bar of chocolate you don’t want with them.

This is …….

h) Everyone else is working but you are talking.

This is …….

i) You are working with someone else to pack up 25 chairs. You pack up 15 chairs and they pack up 10.

This is …….

j) A few people in class are talking when they should be working and you are talking too.

This is …….




Today is the first Friday in May and we would have been going to Mass today. You can follow Holy Mass which is being streamed through Facebook (supervised by an adult) by Father Campbell at 10am on weekdays.

Remember you can still choose another task from your learning grid and there are other tasks on Sumdog, StudyLadder, FirstNews and Scholastic Books.

You can email me any of your work at:


Mr. McIntosh

Primary 5/4 – Friday 1st May

Good morning everyone and happy Friday!

Another week of home learning nearly over!

Today is the last day to enter the road safety competition. If you want to take part please make sure you send a photograph to Miss McMullen today. Thank you to everyone who has already sent in photographs.

Normally we would all be going to First Friday Mass today but sadly we can’t. However, what we can do – and you need an adult to agree and help you – is to follow First Friday Mass on Facebook with Fr. Campbell at 10am. If we are lucky he might give us an extra, sneaky playtime!

Have a look at the calendar below. I am going to use this everyday in May to help me – maybe you could too?

See below for activities for today and for the DOM Daily Angelus Challenge Card.


DOM Daily Angelus Challenge Card

Have a lovely weekend and I will be back on Wednesday.

Mrs McGill


Primary 1b- Friday 1st May

Good morning everyone😀

Rise and shine, it’s HAPPY FRIDAY and you have nearly completed your second week of term 4. Well done my Super Stars!🌟

Today marks the start of a brand new month. Do you know what month it is today?

Let’s begin our day with our morning prayer.🙏🏻

God our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us use properly, the many gifts you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together in school. St. Barbara, pray for us.

Here is today’s overview:

Below I will include any additional information that will help to support your child with the tasks that I have assigned for today.


Spelling Test 💭 

  1.  shed  2. crash  3. with  4. thin  5. chest  6. much  7. lungs  8. bring  9. when  10. which


One Springy Day 💐 

Reading Task- Design a Book Cover 📖 



Count from 1 to 100 with DJ Count 🎧

Topmarks- Daily 10 ⏱

HWB 🧘‍♀️ 🧘‍♂️ 


The Month of Mary 🌹

Creating a May Altar ✝ 


Today we would have been going to First Friday mass. It would be nice if you could follow Mass today which is being streamed through Facebook (supervised by an adult) by Father Campbell at 10am.

Golden Time ⭐ 

Of course you deserve some golden time after all of your hard work this week. You have continued to impress me with all of the wonderful work that you have been sending me. I loved seeing some of the amazing Superheroes that you created! Well done!

I think the mums and dads deserve some golden time too. They have been working hard helping you learn at home and I am so grateful for all of their help. 🙏🏻Let them put up their feet tonight and perhaps you could treat them to a little bit of peace and quiet or you could help them with some chores.

Thank you everyone for another great week. 👏

I thought you might like to finish off this week with a little song and dance! Here is one of your favourite Go Noodle dances, Pop See Ko. I tried it at home and it was so much fun! 💃🏼 🕺

Have a fabulous weekend boys and girls. Take care!

Miss  McEleney😀❣️🌈



Primary 1a – Friday 1st May

Good morning boys and girls! Happy Friday!😁 I hope that you have had a good week. This is the 1st of May, a new month.  Usually we would go to mass on the first Friday of the month.  Fr Kenny is live on Facebook at 10am, perhaps your parents would tune in and watch mass with you, this would be a nice way to begin your day.

Literacy – Let’s begin today by revising all of our initial sounds and phonemes.

How did you get on with your alphabet scavenger hunt on Wednesday? I hope that you found an item for most sounds in the alphabet. If you didn’t manage to do this perhaps you can try it today?

Please revise all of the common words in your word tin.  Can you ask a parent to test you on the  common words that you have been practising this week? How well do you know them? Please write them neatly into your jotter. Remember to put today’s day and date at the top of your page.

1. this

2. that

3. then

4. with

5. us

6. so

7. much

8. now

9. new

10. out

Now mark them out of 10. How many did you get correct?

Reading – Continue to read the book that I have assigned you on Scholastic.  Can you design your own front cover for the book, including the title, author and illustrator’s name and picture of your own? If you prefer to use a Collins book you can.  Well done to all the boys and girls who have read their books, I can see that you have been doing really well. Keep it up!

*Please e-mail for logins if you haven’t already, these resources are helpful.*

I have also set a few tasks on studyladder for you to try.


As Friday is usually a testing day to test your knowledge, I’d like you to try another Daily 10 on topmarks.

Select level 1/Addition/Missing number calculations up to 10.

Practise writing your numbers up to 30 in your jotter.  Remember to leave a space between each number.

RE – This Sunday’s Gospel is about Jesus the Good Shepherd.

This story teaches us that Jesus is always there for us when we need him.  We are like the sheep and Jesus is the Good Shepherd.  Our Good Shepherd loves us and will protect us.  When we have Jesus as our shepherd we are safe.

Remember to say your prayers for everyone in our world who is sick and in need just now.

Can you draw a picture of Jesus – The Good Shepherd?

Have a great weekend.

Mrs MacLeod 😁🌟

Friday 1st May- Primary 7

Happy Friday Primary 7,

It’s nearly the weekend 🙂! Today marks the beginning of May, this is my favourite month of the year. We always get such lovely weather which makes me smile.

Let’s begin with our morning prayer. Find a quiet spot, close your eyes, join your hands and say thank you to God for looking after us and keeping us safe.

Here is the link to today’s learning activities-

Friday 1st May

These are some of the resources that you will need to support you with today’s tasks-


Reading Task

2nd Level April Calendar ANS (1) 

2nd Level May Calendar

May Altar

Grow your own rainbow

Well done for working hard this week again Primary 7, I know it’s not easy in these circumstances. I really enjoyed hearing from some of you this week, your emails really cheered me up because I am missing you all. Remember you can email me at or

A huge thank you to all of your parents who are supporting you during this time. Please do not worry if you were not able to complete some activities this week, there was plenty for you to choose from and remember they are only suggestions. The main thing is that you are all keeping active, are healthy and safe. Maybe you could treat your mum and dad today and do something special for them to say thank you for helping you over these past few weeks? Perhaps you could make them lunch or a cup of tea?

Have a fantastic Friday and I will be back on Monday with some more fun learning activities.

Mrs Butler ❣️

Friday 1st May 2020

Good morning primary 3,

Can you believe that another week of home learning is over?

Please start today by saying the morning prayer.

God Our Father as we prepare to begin our work we ask you to help us to use properly the many gifts you have given us so that we may fully benefit from our day together in school.

St. Barbara pray for us.


Start off your literacy tasks today by doing some revision on adjectives.

Can you remember what an adjective is?

Take a look through the power point below to help remind you.


Now please write 5 sentences that contain an adjective. You can do this in your jotter.

For spelling today let’s have some fun!

What is the most creative way you can think of to revise your spelling words?

I had a go at home and chose to do some shaving foam spelling. It is harder than it looks!

Click the link below to take a look at how I got on.

Foam Spelling

Choose any method you like to practise your words today. Please remember to ask an adult’s permission before doing anything messy.

You can rainbow write them in your jotter if you would prefer.

For reading today I would like you to have some ‘ERIC’ time. This means we are reading for enjoyment. Choose any book or story you enjoy and sit down to read quietly. Reading is so important and can be so much fun when you find a story you enjoy.


To begin please choose a times table to revise. Go over it in your head or write it down in your jotter. Ask someone at home to test you on your focus table.

Yesterday I discovered a fun maths game for you try. This is called rounding pairs.

I had a go at home and was trying so hard to beat my time.

Click the link below to see how it works.

Rounding Pairs


Today we should have been attending  First Friday Mass. You can follow Holy Mass which is being streamed through Facebook  by Fr. Campbell at 10am. Please remember you must be supervised by an adult.

May is the month when we focus on Mary, the mother of Jesus. Traditionally at the beginning of May we would change the altar in our classroom to honour Mary. Why not see if you can set up your own altar somewhere in your home to have a special place to remember Mary during the month of May?  Click the link below to find some ideas of what you can include in your May altar.

May Altar

Health and Wellbeing

As today is the first day in the month of May, I thought we could take part in the ‘Meaningful May Calendar’.


Today it asks us to remember what is really important to us and why.

Finish off your day with some well deserved golden time and do something that makes you feel happy.

Take care and have a lovely weekend.

Miss McMullen x


Friday 1st May 2020

Primary 5

Friday 1 May 2020

Good morning to all the boys & girls in Primary 5. Happy Friday!

I have attached a link to today’s plan of work and activities for you.  Please remember only do what you can and are able to, and don’t worry if you don’t get it all completed.

Primary 5 work 010520

I have also included below a video of children saying The Angelus prayer, as referred to in the linked document.]


Well done Primary 5. You are finished for the week.

Enjoy your weekend and take care.

Mrs Goodwin


Primary 2- Friday 1st May

Good Morning boys and girls,

Let’s begin with our morning prayer 🙏🏼

God our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us to use properly, the many gifts you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together,

St Barbara, pray for us.

Hooray, it is Friday and a brand new month already…does anyone know what month it is now? Why not begin with your days of the week and months of the year song to find out! (I’ll give you a hint, last month was April)

Today we would have been going to First Friday mass. It would be nice if you could follow Mass today which is being streamed through Facebook (supervised by an adult) by Father Campbell at 10am.

Here is today’s suggested learning- Friday 1st of may


Well done for another great week of home learning, you are all doing amazing! Let’s work extra hard this morning before your well deserved afternoon of golden time (parents too!) 🌟

Once again parents/carers, I would just like to say a huge thank you for all you are doing-it does not go unnoticed. Give yourself a pat on the back for another great week. 👏🏻

I hope you all have a lovely, relaxing weekend with your families.

Take care,

Miss Shreenan 🌈 x


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