Wednesday 6th May – Primary 5

Good Morning,

I hope that you’re well, have had breakfast and are ready to go!

Let’s begin with the morning prayer:

God our Father, as we prepare to begin our day’s work, we ask you to help us to use properly the many gifts you have given us so that we may fully benefit from our day together. Amen.

Health and Wellbeing

So far this week we’ve completed a Spanish Hula and a French Disco. Today we’re going to focus on yoga and specifically on yoga poses.

Have a look at the following and start practising:



Today you are going to read an extract from, ‘Why the Whales Came,’ by Michael Morpurgo. Once you have read the text, please answer the questions. The answers will be published tomorrow.

I hope that you enjoy it!

Why the Whales Came 1


We have another verse for Macavity the Mystery Cat, this time from Hollie! This time Macavity has been seen in St. Barbara’s!

Macavity in St Barbara’s by Hollie


Fantastic work, Hollie!! Well done!

Please keep sending your verses in to me, Primary 5!



Yesterday you worked on some place value calculations. Please find the answers below:

Place Value Answers

The Place Value Bronze and Silver Challenge!

Please select a challenge below. If you’re really keen, you can do both!

The answers will be posted tomorrow…along with the Gold Challenge. Good luck!


Place Value Bronze and Silver Challenge



Yesterday I asked you to make a May Altar. I hope that you managed to do that – I am looking forward to seeing some pictures.

Today your task is to say a decade of the Rosary in front of your May Altar. In school I ask you to think of a person or a group of people you would like to remember in your prayers. Think of someone special or a group of people….perhaps you might like to pray for yourself.

Settle quietly:

Make the Sign of the Cross, then say:  Our Father , Hail Mary (ten of these), Glory be to the Father, St. Barbara, pray for… (three times) and make the Sign of the Cross again.

To help you I have posted the Hail Mary in English and in Spanish.


Learning Grids

Please select one task from the Learning Grid.

We have come to the end of our learning tasks for today! I am sure that you have worked really hard so it’s time for a rest and a play! Enjoy your evening everyone and I’ll see you tomorrow.





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