Our PTA works as a separate body from the Parent Council. They meet on a monthly basis to plan school events that will raise money for the school whilst contributing significantly to the community life of the school. They work to support the School Improvement Plan and assist with the purchase of resources, playground equipment, funding for outside visits and school visitors ( companies). Over the past few years the PTA have raised significant sums of money that have impacted positively on school ethos and provided quality resources that have improved the teaching and learning environment for staff and pupils.

Current Members

Mrs. Gerri O’Hear – Chairperson

Mrs.Rosemarie Cassidy – Vice Chairperson

Mrs.Pamela McGowan – Secretary

Mrs. Margaret Mary Cairns – Treasurer

Mrs.Louisa McGraw, Mr.Iain Kinnear, Mrs.Pauline O’Donnell, Mrs.Emma Lochran, Mrs. Camille McWilliams, Mrs. Geraldine Glen, Mrs.Pauline Doran, Mrs.Donna Hughes, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Birt

Mrs.Caroline Docherty (HT), Mrs. Margaret Maria Elliott (DHT), Mrs.Margaret Fraser (PT), Miss Ross (Teacher)

The PTA meet once a month, communicate via e-mail and also have a facebook page asset.f.logo.lg

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