Monday 1st June – Primary 5


Good Morning, Fine Fives!

I hope that you enjoyed a relaxing, fun-filled weekend and are ready for a new week and a new month…and a new SEASON! Summer’s here!!!

Let’s begin as usual with the morning prayer.

God our Father

As we prepare to begin our work

We ask you to help us to use properly the many gifts you have given us

So that we may fully benefit from out day together. Amen.


Health and Wellbeing

Over the weekend hopefully we were all able to go visit a member of our family!  This has been something we have taken for granted all of our lives (as we probably did this every weekend or more).  From Friday onward this has been a very special time for many.  Hopefully your family don’t live too far away and you have been able to spend some time with them.  It must have been a great feeling to spend time, in our gardens, with loved ones. How it has lifted all our spirits and given us such a positive boast!  If you were able to visit someone you have not seen during Lockdown you will know this feeling.  Hopefully it won’t be too much longer until we can see all of our family.

Today is also a new month/season JUNE begins our three months of SUMMER, can you believe it? This too should make us feel more positive as hopefully we have lovely weather.

Being positive makes our world a better place and after all the changes that have happened over the last few months,  we will begin to see a brighter, happier, and more POSITIVE future ahead.

I would like you to take the word POSITIVE and write an acrostic poem.  (Remember you take the word POSITIVE and in large letters you write it down the left-hand side of your page and then write a word/sentence that begins with each letter of POSITIVE).

Here is an example for the word Welcome to let you see how your poem should look.

You can email your poem to or upload it onto Twitter with an adult’s permission.

Now to keep that positive vibe going let’s try a little Zumba.

Remember to have plenty of drinks throughout the day.  It’s going to be another hot day and we need to stay hydrated!!  Watch out for tomorrow’s post to give you another idea for keeping hydrated!!


Let’s begin with some fabulous work. Well done to Ethan Y. for his fantastic Gecko word map!


First News: please select from assigned Comprehension, Crossword and Word Definition tasks.

Scholastic: please continue with your selected book. If you have finished, please complete the quiz and choose another book. You should aim to read for twenty-thirty minutes each day.


This week we are going to look at words with ‘-ow.’ These can be a little tricky because ‘-ow’ can be pronounced in two different ways: arrow or crown.

We’re going to look at words ending in -ow.

arrow     narrow     sparrow     yellow     elbow     pillow     window

follow     hollow     borrow     sorrow     burrow     shadow     shallow

Task 1

Copy the sentences and select the appropriate word from the list above.

  1. You can rest your head on me.
  2. I am a small, brown bird.
  3. I am home to a family of rabbits.
  4. When the sun shines I never leave your side.
  5. Mix me with blue paint and I turn green.

Answers will be uploaded at 3pm today.

Task 2

You will need some string, wool or thread. Select five of the spelling words above and create stringy pictures. You can choose to stick them down or simply make them – inside or outside!


Mental Challenge: Doubles and Halves

Select: Level 2 or Level 3 and practise doubles and halves. You might even try both. Good luck!


Kilogram and Gram

A gram is a small unit which is used to weigh objects. It indicates how heavy the object is.

A kilogram is made up of 1000 grams.

Weighing objects is a skill for learning, life and work! You never know when you might need to:

  • Bake a cake – you need to weigh the ingredients so that it tastes delicious
  • You might need to weigh a parcel at the post office so that you know how much it will cost to post
  • You might need to weigh fruit in a supermarket so that you know how much you will have to pay for them
  • You might even want to weigh yourself!

We use scales to weigh objects. Scales come in all shapes and sizes depending on what has to be weighed. You probably have scales in your kitchen and different scales in your bathroom.


Kitchen Scales               Bathroom Scales


What do everyday objects weigh?

  • A packet of crisps weighs about 30 grams
  • A tin of tomato soup weighs about 400 grams
  • A bag of sugar weighs about 454 grams
  • A large bottle of ketchup weighs about 880 grams
  • A litre of water weighs 1000 grams or 1 kilogram

Information Section

1000 grams = 1 kilogram or we can write this as: 1000g = 1kg     g = gram; kg = kilogram

1kg = 1000g          3kg = 3000g          5kg = 5000g          2kg 30g = 2030g         3kg 625g = 3625g

4000g = 4kg          12 000g = 12kg          4750g = 4kg 750g          9785g – 9kg 785 g     8004g = 8kg 4g

Task 1

Write the following weights in grams – g:

a) 4kg      b) 7kg      c) 17kg      d) 24kg     e) 58kg     f) 32kg     g) 61kg     h) 10kg

Task 2

Now write these in grams – g:

a) 1kg 600g      b) 6kg 350g      c) 8kg 910g      d) 4kg 725g     e) 5kg 37g     f) 11kg 66g

g) 12kg 3g       h) 76kg 90g       i) 4kg 4g


Task 3

Change the following from g to kg

a) 2000g      b) 8000g      c) 3000g     d) 10 000g      e) 71 000g      f) 36 000g      g) 13 000g

Answers will be uploaded at 3pm today.



More wonderful work for you to see. This time it’s a beautiful picture from Preet. Click on the link below to see it for yourself! Well done, Preet!

Our Father Preet

The Feast of Pentecost – 31st May 2020

“They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak”

“When Pentecost day came round, the disciples had all met in one room, when suddenly they heard what sounded like a powerful wind from heaven, the noise of which filled the entire house in which they were sitting; and something appeared to them that seemed like tongues of fire; these separated and came to rest on the head of each of them. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak foreign languages as the Spirit gave them the gift of speech.”

The Feast of Pentecost brings to an end the Season of Easter and falls 50 days after Easter Sunday.  Pentecost celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit.  As we heard in the first reading of how the disciples were all together and how they were afraid now that Jesus had left them.  On this day they were given the gift of speaking many different languages so that they could travel far and wide to spread the good news.

We learn that God is always here for us, we just need to ask him for help if we are afraid, worried or feeling lonely.  He will answer our prayer and help us.  Especially in these times when we are feeling sad about not seeing our friends and families like we use to.  God will be by our sides to guide us through to better times.

Above you will see an image of Pentecost.  There are important symbols that are associated with Pentecost – we can read about them in the extract above from the Acts of the Apostles.   We also saw Father Campbell in his red vestments when watching Mass yesterday.

For today’s task I would like you to design your own Pentecost poster incorporating some of the important symbols of Pentecost.  This poster will remind us that the Holy Spirit is with us in everything we do. Please email your poster to or upload it onto Twitter with an adult’s permission.

Art Attack

This is an activity I think that you will enjoy. It’s really good for all of you who are bookworms!

You can make it today or save it for another day during the week.  Remember to send me your pictures!

Now you can select an activity from the grid and after that…it’s time to relax!

Well done everyone! I’ll see you tomorrow.

Primary 2- Monday 1st June

Good morning boys and girls!😊

I hope you all had a lovely weekend enjoying the sunshine, what beautiful weather we had!☀️

Can you believe it, the 1st of June already! Another month has flown by and we are now in our final month of Primary 2. Let’s make the most of our last month together and get started on today’s learning.

We will begin our day as always, with our morning prayer.

God our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us use properly, the many gifts you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together.

 St. Barbara, pray for us. 🙏🏼

Here is today’s suggested learning activities- Monday 1st June

I am in the hub Tuesday and Wednesday this week so there will be no blog’s posted on these days. For these days, you can continue to follow the whole school’s R.E and HWB lessons along with a few tasks from your first level home-learning grids.

I would love to hear how you all get on over the next few days so please send in lots of pictures. It would be great to show off all your fabulous work on our weekly blogs.🌟

Have a marvellous Monday my superstars. Work hard but don’t forget to take plenty of breaks and go out and enjoy the sunshine too! I’ll be back on Thursday.

Miss Shreenan 🌈💛

Primary 5/4 Monday 1st June

Good morning!!!

Another beautiful day today again.

I have uploaded your tasks for today but I won’t be able to upload any tasks tomorrow as I’m working in the Hub.  I have added in some extra slides so feel free to do the tasks today and tomorrow and don’t forget you’ve got all the tasks from the grids to choose also.  If you need to contact me please email me at

Please use this email and not my First Class email as I don’t have storage space on First Class so I have to delete emails just to read what you have sent me.  Please keep sending me pictures of your fabulous work 🙂

See you next week boys and girls!!!

Mrs Grant x

P5.4 lesson 01.06.20

Money Challenge Cards


Primary 7- Monday 1st June

Good morning Primary 7,

It is marvellous Monday, the sun is shining and we are now in the month of June. This is your final month of Primary 7 and although it is not how we imagined it would be, we are going to try our best to make the most of it!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Wasn’t the weather fabulous? It really lifted my spirits and put a big smile on my face. I really enjoyed going a nice walk in the sunshine.

Let us begin this beautiful day with our morning prayer.

God our Father

As we prepare to begin our work

We ask you to help us to use properly the many gifts you have given us

So that we may fully benefit from out day together.


Here is the link for today’s learning activities and some resources to help support you-

Monday 1st June

Calculating the mean, mode, median and range

Here are today’s Health and Wellbeing and This Is Our Faith activities-

Monday 1st June- This Is Our Faith 

The Feast of Pentecost – 31 May 2020

“They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak”

“When Pentecost day came round, they had all met in one room, when suddenly they heard what sounded like a powerful wind from heaven, the noise of which filled the entire house in which they were sitting; and something appeared to them that seemed like tongues of fire; these separated and came to rest on the head of each of them. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak foreign languages as the Spirit gave them the gift of speech.”

The Feast of Pentecost brings to an end the Season of Easter and falls 50 days after Easter Sunday.  Pentecost celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit.  As we heard in the first reading of how the disciples were all together and how they were afraid now that Jesus had left them.  On this day they were given the gift of speaking many different languages so that they could travel far and wide to spread the good news.

We learn that God is always here for us, we just need to ask him for help if we are afraid, worried or feeling lonely.  He will answer our prayer and help us.  Especially in these times when we are feeling sad about not seeing our friends and families like we use to.  God will be by our sides to guide us through to better times.

Above you will see an image of Pentecost.  There are important symbols that are associated with Pentecost – we can read about them in the extract above from the Acts of the Apostles.   We also saw Father Campbell in his red vestments when watching Mass yesterday.

For today’s task I would like you to design your own Pentecost poster incorporating some of the important symbols of Pentecost.  This poster will remind us that the Holy Spirit is with us in everything we do. Please email your poster to or upload it onto Twitter with an adult’s permission.

Monday 1st June- Health and Wellbeing

Over the weekend hopefully we were all able to go visit a member of our family!  This has been something we have taken for granted all of our lives (as we probably did this every weekend or more).  From Friday onward this has been a very special time for many.  Hopefully your family don’t live too far away and you have been able to spend some time with them.  It must have been a great feeling to spend time, in our gardens, with loved ones.

How it has lifted all our spirits and given us such a positive boast.  If you were able to visit someone you have not seen during Lockdown you will know this feeling.  Hopefully it won’t be too much longer until we can see all of our family.

Today is also a new month/season JUNE begins our three months of SUMMER, can you believe it!! This too should make us feel more positive as hopefully we have lovely weather.

How positive did this little visit have on us.  Being positive makes our world a better place and after all the changes that have happened over the last few months,  we will begin to see a brighter, happier, and more POSITIVE future ahead.

I would like you to take the word POSITIVE and write an acrostic poem.  (Remember you take the word POSITIVE and in large letters you write it down the left-hand side of your page and then write a word/sentence that begins with each letter of POSITIVE).

Here is an example for the word Welcome to let you see how your poem should look.

You can email your poem to or upload it onto Twitter with an adult’s permission.

Now to keep that positive vibe going let’s try a little Zumba.

Remember to have plenty of drinks throughout the day.  It’s going to be another hot day and we need to stay hydrated!!  Watch out for tomorrow’s post to give you another idea for keeping hydrated!!

Please remember to send me over any completed work so that I can share some of your wonderful work on our Primary 7 GLOW homepage. We want everyone to see how amazing the Primary 7 pupils of St Barbara’s Primary School really are!

Have another fantastic day boys and girls and remember if you need me, for anything at all, please do not hesitate to contact me at

Smiles all around as the sun is shining bright!

Mrs Butler

Primary 1a. 01/06/20

Good morning boys and girls, I hope you are all well.  I hope you have all been enjoying the beautiful, sunny weather and are ready for some work and activities today.

See the source image

As usual, we will begin our day with our morning prayer.

God Our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us to use properly the many gifts that you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together at school.  St Barbara Pray for us.🙏

The Feast of Pentecost – 31 May 2020

“They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak”

“When Pentecost day came round, they had all met in one room, when suddenly they heard what sounded like a powerful wind from heaven, the noise of which filled the entire house in which they were sitting; and something appeared to them that seemed like tongues of fire; these separated and came to rest on the head of each of them. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak foreign languages as the Spirit gave them the gift of speech.”

The Feast of Pentecost brings to an end the Season of Easter and falls 50 days after Easter Sunday.  Pentecost celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit.  As we heard in the first reading of how the disciples were all together and how they were afraid now that Jesus had left them.  On this day they were given the gift of speaking many different languages so that they could travel far and wide to spread the good news.

We learn that God is always here for us, we just need to ask him for help if we are afraid, worried or feeling lonely.  He will answer our prayer and help us.  Especially in these times when we are feeling sad about not seeing our friends and families like we use to.  God will be by our sides to guide us through to better times.

Above you will see an image of Pentecost.  There are important symbols that are associated with Pentecost – we can read about them in the extract above from the Acts of the Apostles.   We also saw Father Campbell in his red vestments when watching Mass yesterday.

For today’s task I would like you to design your own Pentecost poster incorporating some of the important symbols of Pentecost.  This poster will remind us that the Holy Spirit is with us in everything we do. Please email your poster to (Gw14connollymary) or upload it onto Twitter with an adult’s permission.


Mrs McLeod has asked me to remind you all that she has set a new scholastic reading book for you today.  So just log in, find your book and have fun reading it.


We have another new phoneme to learn this week boys and girls, it is the phoneme ‘OO’

‘OO’ is quite an easy phoneme to learn and a very useful one too!  Here are some ‘OO’ words for you to learn.






First of all I want you to write these ‘OO’ words out 3 times.

Now I would like you to make rainbow ‘OO’ words.

Finally, I would like you to make a sentence with each word, remembering a capital letter, full stop and finger spaces.

Now try the worksheet below.

See the source image


Health and Well-being

Over the weekend hopefully we were all able to go visit a member of our family!  This has been something we have taken for granted all of our lives (as we probably did this every weekend or more).  From Friday onward this has been a very special time for many.  Hopefully your family don’t live too far away and you have been able to spend some time with them.  It must have been a great feeling to spend time, in our gardens, with loved ones.

How it has lifted all our spirits and given us such a positive boast.  If you were able to visit someone you have not seen during Lockdown you will know this feeling.  Hopefully it won’t be too much longer until we can see all of our family.

Today is also a new month/season JUNE begins our three months of SUMMER, can you believe it!! This too should make us feel more positive as hopefully we have lovely weather.

How positive did this little visit have on us.  Being positive makes our world a better place and after all the changes that have happened over the last few months,  we will begin to see a brighter, happier, and more POSITIVE future ahead.

I would like you to take the word POSITIVE and write an acrostic poem.  (Remember you take the word POSITIVE and in large letters you write it down the left-hand side of your page and then write a word/sentence that begins with each letter of POSITIVE).

Here is an example for the word Welcome to let you see how your poem should look.

You can email your poem to (Teacher’s Glow email) or upload it onto Twitter with an adult’s permission.

Now to keep that positive vibe going let’s try a little Zumba.

Remember to have plenty of drinks throughout the day.  It’s going to be another hot day and we need to stay hydrated!!  Watch out for tomorrow’s post to give you another idea for keeping hydrated!!


See the source image

Boys and girls, here is a worksheet which has adding and taking away sums.  You will need to look very carefully at the sign in each sums to answer them correctly.  Remember when you add 2 numbers together you get a bigger number.  When you take 1 number away from another the answer gets smaller.  Good luck!

See the source image



Boys and girls, can you make a ladybug clock just like this one.


See the source imageNow you can move the hands of the clock to show different times.

  1. What time do we start school in the morning?
  2. Can you move the hands of the clock to show this time?
  3. What time do we finish school in the afternoon?
  4. Can you move the hands of the clock to show this time?
  5. I have my lunch at 1 o’clock, can you move the hands of the clock to show this time?
  6. I go to my bed at 10 o’clock, can you move the hands of the clock to show this time?

Well done boys and girls.  If you have a watch or a clock at home you could move the hands to show different times.  This is a good way of practising telling the time.

I have also set a little challenge on sum-dog about time.  Good luck!

I hope you have a good day boys and girls.  Remember you don’t need to do everything, just do what you can and have fun.

Mrs Connolly




Friday Update: 29th May 2020

Good morning everyone,

It’s hard to believe that we have reached the end of another week and that we are on the brink of a new month as well! Better still…the weekend is just a few hours away and it will soon be time to put the pencils and pens down and have some fun!

I hope that you were all out clapping and making some noise for our wonderful NHS staff, Carers  and keyworkers last night!

Once again I have really enjoyed looking at all of your posts on Twitter this week; your Sports’ Day pictures and video clips were amazing. I also loved the healthy snacks too.


Chryston HUB

Parents, next week will be a little different for everyone as many of our staff will be working in Chryston HUB. On the days they are working in the HUB, staff will not be uploading work for children. However there are plenty of activities on the home-learning grids which you will find on the top-right section of the home webpage.

The timetable below indicates the days when work will not be uploaded for specific classes:

Monday 1st June: Primary 1 (Miss McEleney) and Primary 3 (Miss McMullen)

Tuesday 2nd June: Primary 1 (Mrs Connolly/Mrs MacLeod), Primary 5/4 (Mrs Grant) and Primary 2 (Miss Shreenan)

Wednesday 3rd June: Primary 1 (Miss McEleney), Primary 2 (Miss Shreenan) and Primary 3 (Miss McMullen)

Thursday 4th June: Primary 4/3 (Mrs Boyce)

Friday 5th June: Primary 4/3 (Mrs Boyce) and Primary 1 (Mrs MacLeod/Mrs Connolly)


So just before the weekend begins, let’s take a few moments to remember all of our fabulous NHS staff,  all of the carers, all of the keyworkers, all of our wonderful staff, all of your parents and the adults who have been supporting you at home this week. We’ll also think about Fr. Campbell who has been saying Mass every day and remembering all of us in his prayers.

We also need to think about those who are ill in hospital and at home at present as well as those who have died in recent weeks.

We now need to remember all of you – our fantastic  children – who have been working so hard again this week! Well done all of you!

We ask God to bless each and every one of us today and to look after us all this weekend.  Together, let’s say a Hail Mary…

Now boys and girls, it is Friday!

I really think that you will be needing sunhats and sun cream this weekend! It’s the end of a long month…so how about an extra, sneaky playtime in the sunshine? I think that you deserve it after all of your hard work this week.

I hope that you, all of your families, all of our super staff and Fr. Campbell have a lovely, relaxing weekend. Enjoy!

Mrs McKinney


Primary 6 – Friday 29th May

Good Morning Primary 6!!

It’s Friday! The end of another week. Did you lose any Golden time this week?

I didn’t and so I will be playing Connect 4 with Magnus this afternoon until it looks like I’m about to win and he knocks the game over “accidentally.”

Here are the answers to yesterday’s maths questions.

a) 671 seats

b) £375.09

c) £117,600

c) £7.92

d) 68.4

e) 522 stickers

f) £2.26

g) 7 bags

h) 6,205 biscuits (he will also be exceptionally unhealthy)

i) 900 ml or 0.9 l

Today’s maths questions should seem familiar. They are almost the same as yesterday’s but they have been made harder by adding a little twist to each calculation. See how you get on.

a) A theatre sells 467 tickets for a matinee performance. A school group then books a further 118 tickets. If the theatre holds 1060 people, how many places are left unsold?

b) The school buys 820 new books, which are put onto new bookshelves. If there are 34 books on each shelf, how many shelves must Mr Baldwin put up?

c) A car salesroom has a sales target of £150,000. They sell 12 cars for £9,800 each. How many more cars do they need to sell to meet their target?

d) Jade’s mum buys a pack of 8 kiwi fruit for £1.92. Individual kiwi fruit cost 30p each. How much cheaper is each kiwi fruit by buying in a pack?

e) What is the difference between the product of 19 and 3.6, and the sum of 2.87 and 3.5?

f) Mr Daw gives each child in his class 18 stickers during January. If there are 29 children in Mr Daw’s class, and Mr Daw had a pack of 1000 stickers to start with, how many stickers has Mr Daw left at the end of January?

g) Katie buys two magazines for £1.29 each and spends £8.95 on a CD. If she had £12.50 to start with, how much does she have left?

h) Pencils cost 72p for a pack of 12. In one year, the school has to buy 1440 pencils. How much do they cost altogether?

i) Mr Daw shows limited willpower and eats 17 biscuits every day in 2009, except for Christmas Day when he eats 28. How many biscuits will Mr Daw have eaten by the end of the year?

j) Being healthy, Mrs Wollington buys a 2.5 litre bottle of olive oil. She uses 567ml in one week, then 0.65 litres the next week. How much does she have left in the bottle by the end of the second week?

Remember, decimals make no difference to how you add, subtract, multiply or divide you only have to remember to keep the decimal points above one another, in a straight line.

This is not how we would write out sums to find the answer so don’t write them this way in your jotter. Use place value, carrying and decomposition (borrowing) to find your answers.

I’ll post the answers to these tomorrow or you can send me your answers at:


Time for a spelling test.

Here are some of the spelling words and patterns that we have looked at over the last few weeks. Give them to another member of your family and have them test you on your knowledge.

jacket,  packet,  racket,  live,  carve,  blue,  due,  process,  resources,  soldier,  sparrow,  yellow,  elbow,  necessary,  separate,  chocolate,  lightning

I’ve assigned you some reading in Scholastic Books.

Here are the answers to yesterday’s comprehension exercises.

Water Answers

Sleepover Answers

Catch Answers

Yesterday I put up a special announcement about the buddy letters that you should be writing to the new Primary 1s.

I’ve had 6 returned so far. Today I’m setting the buddy letter as your literacy task. If you have already written it and sent it to me, congratulations take a break and enjoy the sun. If you haven’t, now is your time to get it written.

Here is a link to yesterday’s announcement.

Primary 6 – Important Announcement!



We have been learning how Jesus prayed for his friends and for all of us and how he taught his disciples to pray to our Heavenly Father.  We know that saying our prayers is very important.  On the accompanying illustration of Jesus praying, draw pictures or write names in the thought bubble of yourselves and some of the other people Jesus was praying for. You could choose your families and friends, as well as our brothers and sisters throughout the world.


Colour your picture in when you have finished writing in the names of your family and friends.  Now show someone your picture and tell them how much you love them and that you will remember them in your prayers.

Please send us a copy of your picture at or Tweet us @St_BarbarasPS

It is very important for us to talk about how we are feeling.  It is especially important now as some of you may be worried about the changes we have all had to make in the last few months.  Talking to someone, exercising and relaxing are all great ways to help your health and wellbeing and keep you feeling happy.  Today I would like you to play the lanterns game below where you write down how you are feeling and what has made you feel that way.  You will then see your feeling float up into the sky.

Now we are going to do some Jump Start Jonny to help us get some fun exercise and make us smile!

Click on whichever video you like or do all three!  Magnus’ favourite is “I like to move it.” He doesn’t like to do it himself but he does like to watch me.

Now for some relaxing time.  A great way to relax is by doing yoga. Yoga is an ancient form of exercise that focuses on strength, flexibility and breathing to boost physical and mental wellbeing. The main components of yoga are postures (a series of movements designed to increase strength and flexibility) and breathing.

Why not send us some pictures of you taking part in any of the exercises you have been doing today.  Send to or Tweet @St_BarbarasPS

You can email me any of your work at:


Mr. McIntosh

Primary 4/3 – Friday 29 May 2020


Good morning boys and girls, can you believe that it’s Friday already and this is the last school day of May.  Monday will be a new month.

I hope you were able to enjoy the sunshine and today has to be very warm.  Please make sure you take care in the sun.  Drink plenty of water and remember to take breaks.

Let’s start the day with our morning prayer 🙏.  We could also say a Hail Mary remembering anyone who needs a little prayer.

Literacy 📝📖 🔠

Please continue with the book that has been assigned to you on Scholastics.  If you have not been in touch to get your book, please email me on  Remember boys and girls when reading your book you need to be able to tell someone about what you have read.  When we read it is important that you understand what you read.  Like we would in class, use a dictionary or ask an adult to explain anything you don’t understand.

A word we have been hearing a lot recently is


Use this word to make as many words as you can.  Your words need to be at least two letters in length.  Try for 15.

The next activity also involves LOCKDOWN, let’s have a treasure hunt in the house or in the garden.  Can you find me eight items beginning with each letter in lockdown (this means you need to find two items beginning with ‘O’  – they can’t be the same).  Write all your items down or send me a picture.

For the last piece of literacy work today, I would like you to test yourself on the phoneme words you have been working on.  Ask someone in your house to test you and if they have time to dictate four sentences.  How did you do?

Numeracy 🔢

Let’s click the link below:-

Please choose Level 4, multiplication or division up to 12, choosing a table you have been working on.  Choose a 5 second gap or can you challenge yourself with a 3 second gap!! Let me know how you get on.

Today we will continue on our 4 number operations revision.  These are addition/subtraction/multiplication/division (+ – x ÷).    Will we add, subtract, multiply or divide.  Read the questions carefully.

Continue on your work from the textbook from yesterday.  I know some people have completed it and if you would like a further exercise just drop me an email.

When you have finished you can choose to play an online maths game of your choice for one of the four operations.

R.E. 🙏

We have been learning how Jesus prayed for his friends and for all of us and how he taught his disciples to pray to our Heavenly Father.  We know that saying our prayers is very important.  On the accompanying illustration of Jesus praying, draw pictures or write names in the thought bubble of yourselves and some of the other people Jesus was praying for. You could choose your families and friends, as well as our brothers and sisters throughout the world.


Colour your picture in when you have finished writing in the names of your family and friends.  Now show someone your picture and tell them how much you love them and that you will remember them in your prayers.

Please send us a copy of your picture at (Teacher’s Glow Email) or Tweet us @St_BarbarasPS

Health and Well-being 🚴‍♀️💃🕺

It is very important for us to talk about how we are feeling.  It is especially important now as some of you may be worried about the changes we have all had to make in the last few months.  Talking to someone, exercising and relaxing are all great ways to help your health and wellbeing and keep you feeling happy.  Today I would like you to play the lanterns game below where you write down how you are feeling and what has made you feel that way.  You will then see your feeling float up into the sky.

Now we are going to do some Jump Start Jonny to help us get some fun exercise and make us smile!

Click on whichever video you like or do all three!  My favourite is I like to move it 🙂 it certainly gets your heart beating!

Now for some relaxing time.  A great way to relax is by doing yoga. Yoga is an ancient form of exercise that focuses on strength, flexibility and breathing to boost physical and mental well-being. The main components of yoga are postures (a series of movements designed to increase strength and flexibility) and breathing.

Why not send us some pictures of you taking part in any of the exercises you have been doing today.  Send to or Tweet @St_BarbarasPS

What a busy week everyone with the highlight being our virtual sports day!!  Well done on all your hard work.  👏⭐️  Have a lovely weekend.  Take care and stay safe everyone.

Mrs Boyce xx🌈

Friday 29th May – Primary 5

¡Buenos días a todos!

Hoy es viernes y es casi el fin de semana.

What do you think that means? I’m sure that you can work it out!

Let’s begin with our morning prayer.

God our Father

As we prepare to begin our work

We ask you to help us to use properly the many gifts you have given us

So that we may fully benefit from out day together. Amen.


Health and Wellbeing

It is very important for us to talk about how we are feeling.  It is especially important now as some of you may be worried about the changes we have all had to make in the last few months.  Talking to someone, exercising and relaxing are all great ways to help your health and wellbeing and keep you feeling happy.  Today I would like you to play the lanterns game below where you write down how you are feeling and what has made you feel that way.  You will then see your feeling float up into the sky.

Now we are going to do some Jump Start Jonny to help us get some fun exercise and make us smile!

Click on whichever video you like or do all three!  My favourite is I like to move it 🙂 it certainly gets your heart beating!

Now for some relaxing time.  A great way to relax is by doing yoga. Yoga is an ancient form of exercise that focuses on strength, flexibility and breathing to boost physical and mental wellbeing. The main components of yoga are postures (a series of movements designed to increase strength and flexibility) and breathing.

Why not send us some pictures of you taking part in any of the exercises you have been doing today.  Send to: or, with permission Tweet @St_BarbarasPS


Literacy Tasks

First News: please select from assigned Comprehension, Crossword and Word Definition tasks.

Scholastic: please continue with your selected book. If you have finished, please complete the quiz and choose another book. You should aim to read for twenty-thirty minutes each day.


This week we have been looking a to words ending with vowels and how to make plural nouns by adding -es.

You have also looked at exceptions to that rule and you have researched shortened words.

Today we are going to explore some common words, ending in vowels which we use frequently. However the words in question today actually come from foreign languages.

dahlia     bhaji     paella     banjo     spaghetti     emu

banana     cello     chapatti     pasta     pizza     risotto

rosti     samosa     macaroni     ravioli     concerto


Research the words above using a dictionary or online.

a) Sort them into lists according to the country of origin

b) Make a list of the food words

c) Make a list of the music words

¡Buena suerte! Answers will be published at 3.00pm today.



Mental Maths: Speed Revision

Please use the Topmarks Daily 10 to keep number order in your mind!

Click on the link, select Speed Challenge, select Level 1, 2 or 3. Then select Addition, then ‘Bonds to make…’ and work your way through them.

If you find that you are unsure, go back to the level below and give yourself more time to attempt each one. Number bonds are very important so it’s worth taking some time with this task.

Timing: aim for 3 seconds but  change it if you need more thinking time.

Numeracy: Money Task

Would like to win £1 000 000? Well – play ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire!’ You might even play with your family.

Please open the powerpoint, select ‘enable editing’ and then play as a SLIDESHOW. You can use your jotter to make calculations but you shouldn’t use a calculator! Good luck!

Millionaire P.5 Money Quiz


We have been learning how Jesus prayed for his friends and for all of us and how he taught his disciples to pray to our Heavenly Father.  We know that saying our prayers is very important.  On the accompanying illustration of Jesus praying, draw pictures or write names in the thought bubble of yourselves and some of the other people Jesus was praying for. You could choose your families and friends, as well as our brothers and sisters throughout the world.


Colour your picture in when you have finished writing in the names of your family and friends.  Now show someone your picture and tell them how much you love them and that you will remember them in your prayers.

Please send us a copy of your picture at or Tweet us @St_BarbarasPS


Time to have a look at some Spanish. Click on the link below to see a Spanish school.

*You might need to copy and paste the links into your browser.

Papo the parrot visits a Spanish primary school and learns some useful Spanish.

In the second clip, A group of Spanish children play Abuelito, ¿qué hora es?, a Spanish playground game similar to Granny’s footsteps. They count in Spanish using numbers 1-10 as they play taking footsteps in the style of different animals.

Finally, please select an activity from your Second Level Home-Learning grid. After that, it’s time for GOLDEN TIME!

I hope that you have a great weekend and I’ll see you on Monday!

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