P4/3 – Monday 20th April

Good morning everyone!  I hope you all had a nice time over Easter.  I am sure that even though if was a quieter celebration for us all, you still managed to eat your chocolate eggs and have some fun in the garden.  We had an Easter egg hunt and our dinner in the back garden!!  I would love to hear your “Easter holiday news”, let’s start by writing a few sentences about this.  Remember you can email me them or reply on here.

Beginning today, I will be posting tasks for you to complete on here.  There are new grids for you to access too. (See Mrs McKinney’s post).


If you can, log on to https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ this is great website for reading books.  Choose one of your choice and make sure you read a few pages or one chapter a day.  I will be asking you to do some work from these.  If you have your own books at home or are already signed up to another online reading resource, then that is fine, it doesn’t have to be this one.

P3 Phoneme – ie (eg, field)

p4 Phoneme – f, ff, ph

Make a list of words with this sound. Remember to use a different colour to highlight the phoneme.

Choose 3 of these words and write them out in your jotter 3 times and write a sentence for each.  Remember to make your sentences longer by using conjunction words such as and, but.


We will revisit Place Value this week and rounding to the nearest 10 and 100.

First let’s do a little Number Talks activity:

How many strategies can you use to find the answer to:

(P3) 67 + 45

(P4) 144 + 68

Below are some place value games to get you started this morning.

https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/daily10 (Choose level 2 or 3 with a 5 second interval between each question)



I have attached a rounding worksheet for you to complete. (The answers are attached too, but no peaking!)

Rocket Rounding to 10 Activity Sheet


For daily exercise, you can follow Joe Wicks routines and classes online which I know many of you have been doing already.  It’s going to be nice today so maybe you could design your own obstacle course in your garden or if you don’t have access to a garden, try some interval training when you are out on your walk – 10 star jumps, 10 hops, 10 burpies, and my favourite “the plank” for 10 seconds or longer if you can!!


Remember to keep up with your prayers, especially your act of sorrow P3.  I would like you to finish your lessons today with our Angel of God prayer:

Angel of God, my guardian dear

To whom God’s love commits me here,

Ever this day be at my side

To light and guard, to rule and guide

Fr Campbell is streaming live mass every Sunday and you should try to catch this.  Yesterday we heard about Thomas and how he did not believe that Jesus had risen until he saw it with his own eyes.  Watch the following video.  This is a time where we need to believe in Jesus and ask him to protect us and our families.  Can you create your own bidding prayer, asking God to protect us and keep us healthy and safe.


Parents: Remember this is only a guide, please do not feel under pressure to complete all tasks.

20th April 2020 Primary 5

Good morning to my marvellous Primary 5s,

I hope that you and your families are well and have managed to enjoy some spring sunshine together during your Easter break. Remember not to worry if you do not manage to complete all suggested tasks each day; do what you can and try to keep your body and mind active. Remember to take breaks regularly throughout the day.

Let’s begin our day with a prayer. Close your eyes and thank God for the people who love and care for us. Say a Hail Mary and an Our Father.

Let’s begin by working off those delicious Easter eggs with Jumping Jax 25 minute cardio for kids:


For reading today explore this week’s edition of First News and have a go at the Quiz (Part B only) in your jotter.  Answers for Part B are provided  below, use these to check how well you did.

First News 17-26 April

First News Quiz April

Spelling – remember a prefix is a letter or group of letters added to the beginning of a root word to make a new word. This week we will focus on prefixes that negate or reverse the meanings of words. im/in/un/mis

e.g possible (root word) – something can be done   impossible- something cannot be done

Read over our words for this week  carefully:










In your jotter record each word, underline the root word and circle the prefix. Can you write a short difinition for each word?

Maths -This week we will be revising some concepts from Place Value. Carefully listen to and watch the following reminder from Rigour Maths and complete examples given. Have a go at the text book page that links with this lesson. Remember, answers are provided so no peaking! If you have any questions please get in touch.

Rigour Rounding to the nearest 10 (1)    TEXTBOOK LINK

I have set a times table competition on Sumdog for today. Please try to log on and have a go. I will announce the winner tomorrow. Good luck!

This is Our Faith in Action – SCIAF-  This week we will explore inspiring people from the Bible. Please read one story per day and discuss or think about the questions provided. Today read the story of Abraham.

RME Inspiring Individuals

There is now a new Home Learning Grid available for second level. Please take some time to read over suggested learning tasks and if possible select one task from the grid to complete.

Spend some time in the sunshine today. Perhaps you would enjoy experimenting with warm colours to create your very own sunshine art to brighten up your day.

Have a lovely day! Remember to get in touch with any questions and to share what you have been doing.

Stay safe, Mrs Haughey x


Good Morning Primary 3,

I hope you all had a lovely Easter break spending time with your family. I am missing you all lots and can’t wait to hear what you have all be up to. It feels very strange not being back in the classroom ready to begin a new term however, I know you will all work extremely hard to learn at home.

Today I have attached a daily plan. The tasks can be completed throughout the day in any order.  If you didn’t contact me before the holiday to get your revision spelling list please do. You can reach me on mcmullenke@st-barbaras.n-lanark.sch.uk

I would love to see some pictures or examples of your work. Please send them to me in an email or you can also tweet these to the school page.

Stay safe and keep smiling!!

Miss McMullen x

Keep Smiling - Home | Facebook

20th April

Place Value Monday


Primary 6 – Monday 20th April

Well, Good morning Primary 6!

I hope that you had a lovely break and that you are all ready to get back to it.

Uniforms on? Then we can begin.

Let’s get our heads back to it with some trips up and down the number line.

Write down the number that is:

a) 10 after 760  b) 200 after 880  c) 70 before 950

d) 300 after 5390  e) 2000 after 7999  f) 1000 before 8700

g) 4500 after 3500  h) 4000 before 5250  i) 8700 before 9900

j) four hundred and thirty after three thousand nine hundred

k) two thousand five hundred before five thousand six hundred

l) two thousand nine hundred before nine thousand

I’ll post the answers tomorrow or you can email them to me at


I’m going to be using this email for all your work from now on so if you do anything that you want to send me that’s the address to use.

Here’s Cressida Cowell reading Chapter 10 of “How to Train your Dragon.”

It’s the Thor’s Day Thursday celebrations. After you have listened to the chapter write a newspaper report about the events of the day. Create a headline and then imagine that you are a viking reporter moving through all of the events reporting about what is happening and who it is happening to. Try to use the language that you find in newspapers, you introductory paragraph should tell the who, what, where, when and why of the story and then your following paragraphs should recount each event in greater detail.

It’s always a good idea to get some interviews in towards the end of your article. Perhaps you could imagine an interview with the winner of the Gull’s Egg Eating competition that Gobber throws up during or speak to the mother of the Ugliest Baby winner, she would be so proud. You can write the article in your jotter or word process it.

Send me a copy at


Now that your brain is fired up let’s get your body moving.

Grab a deck of regular playing cards and set a timer for 10 minutes.

Each suit in the deck is a kind of exercise and the number on the card is the number of times that you need to do it. So:

Spades = squats

Hearts = push ups

Clubs = lunges

Diamonds = jumping jacks

Shuffle the deck and put them near you then start the timer.

Take the first card and complete the exercise,

so if you draw the five of spades, it’s 5 squats

the seven of diamonds, its 7 jumping jacks

after you finish each exercise take a new card and keep going.

If you draw any face card it’s unlucky 13 of that exercise, but aces only count as 1.

If you reach the bottom of the deck before the timer runs out, you’re done! If not, keep going until the timer runs out.

Remember to pick an activity from your new grid to try today.

R.E. – St Thomas the Apostle is often called, “Doubting Thomas” find out why and explain if you think it is fair that he has been given this title.

Let me know how you get on with the activities today. You can email me or hit the comment button below. I’ll be updating Sumdog and Studyladder tomorrow with some new challenges and learning pods.


Mr. McIntosh



Primary 2-Monday 20th April

Good Morning Primary 2 and welcome back,

I hope you all managed to have a lovely Easter break and got out to enjoy some spring sunshine.

Work will continue to be uploaded here each day for you to access. It can be completed in the jotters that you were provided with from your learning pack. Remember any work you wish to upload should be done so under your class name and if you would like to share any videos or pictures of you completing any of the tasks you have been set you can do so via Twitter.

Here is a link to today’s work- Monday 20th April

Do not worry if you don’t manage to complete all set tasks each day, just do what you can to try keep your mind and body active.

Have fun, work hard and remember to take plenty of breaks throughout the day. If you need anything you can contact me by email; shreenann@st-barbaras.n-lanark.sch.uk

Miss Shreenan 🙂

Primary 1b- Monday 20th April

Good morning boys and girls😀❣️

I hope you had a lovely relaxing Easter break with your family and enjoyed spending time in the beautiful sunshine. The weather has been fabulous, we have been very lucky! ☀️

It feels very strange not returning to school after our break but do not worry I have lots of fabulous home learning planned for you this week! Remember to try your best and just do what you can! I am missing your happy faces so please keep uploading pictures of you completing any of your activities on Twitter.

Parents and carers, each day I will upload a document with an overview of the tasks I would like your child to complete. Here is today’s overview:


Below I will include any additional information that will help to support your child with some of their tasks.


Revision- Jolly Phonics songs

wh phoneme

This week’s phoneme is wh. Emphasize to your child that this phoneme is made up of two separate sounds w and h but when we put them together, the h becomes silent. You could introduce this sound to your child using any of the following videos:


Count to 100

Number Formation

Doorway Online is a great resource to help remind children how to form each number correctly.


Parents, please do not worry if your child does not manage to complete some of the activities I have planned each day. Just do what you are able to do and what suits your family circumstances. It is not a normal school day and whatever you manage to do at home, I really appreciate. The wellbeing of you and your child/children is the most important thing right now.

Have a great day boys and girls. Remember to take plenty of breaks, get some fresh air and enjoy the beautiful sunshine.😀

I miss you all lots and I am praying for the day that we are back at school learning together. 🙏🏻

Miss McEleney 🌈 🦋


Good morning Primary 7

Good morning Primary 7! I hope you all had a great Easter break with your family, the sunshine made it so much better didn’t it? It feels strange not going back into the classroom after the holidays however I am sure your brains are ready to focus and continue with home learning.

Remember the activities that are planned for you are suggestions and don’t worry if you don’t get through all the activities. It is important that we keep working but that you take plenty of breaks and get outside and enjoy the sunshine when you can.

Please see the attached document below that will set out today’s tasks for you.


Work will be uploaded here each day for you to access. It can be completed in the jotters that you were provided with from your learning pack. Remember any work you wish to upload should be done so under your class name and if you would like to share any videos or pictures of you completing any of the tasks you have been set you can do so via Twitter. Have fun, work hard and if you need anything you can contact me by email sreid@st-barbaras.n-lanark.sch.uk.

Let’s start today with our morning prayer, close your eyes and say a prayer to God thanking him for the special people in your lives.

Have a great day and try your best!

Mrs Butler 🙂



Primary 1a. 20.04.2020

Hi boys and girls I hope you had a great Easter.  I had a good time but now its time to do some work.


Today you have a new phoneme to learn, it is the phoneme ‘wh’.

This is a very important phoneme so you need to work hard to learn it and remember it.  It looks like this

Find blog posts for teaching ideas shared for free

  1. Can you make this ‘wh’ sound to your mum or dad as many times as you can.
  2. Can you make a rainbow ‘wh’ using 5 colours.
  3. Some important words that start with ‘wh’ are Who, What, Where, when and Why. These are all question words.  Say these words to mum or dad and try hard to remember them.  Maybe you can make some rainbow, plasticine  or pasta words  too.
  4. Can you think of another 2 ‘wh’ words and write a sentence with them.


  1. I would like you to try and read one of these books today and talk to your mum or dad about ;

Who the characters are.

What happens in the story.

Where the story takes place.

2. Are there any ‘wh’ words in your book.

3. Can you copy the front cover of your book making all the words and pictures exactly like the book cover.

This is the link to the books.

Connect OpenPage – Redirect

Click on the TEACHER portal and enter

Username: parents@harpercollins.co.uk

Password: Parents20!
Try to read two books each week.  Some children may be on pink level and others on red or yellow.  Please choose the level to suit your child.


Its been a long holiday boys and girls so lets recap today.

  1.  Count from 0-30.
  2. Count back from 30-0.
  3. Say your days of the week.
  4. Say your months of the year.
  5. What are the four seasons?
  6. What season is this?
  7. Can you draw a spring picture with 10 daffodils.


Boys and girls I have uploaded a power point all about keeping healthy to remind you that you must try to eat healthy food and exercise every day.  After you have watched the power point you can discuss it with someone at home and see how  many different kinds of fruit you can think of. what is your favourite fruit.  How many activities can you think of that you can do at home to help keep you fit and healthy?

Healthy-Eating-and-Living-Powerpoint_ver_4 (1)


Boys and girls, everywhere you look you can see signs of spring.  Can you talk to your mum and dad about these signs and say a special prayer to thank Jesus for our beautiful world.  Here is a beautiful spring picture to help you.

Children On An Easter Egg Hunt On A Meadow In Spring, In The ...

Other Information

There is a brand new grid for you to look at.  You can pick one activity to do each day.

Hope you all have a lovely day and don’t worry if you don’t manage to get all of this done.

Take care everyone.

Mrs Connolly x


Happy Easter

A very special Easter message for all of our amazing boys and girls. Love from all the staff at St. Barbara’s🐰🐣♥️

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