Primary 2 Homework-WB 9th Nov 2020

Happy Monday everyone! 

Your child has been set homework tasks for MondayTuesday and Wednesday night. Please remember to return your child’s reading book along with their clear zippy wallet on Thursday.

Please find below details of this week’s homework:

Homework- WB 8th November


Keep your eyes peeled for North Lanarkshire’s Sumdog Maths contest which starts this Friday, November 13 and ends on Thursday 19th November👀. It would be amazing if all of the pupils in our class can take part!

Thank you for all of the wonderful pictures that were sent in last week. It is great to see lots of the fabulous work you are doing at home. Remember, if you are really proud of your homework you can take a picture of your wonderful work and send it to my email or tweet me a picture @St_BarbarasPS.

If you have any questions, please contact me- 


Miss Shreenan 🙂

Primary 1 Homework Week Beginning 9th November

Happy Monday everyone 😁


Your child has been set homework tasks for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday night. To keep us all safe, we have decided that all completed work should be kept at home (until further notice). Please remember to send back the clear zippy wallet empty on Tuesday and return your reading book on Thursday.

Could you please encourage your child to practise their reading book each night. 📖 



Letter sound- g 🏌️‍♀️

Practise saying the ‘g’ sound. Listen to the ‘g Jolly Phonics song. Sing the song whilst doing the action.

Go on a sound hunt around your house looking for objects that begin with the sound ‘g’. Can you think of any other words that begin with ‘g’?

Complete letter ‘g’ formation worksheet.


Complete Ladybird Addition worksheet. 🐞



Common Words: go, got, get

  1. Use your word tin to practise your common words. When you look at each word, read the word and then spell it out loud.
  2. Can you think of a sentence for each of your common words this week? Tell an adult your sentences and see if they can spot which common word you have used in each sentence.
  3. Choose a task of your choice from the menu below, to help you practise this week’s common words. Have fun!

P1 Spelling Menu



Practise adding up to 10 by playing this fun game.



Letter sound-l 🐑

1.Practise saying the ‘l’ sound. Listen to the ‘l’  Jolly Phonics song. Sing the song whilst doing the action.

2.Go on a sound hunt around your house looking for objects that begin with the sound ‘l’. Can you think of any other words that begin with ‘l’?

3.Complete letter ‘l’ formation worksheet.



Sumdog - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Log onto Sumdog and complete this week’s homework challenge. Good luck!

Sumdog login details were given out in term one. Please let me know if you have lost these and I can send you a copy of these details.

Keep your eyes peeled for North Lanarkshire’s Sumdog Maths contest which starts this Friday, November 13 and ends on Thursday 19th November👀. It would be amazing if all of the pupils in our class can take part!

Thank you for all of the amazing work that was emailed to me last week. It is great to see all of the wonderful work you are doing at home. Remember boys and girls, if you are really proud of your homework you can scan or take a picture of your wonderful work and send it to my email or tweet me a picture @St_BarbarasPS. 📧

If you have any questions please contact me –

Thank you,

Miss McEleney🌈

Primary 2/1 Homework Week Beginning 9th Nov

Happy Monday!

Please find attached the homework for each group for this week.

Blue-Group-Homework-WB-9th November

Green-Group-Homework-WB-9th November

Red-Group-Homework-WB-9th November

Keep your eyes peeled for North Lanarkshire’s Sumdog Maths contest which starts this Friday, November 13 and ends on Thursday 19th November. It would be amazing if all of the pupils in our class can take part!

Thank you for all of the amazing work that was emailed to me last week. It is great to see all of the wonderful work you are doing at home. Remember boys and girls, if you are really proud of your homework you can scan or take a picture of your wonderful work and send it to me.


Mrs McGill


Homework Week Beginning 2nd Nov

Hello Primary 4,

I have attached your homework below for the coming week.

Last week there was an issue with my emails. I will provide feedback to anyone who sent homework throughout this week.

10 minutes reading of independent novel.

Monday- Write your spelling words 3 times. Write sentences for 5 of your spelling words.

Red- spoil, disappointed, avoid, moisture, decoy, destroy, voyage, loyal, employ.

Yellow- judge, badge, ledge, lodge, fudge, cadge, edge.

Tuesday- Complete the addition worksheet provided in class.

Wednesday- This week we are celebrating the feast of All Saints Day and will learn about Saints in class. Pick one Saint and research them. We will share our ideas in class on Friday during R.M.E. time.

Thank you,

Miss McBride.

Primary 7 – Week Beginning – 02/11/20

Hello Primary 7

Your Homework this week has 3 parts,

  1. This week we are looking at the prefix ‘all’ when it is written with one ‘l’, Here are some example words – almost, always, already, also, although, altogether, alright, almighty, alternative – Practise these words any way that you wish and find 9 more which fit this prefix pattern.
  2. This week we will be learning about space suits. Discover what you can about the AX-5 prototype space suit. What made it different to the space suits that came before it and why was it never used?
  3. Using household objects complete these measuring tasks. You may have to estimate some.

a) How many tins of beans tall are you?

b) Calculate the floor area of your bedroom in bath towels. You answer must be in towels squared.

c) How long is your bed in pillows?

d) How tall is your door in left shoes?

e) What is the perimeter (the distance around) of your TV in socks?



Good Luck

Mr. McIntosh

Primary 2 Homework- WB 2nd November 20

November already, can you believe it!

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had a spooktacular weekend celebrating Halloween. I loved seeing all of your fantastic costumes on Friday.

Your child has been set homework tasks for MondayTuesday and Wednesday night. Please remember to return your child’s reading book along with their clear zippy wallet on Thursday. 

Please find below details of this week’s homework:

Homework- WB 2nd November

Thank you for all of the wonderful pictures that were sent in last week. It is great to see lots of the fabulous work you are doing at home. Remember, if you are really proud of your homework you can take a picture of your wonderful work and send it to my email or tweet me a picture @St_BarbarasPS.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me:


Miss Shreenan 🙂

Primary 2/1 Homework Week Beginning 2nd Nov


I hope you had a lovely weekend celebrating Halloween. I loved seeing all your costumes and hope you got some treats!

Here is the homework this week for each group.

Blue-Group-Homework-WB-2nd Nov

Green-Group-Homework-WB-2nd Nov


Can I say  big well done to all the boys and girls who are taking part in the Sumdog challenges. It is a great resource to use at home as it takes what we are learning in class and turns it into a fun game. It is free to use and is a great way for teachers to keep track on how well you are doing. If you don’t have equipment at home that the children can use please let us know and we will see if we can help.


Mrs McGill

Primary 3 Homework – week beg 2nd Nov.

Hi boys and girls, here are this weeks homework tasks.

Monday – Red & Blue group – ‘wr’ phoneme – make a word list of as many ‘wr’ words you can think of.

Green group – the phoneme ‘ck’ e.g. clock, chick, stick. Make a list of as many ‘ck’ words as you can. Here are some ideas to help you. Remember to use your ‘spelling fingers’ to help you.

Tuesday – common words – pyramid spelling.

Red & Blue group – gave, family, how, might

Green group – him, like, made

Wednesday – Maths – word problems worksheet.

Thursday – a table challenge task has been set for you on Sumdog.

Please read your home reader every night to work on your fluency and expression.

Have a great week,

Mrs MacLeod & Mrs Moore


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