Primary 5: Monday’s Money Answers

  1. a) 15   b) 30    c) 40   d) 70   e) 50   f) 50
  2. a) 6   b) 8   c) 12   d) 18   e) 40   f) 24
  3. 10 ways:

(5,5)   (5,2,2,1)   (5,2,1,1,1)   (5,1,1,1,1,1)

(2,2,2,2,2)   (2,2,2,2,1,1)   (2,2,2,1,1,1,1)

(2,2,1,1,1,1,1,1)    (2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)   (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)


You might have found some of the following:



Word Problem Answers- Primary 7

Word Problem Answers

Good afternoon Primary 7,

Here are the answers to today’s word problems. How did you get on? Feel free to send me your work and I can have a little check over it for you.

Bronze Answers

  1. There are 138 boys at St Luke’s.
  2. Charlie has £5.15 in total.
  3. There are 1080 packets cereal altogether.
  4. Each kiwi fruit costs 15p.
  5. The machine makes a total of 2497 nails altogether.

Silver Answers

  1. Each kiwi fruit costs 22p.
  2. The product is 68.4.
  3. Mr Daw has given out 522 stickers.
  4. Katie has £2.26 left.
  5. 14 bags will be needed.

Gold Answers

  1. There were 12905 ants altogether.
  2. 448371 people live in Coventry Warwick and Leamington Spa altogether.
  3. Earth is 5963km bigger than Mars.
  4. Mr Daw will have eaten 6216 biscuits by the end of the year.
  5. Each kiwi fruit is 6p cheaper if you buy them in a pack of 8.

Enjoy the rest of your day and I will be back tomorrow morning with some more learning activities.

Mrs Butler

Primary 6 – Monday 18th May

Good morning Primary 6,

Just a little extra post today to celebrate some of the brilliant work that our classmates are doing. Just look at this comprehension work that Safeia completed.

Brilliant work Safeia! Well done!


Mr. McIntosh

Parental Survey: Home-Learning Programme

Dear Parent,

We would like to evaluate our current home-learning programme. Please click on the link below to complete a brief survey. Your responses will help us to develop and to improve our programme. Please complete it on/before Thursday 21st May. Thank you.

Mrs McKinney

Primary 1a. 18.5.2020

Good morning, boys and girls.  I hope you had a lovely weekend and are all ready to start this weeks activities.

See the source image


We will start today by saying our morning prayer.

God Our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us to use properly the many gifts that you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together at school.  St Barbara Pray for us.🙏


Yesterday was the sixth Sunday of Easter. In the Gospel, Jesus said that if you love him, you will keep his commandments.

Commandments are rules. However God’s rules are all about love – about loving God and each other. If we love someone, we try our very best to show that by being polite, kind, generous and happy when we talk to them or about them to others.

You have rules at home and we have rules at school. Just like the Ten Commandments, our rules are all about looking after each other and doing the best for each other so that we can all be happy together at home or in school.

Sometimes we break the rules – adults as well as children. If we break God’s rules, we call that sin. Don’t worry though, we can make it better.

Just like at home or in school, if we are sorry and say that to the person we have hurt – and try our best not to do it again – God will forgive us because he loves each one of us so much.

We can read about the Ten Commandments which were given to Moses in the Old Testament which is the first section of the Bible.

You can see them here. Read them or ask an adult for help then speak to someone in your family about them.

In the New Testament, (the second section of the Bible), Jesus spoke about love all the time. In fact, he made a ‘New Commandment.’

He asked us all to, ‘Love one another as I have loved you.’

If you think about it – we all love ourselves and look after ourselves.

Jesus is saying simply that we should love everyone else as much as we love ourselves. If we all did that, the world would be a much happier place! In fact, if we all did that then we would be following the Ten Commandments without even realizing it!

At Easter, Pope Francis told us that we should love and care for each other, ‘No ifs, no buts!’

Today, let’s think about how we love each other, our family and our friends.

I would like you to choose one of the following activities. You can download and print a picture or you can make one of your own. When you have finished it, place it somewhere where all of the family can see it to remind yourselves of how just much you love and care for each other.


Please email your pictures to or, with an adult’s permission, upload them on to Twitter.


Your new phoneme sound this week is ‘ee’

Here are some ‘ee’ words for you to learn.






First of all, I would like you to read the words to your mum or dad.  Remember to sound out the words – e.g.     ee  d      =     seed.

Now, write each word 3 times using  look, say, cover, write and check.

Now, can you write a sentence with each word. Remember to put a capital letter at the start of the sentence, a full stop at the end and finger spaces between your words!


Healthy Snack Day!

We’re heading towards our Virtual Sports’ Day next Tuesday and what better way to prepare than to think about healthy snacks for the day.

They don’t need to be fancy, just healthy and tasty.

Have a look at some of these:

Try to create a healthy snack of your own. What ingredients might you need?

Cooking Skills for Learning, Life and Work!

Depending on your age, you could practise some of these skills  as you prepare your snack. You might need to ask an adult for help.

You will be using skills that will be with you for the rest of your life. These skills are progressive. That means that if you haven’t peeled or sliced ingredients before (see the Primary 1 list) you will need to practise these before you move on to the next list!

Remember to wash your hands before you begin!


At Early Level

Primary 1

First Level

Primary 2- Primary 4

Second Level

Primary 5 – Primary 7

o    Peeling

o    Slicing

o    Mixing

o     Spreading



o    Washing ingredients

o    Peeling

o    Cutting

o    Juicing

o    Grating


o    Weighing

o    Measuring

o    Kneading

o    Chopping

o    Baking

o    Grilling

Once you have made your snack, take a picture before you eat it and share it with all of us!

You can email your picture to or upload it onto Twitter with an adult’s permission. Happy Healthy Snack Day!


Boys and girls, Remember to log in to SUMDOG today if you can, lots of your friends at school are taking part in a competition – why don’t you get involved too!

Today, we are going to do some shape revision.  Can you count the corners and sides and put in the answers?

See the source image


See the source image

Now some addition.  Remember, when we add 2 numbers together we get a bigger number.

See the source image

Now, do the take-away sums and colour in the picture!

I know there are lots of things for you to do today, boys and girls.  But remember, you only have to do what you can manage.  You don’t have to complete everything.

I hope you have a great day. Take care,

Mrs Connolly.

















Primary 3 – 18th May 2020

Good morning primary 3,

How are you today?

I hope you all had a lovely weekend.

Remember to start today by saying the morning prayer.

God Our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us to use properly the many gifts that you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together at school.  St Barbara Pray for us.



Please click the link below and continue to work on your addition work. Today we are revising how to add 3 numbers together. Remember to try and do these questions in your head.

Red Task

Amber and Green:

Today these groups are working together.

Please watch this short video below to look at how we can add using the ‘chimney sum’ method.

Now click the link below to access your task.

Amber and Green Task

Please remember the Sumdog competition is still live. Primary 3 have not yet qualified. We  need 3 more players. Please log on and have a go!



Please cut and paste the link below to access Scholastic. You will see a new book has been assigned for you to use this week.


Today we are going to learn a brand new phoneme. We will be working on this phoneme for the next 2 weeks. Please click on the link below to find the new phoneme for your group.

New Spelling Words

Please find a video to support you below.

Group 3:

Group 2:

Group 3:

Can you draw a phoneme flower for your new sound?

Write a sentence for each word.


Yesterday was the sixth Sunday of Easter. In the Gospel, Jesus said that if you love him, you will keep his commandments.

Commandments are rules. However God’s rules are all about love – about loving God and each other. If we love someone, we try our very best to show that by being polite, kind, generous and happy when we talk to them or about them to others.

You have rules and home and we have rules in school. Just like the Ten Commandments, our rules are all about looking after each other and doing the best for each other so that we can all be happy together at home or in school.

Sometimes we break the rules – adults as well as children. If we break God’s rules, we call that sin. Don’t worry though, we can make it better.

Just like at home or in school, if we are sorry and say that to the person we have hurt – and try our best not to do it again – God will forgive us because he loves each one of us so much.

We can read about the Ten Commandments which were given to Moses in the Old Testament which is the first section of the Bible.

You can see them here. Read them or ask an adult for help then chat to someone in your family about them.

In the New Testament (the second section of the Bible), Jesus spoke about love all of the time. In fact, he made a ‘New Commandment.’

He asked us all to, ‘ Love one another as I have loved you.’

If you think about it – we all love ourselves and look after ourselves.

Jesus is saying simply that we should love everyone else as much as we love ourselves. If we all did that, the world would be a much happier place! In fact, if we all did that then we would be following the Ten Commandments without even realizing it!

At Easter, Pope Francis told us that we should love and care for each other, ‘No ifs, no buts!’

Today, let’s think about how we love each other: our family and our friends.

I would like you to choose one of the following activities. You can download and print a picture or you can make one of your own. When you have finished it, place it somewhere where all of the family can see it to remind yourselves of how just much you love and care for each other.

Please email your pictures to  or, with an adult’s permission, upload them on to Twitter.



Healthy Snack Day!

We’re heading towards our Virtual Sports’ Day next Tuesday and what better way to prepare than to think about healthy snacks for the day.

They don’t need to be fancy…just healthy and delicious.

Have a look at some of these:

Try to create a healthy snack of your own. What ingredients might you need?

Cooking Skills for Learning, Life and Work!

Depending upon your age, you could practise some of these skills  as you prepare your snack. You might need to ask an adult for help.

You will be using skills that will be with you for the rest of your life. These skills are progressive. That means that if you haven’t peeled or sliced ingredients before (see the Primary 1 list) you will need to practise these before you move on to the next list!

Remember to wash your hands before you begin!

At Early Level

Primary 1

First LevelPrimary 2- Primary 4 Second LevelPrimary 5 – Primary 7
o    Peelingo    Slicing

o    Mixing

o     Spreading



o    Washing ingredientso    Peeling

o    Cutting

o    Juicing

o    Grating


o    Weighing

o    Measuring

o    Kneading

o    Chopping

o    Baking

o    Grilling

Once you have made your snack, take a picture before you eat it and share it with all of us.

You can email your picture to or upload it onto Twitter with an adult’s permission. Happy Healthy Snack Day!l

Have a lovely day primary 3.

Don’t forget to get in touch if you have any questions.

Take care!

Miss McMullen x




Primary 6 – Monday 18th May

Good morning Primary 6,

Yay, It’s Monday!!

Here are the answers to Friday’s maths questions.

a)£0.96 for 6 melons, £0.94 for 8 melons. It’s cheaper to buy 8 melons.

b) £11.52

c) 12 melons – 2 groups of 6.

d) £7.58 per person so £31.40 for 4.

e) £10.50 per class paying by the minute. 3 classes are £31.50. It’s cheaper to buy 3 classes for £30.

This week we are working on some word problems that involve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Calculate the answers to these questions in your jotter.

a) There is room in a multi-storey car park for 45 cars on each of 4

floors. How many cars are there if the car park is half full?

b) It takes 750 bricks to build one wall of a house – how many bricks

will be needed to build all four walls?

c) 28 people eat school dinners. On average, each pupil is given 9

chips. How many chips do the dinner ladies need to cook each day?

d) There are 8 classes in school, each with 34 pupils in them. How

many letters need to be photocopied if each person is to take one home?

e) A postie drives 18 miles to each day to make deliveries. How far do they travel in  7


f) A car travels at 55 miles per hour (mph). How many miles will it

travel in 8 hours?

g) A school dinner costs 69p. How much will it cost to have school

dinners every day for 6 weeks?

h) The benches around school cost £40 each. How much did it cost

to buy 22 benches?

i) The swimming pool is 12 metres long. How many metres would I

swim if I did 83 lengths?

j) Emma saves £0.59 each week. How much has she saved after

16 weeks?

Remember, decimals make no difference to how you add, subtract, multiply or divide you only have to remember to keep the decimal points above one another, in a straight line.

This is not how we would write out sums to find the answer so don’t write them this way in your jotter. Use place value, carrying and decomposition (borrowing) to find your answers.

I’ll post the answers to these tomorrow or you can send me your answers at:

Sumdog are running a special competition for North Lanarkshire schools. We haven’t made the leader board yet because lots of you are on Sumdog but are not answering the competition questions! You’ve got until the 21st. We would be in the top ten if you were answering competition questions instead of playing other games!!


This week for spelling we’re looking at words which end in ‘et’.

Here is your word list for this week. Copy the words into your jotter and practise them in any way you choose:

jacket,  packet,  racket,  ticket,  wicket,  cricket,

thicket,  locket,  pocket,  rocket,  socket,  bucket

Here are the answers to Friday’s comprehension exercises

Liquid Solid Gas Answers

Carbon Answers

Bayeux Answers

I’ve assigned you some reading in Scholastic Books.

Here are three new comprehension exercises for today. You can choose to do as many of them as you wish.

I’ll post the answers on tomorrow.

Kappa comprehension

FMX comprehension

Pele comprehension



Yesterday was the sixth Sunday of Easter. In the Gospel, Jesus said that if you love him, you will keep his commandments.

Commandments are rules. However God’s rules are all about love – about loving God and each other. If we love someone, we try our very best to show that by being polite, kind, generous and happy when we talk to them or about them to others.

You have rules and home and we have rules in school. Just like the Ten Commandments, our rules are all about looking after each other and doing the best for each other so that we can all be happy together at home or in school.

Sometimes we break the rules – adults as well as children. If we break God’s rules, we call that sin. Don’t worry though, we can make it better.

Just like at home or in school, if we are sorry and say that to the person we have hurt – and try our best not to do it again – God will forgive us because he loves each one of us so much.

We can read about the Ten Commandments which were given to Moses in the Old Testament which is the first section of the Bible.

You can see them here. Read them or ask an adult for help then chat to someone in your family about them.

In the New Testament (the second section of the Bible), Jesus spoke about love all of the time. In fact, he made a ‘New Commandment.’

He asked us all to, ‘ Love one another as I have loved you.’

If you think about it – we all love ourselves and look after ourselves.

Jesus is saying simply that we should love everyone else as much as we love ourselves. If we all did that, the world would be a much happier place! In fact, if we all did that then we would be following the Ten Commandments without even realizing it!

At Easter, Pope Francis told us that we should love and care for each other, ‘No ifs, no buts!’

Today, let’s think about how we love each other: our family and our friends.

I would like you to choose one of the following activities. You can download and print a picture or you can make one of your own. When you have finished it, place it somewhere where all of the family can see it to remind yourselves of how just much you love and care for each other.


Please email your pictures to  or, with an adult’s permission, upload them on to Twitter.


Healthy Snack Day!

We’re heading towards our Virtual Sports’ Day next Tuesday and what better way to prepare than to think about healthy snacks for the day.

They don’t need to be fancy…just healthy and delicious.

Have a look at some of these:

Try to create a healthy snack of your own. What ingredients might you need?

Cooking Skills for Learning, Life and Work!

Depending upon your age, you could practise some of these skills  as you prepare your snack. You might need to ask an adult for help.

You will be using skills that will be with you for the rest of your life. These skills are progressive. That means that if you haven’t peeled or sliced ingredients before (see the Primary 1 list) you will need to practise these before you move on to the next list!

Remember to wash your hands before you begin!


At Early Level

Primary 1

First Level

Primary 2- Primary 4

Second Level

Primary 5 – Primary 7

o    Peeling

o    Slicing

o    Mixing

o     Spreading



o    Washing ingredients

o    Peeling

o    Cutting

o    Juicing

o    Grating


o    Weighing

o    Measuring

o    Kneading

o    Chopping

o    Baking

o    Grilling

Once you have made your snack, take a picture before you eat it and share it with all of us!

You can email your picture to or upload it onto Twitter with an adult’s permission. Happy Healthy Snack Day!l

Remember you can still choose another task from your updated learning grid and there are other tasks on Sumdog, StudyLadder, FirstNews and Scholastic Books.

You can email me any of your work at:


Mr. McIntosh

P4/3 Monday 18th May

Good morning to all my wonderful pupils!!  How are you?  Yesterday should have been our P4 Holy Communion Day, I hope you all managed to see the video we put up for you.  I was so pleased to see all your wee faces and some of you have really grown!  We will start with our morning prayer and a special Hail Mary for our P4’s.  When your day comes P4, it will be special and hopefully a bit sunnier 😉


P3 phoneme is ough (thought), make a list of as many ough words you can.  Remember to use a coloured pencil to highlight the phoneme in the word.

P4 phoneme is “ow”.   This can be written in two forms, ou and ow like ground and crowd.  Make a list of words with this sound. Remember to use a different colour to highlight the phoneme.

P3 and 4 – Choose 3 of these words and write them out in your jotter 3 times and write a sentence for each.  Remember to make your sentences longer by using conjunction words such as and, but, however.

Next, write some news for me.  I would like to read all your news.  What have you been doing? How are you feeling?  I am looking for neat handwriting, good punctuation and paragraphs.


Today, we are going to revise telling the time.  Below there are two powerpoints to refresh your memory.  The first one is revising o’clock and the second, half past.  Have a go at the worksheets too.

Telling Time – o’clock

Time – Half Past

Time Worksheet

Remember we have a Sumdog competition on too.  Go on and let’s try to be the best class!!  It closes 21st May.

⭐️⭐️Our Shining Stars⭐️⭐️

Boys and girls as we have been out of school for so long we want to remember our special wall in class.  From today we are going to start showcasing some of your achievements/good work so that everyone can see how talented we are!!

Listen to this very talented boy!! –

Click the link below to see some art work from last week!

Our Shining Stars

A very big well done to both Rory and Jenna.  👏👏👏. Keep them coming!!


Yesterday was the sixth Sunday of Easter. In the Gospel, Jesus said that if you love him, you will keep his commandments.

Commandments are rules. However God’s rules are all about love – about loving God and each other. If we love someone, we try our very best to show that by being polite, kind, generous and happy when we talk to them or about them to others.

You have rules and home and we have rules in school. Just like the Ten Commandments, our rules are all about looking after each other and doing the best for each other so that we can all be happy together at home or in school.

Sometimes we break the rules – adults as well as children. If we break God’s rules, we call that sin. Don’t worry though, we can make it better.

Just like at home or in school, if we are sorry and say that to the person we have hurt – and try our best not to do it again – God will forgive us because he loves each one of us so much.

We can read about the Ten Commandments which were given to Moses in the Old Testament which is the first section of the Bible.

You can see them here. Read them or ask an adult for help then chat to someone in your family about them.

In the New Testament (the second section of the Bible), Jesus spoke about love all of the time. In fact, he made a ‘New Commandment.’

He asked us all to, ‘ Love one another as I have loved you.’

If you think about it – we all love ourselves and look after ourselves.

Jesus is saying simply that we should love everyone else as much as we love ourselves. If we all did that, the world would be a much happier place! In fact, if we all did that then we would be following the Ten Commandments without even realizing it!

At Easter, Pope Francis told us that we should love and care for each other, ‘No ifs, no buts!’

Today, let’s think about how we love each other: our family and our friends.

I would like you to choose one of the following activities. You can download and print a picture or you can make one of your own. When you have finished it, place it somewhere where all of the family can see it to remind yourselves of how just much you love and care for each other.


Please email your pictures to  or, with an adult’s permission, upload them on to Twitter.


Healthy Snack Day!

We’re heading towards our Virtual Sports’ Day next Tuesday and what better way to prepare than to think about healthy snacks for the day.

They don’t need to be fancy…just healthy and delicious.

Have a look at some of these:

Try to create a healthy snack of your own. What ingredients might you need?

Cooking Skills for Learning, Life and Work!

Depending upon your age, you could practise some of these skills  as you prepare your snack. You might need to ask an adult for help.

You will be using skills that will be with you for the rest of your life. These skills are progressive. That means that if you haven’t peeled or sliced ingredients before (see the Primary 1 list) you will need to practise these before you move on to the next list!

Remember to wash your hands before you begin!

At Early Level

Primary 1

First Level

Primary 2- Primary 4

Second Level

Primary 5 – Primary 7

o    Peeling

o    Slicing

o    Mixing

o     Spreading



o    Washing ingredients

o    Peeling

o    Cutting

o    Juicing

o    Grating


o    Weighing

o    Measuring

o    Kneading

o    Chopping

o    Baking

o    Grilling

Once you have made your snack, take a picture before you eat it and share it with all of us!

You can email your picture to or upload it onto Twitter with an adult’s permission.  Happy Healthy Snack Day!l

Have a lovely day!

Mrs Graham 🙂



Monday 18th May 2020 – Primary 5


Good Morning, Finest Fives!

It’s Monday and the beginning of a brand new week! The good news is that you have a holiday on Friday! The even better news is that you have a holiday next Monday…so let’s make the best of the time we have together!

As usual we will begin with our morning prayer:

God our Father

As we prepare to begin our work

We ask you to help us to use properly the many gifts you have given us

So that we may fully benefit from out day together. Amen.

Health and Wellbeing

Healthy Snack Day!

We’re heading towards our Virtual Sports’ Day next Tuesday and what better way to prepare than to think about healthy snacks for the day.

They don’t need to be fancy…just healthy and delicious.

Have a look at some of these:

Try to create a healthy snack of your own. What ingredients might you need?

Cooking Skills for Learning, Life and Work!

Depending upon your age, you could practise some of these skills  as you prepare your snack. You might need to ask an adult for help.

You will be using skills that will be with you for the rest of your life. These skills are progressive. That means that if you haven’t peeled or sliced ingredients before (see the Primary 1 list) you will need to practise these before you move on to the next list!

Remember to wash your hands before you begin!

At Early Level

Primary 1

First Level

Primary 2- Primary 4

Second Level

Primary 5 – Primary 7

o    Peeling

o    Slicing

o    Mixing

o     Spreading



o    Washing ingredients

o    Peeling

o    Cutting

o    Juicing

o    Grating


o    Weighing

o    Measuring

o    Kneading

o    Chopping

o    Baking

o    Grilling

Once you have made your snack, take a picture before you eat it and share it with all of us!

You can email your picture to  or upload it onto Twitter with an adult’s permission. Happy Healthy Snack Day!


Let’s begin with some fantastic work for you to see today!


First of all we have a new verse from Charlie W.

Macavity by Charlie W.

Collective Nouns

Have a look at this fabulous picture by Ethan Y.

Collective Noun Picture by Ethan Y.

Travel Blog: Paris

Fancy a trip to Paris? Check out this super travel guide by Natasha.

Natasha McGeever – Paris Travel Guide

What a terrific effort by everyone! Well done to you all!

Look out for some more great work tomorrow.


This week we are going to focus on ‘Using a Dictionary’ and your spelling words all link to that.

           letter      word      vowel      consonant      order      guide     

alphabet      dictionary      definition      origin      meaning     abbreviation

Task 1

a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j k  l  m n  o p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y  z

The words in a dictionary are arranged in alphabetical order. Please arrange the spelling words into alphabetical order.

Remember: where more than one word begins with the same letter, look at the second or even third letter.

Task 2

Using the words in the second row of the above list, write each word and its definition from your dictionary.

Task 3

Using the words in the first row of the above list, write each word and create your own definition for it.

Sneaky TRICK ALERT: remember that some words may have more than one definition!


                                                  Task 1                 

Please logon to SUMDOG – the NLC Challenge has begun and we are aiming to be at the top of that leader board!

Task 2

This week we are going to turn our attention to MONEY. Today we’ll begin with a little revision.

£1 = 100p      There are 100 pennies in £1

A £5 note is worth the same as FIVE pound coins

A £10 note is worth the same as TWO £5 notes

A £20 note is worth the same as TWO £10 notes or Four £5 notes or ONE £10 note and TWO £5 notes.

Try these in your jotter:

  1. How many £1 coins will I get for:

a) three £5 notes     b) six £5 notes   c) four £10 notes   d) seven £10 notes

e) two £5 and four £10 notes   f) two £5, two £10 and one £20 note

2. How many £5 notes will I get for:

a) three £10 notes   b) two £10 and one £20 note   c) four £10 and one £20 note

d) five £10 and two £20 note      e) four £50 notes   f) six £10 and three £20 notes

3. There are 10 ways of paying for an item worth £10 using just £1 and £2 coins and notes.

For example: £5 + £2 + £2 + £1

In your jotter, list the other 9 ways.

4. How many ways are there of paying a bill of £20 using note and/or £1 and £2 coins?

Extension Section

Visitors to the UK from other countries will need to have UK money or UK currency which is called ‘sterling’ in order to buy items or services.

Can you find out the name of five other currencies used in countries across the world?

Write the name of the country and its currency. Good luck!

Answers will be uploaded at 3pm today.


Yesterday was the sixth Sunday of Easter. In the Gospel, Jesus said that if you love him, you will keep his commandments.

Commandments are rules. However God’s rules are all about love – about loving God and each other. If we love someone, we try our very best to show that by being polite, kind, generous and happy when we talk to them or about them to others.

You have rules and home and we have rules in school. Just like the Ten Commandments, our rules are all about looking after each other and doing the best for each other so that we can all be happy together at home or in school.

Sometimes we break the rules – adults as well as children. If we break God’s rules, we call that sin. Don’t worry though, we can make it better.

Just like at home or in school, if we are sorry and say that to the person we have hurt – and try our best not to do it again – God will forgive us because he loves each one of us so much.

We can read about the Ten Commandments which were given to Moses in the Old Testament which is the first section of the Bible.

You can see them here. Read them or ask an adult for help then chat to someone in your family about them.


In the New Testament (the second section of the Bible), Jesus spoke about love all of the time. In fact, he made a ‘New Commandment.’

He asked us all to, ‘ Love one another as I have loved you.’

If you think about it – we all love ourselves and look after ourselves.

Jesus is saying simply that we should love everyone else as much as we love ourselves. If we all did that, the world would be a much happier place! In fact, if we all did that then we would be following the Ten Commandments without even realizing it!

At Easter, Pope Francis told us that we should love and care for each other, ‘No ifs, no buts!’

Today, let’s think about how we love each other: our family and our friends.

I would like you to choose one of the following activities. You can download and print a picture or you can make one of your own. When you have finished it, place it somewhere where all of the family can see it to remind yourselves of how just much you love and care for each other.


Please email your pictures to or, with an adult’s permission, upload them on to Twitter.

Art and Design

This looks like great fun. It is a long clip but very worthwhile. The tasks get more difficult as you watch! Enjoy!

Time to relax now – see you tomorrow!

Primary 1b- Monday 18th May

Good morning my wonderful ones🙋‍♀️

I hope you all had a lovely relaxing weekend. The weather wasn’t very nice yesterday so I had a lovely chilled day watching movies. I really enjoyed it. 📺

Thank you to those who sent me pictures of their lovely jam sandwiches on Friday! You all managed to follow the instructions carefully. Here are some pictures of Daniel, Layla and Alyssa making and enjoying their jam sandwiches. I bet they tasted delicious! 🥪 😋

Have you brushed your teeth and made your bed? Let’s get started.

Let’s begin our day with our morning prayer.🙏🏻

God our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us use properly, the many gifts you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together in school. St. Barbara, pray for us.

Here is today’s overview:



ee phoneme 👀🐝 🌲 

This week’s phoneme is ee as in see.

Geraldine the Giraffe- Sound hunt 🦒

Phoneme Task✍️



Sumdog North Lanarkshire Maths Contest🏆

Give it your best shot boys and girls! Wouldn’t it be amazing if our class made it onto the live leader board?

Subtraction Action with Jack Hartmann 🎶 

Subtraction Number Bonds Challenge ➖



Healthy Snack Day!

We’re heading towards our Virtual Sports’ Day next Tuesday and what better way to prepare than to think about healthy snacks for the day.

They don’t need to be fancy…just healthy and delicious.

Have a look at some of these:

Try to create a healthy snack of your own. What ingredients might you need?

Cooking Skills for Learning, Life and Work!
Depending upon your age, you could practise some of these skills as you prepare your snack.You might need to ask an adult for help.

You will be using skills that will be with you for the rest of your life.

Early Level

Primary 1

o Peeling    o Slicing     o Mixing      o Spreading

Remember to wash your hands before you begin!

Once you have made your snack, take a picture before you eat it and share it with all of us!
You can email your picture to or upload it onto Twitter with an adult’s permission. Happy Healthy Snack Day!


Yesterday was the sixth Sunday of Easter. In the Gospel, Jesus said that if you love him, you will keep his commandments.

Commandments are rules. However God’s rules are all about love – about loving God and each other. If we love someone, we try our very best to show that by being polite, kind, generous and happy when we talk to them or about them to others.

You have rules and home and we have rules in school. Just like the Ten Commandments, our rules are all about looking after each other and doing the best for each other so that we can all be happy together at home or in school.

Sometimes we break the rules – adults as well as children. If we break God’s rules, we call that sin. Don’t worry though, we can make it better.

Just like at home or in school, if we are sorry and say that to the person we have hurt – and try our best not to do it again – God will forgive us because he loves each one of us so much.

We can read about the Ten Commandments which were given to Moses in the Old Testament which is the first section of the Bible.

You can see them here. Read them or ask an adult for help then chat to someone in your family about them.

In the New Testament (the second section of the Bible), Jesus spoke about love all of the time. In fact, he made a ‘New Commandment.’

He asked us all to, ‘ Love one another as I have loved you.’

If you think about it – we all love ourselves and look after ourselves.

Jesus is saying simply that we should love everyone else as much as we love ourselves. If we all did that, the world would be a much happier place! In fact, if we all did that then we would be following the Ten Commandments without even realizing it!

At Easter, Pope Francis told us that we should love and care for each other, ‘No ifs, no buts!’

Today, let’s think about how we love each other: our family and our friends.

I would like you to choose one of the following activities. You can download and print a picture or you can make one of your own. When you have finished it, place it somewhere where all of the family can see it to remind yourselves of how just much you love and care for each other.


Please email your pictures to or, with an adult’s permission, upload them on to Twitter. ✉️

Don’t worry if you don’t manage to complete all the of these activities, just try your best and I will be very impressed.👩‍🏫

I am missing you all so much.🥰

Have a great day!

Miss McEleney 😀🌈❣️




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