Cross Country

Last week we had a strong group of very talented long distance runners who took part in the North Lanarkshire Qualifiers.  It was a great morning that gave our very talented pupils the opportunity to represent the school with pride.  We are delighted to announce that every single pupil beat their personal best and we also have a number of pupils who qualified for the finals.  What a super achievement!!  Great work boys and girls!

Our HMI Visit

Our school was extremely busy last week as we played host to a team of HM Inspectors.  They were in to see the teaching and learning and to speak to the children about what they were doing in class and what they needed to do to make further progress in their learning.  They were really impressed with all the children and their capacity to talk about the life of the school.  They complimented the school on having such fine children who displayed great manners and thanked them for making their stay so enjoyable.  Their report will be issued soon and will give the school clear next steps in terms of addressing our ongoing improvement agenda.

Outdoor Learning

Outdoor Learning Primary 1
Rooms 1 and 2 took advantage of the good weather and enjoyed some outdoor learning with their P7 buddies this week.
The children starte with some warm up exercises such as, body twists, star jumps and running from tree to tree.
It was then time to begin their outdoor learning challenge with their buddies.
The creative challenge was to collect objects around the garden such as, sticks, stones and leaves. Then they had to create pictures with these items.
The counting challenge was to count items around the school such as, windows bins and benches. The children had to put their estimatiing and guessing skills to work here especially when counting the windows.
The literacy challenge was to play I Spy. They found items like e – for empty bottle, b – for brick and f – for feather.
The physical challenge was to create their own game with some PE equipment such as, hoola hoops and bean bags.
Some great fun and great learning! Well done P1 and of course our P7 buddies.

Valentine’s Disco

Our Valentine’s Disco takes place on Thursday evening courtesy of our wonderful PTA.

Pr. 1 – 4  – 6.00 – 7.15 pm

Pr.5 – 7 – 7.30 – 9.00 pm

Please note there have been changes made to some tickets that have been sold in error.  The times are the same as all advertising by the PTA.  Apologies for an confusion this may have caused.


Chefs at Work

Our new cooking kitchen is fully operational and already being put to great use.  The smell of bruschetta being made then cooked in the oven was absolutely mouth watering.  Mrs.Docherty has now made a request that she doesn’t get  left out when all this lovely cooking takes place.  Bruschette is her favourite!

Science at the Early Level

This week the children in room 1 and 2 investigated the best materials to keep us warm in winter.

The children were able to talk about and show materials that keep us warm such as, jumpers, boots, coats, hats, scarves and gloves.

They planned to try out 3 materials – felt (like fleecy jumpers and cosy pyjamas), cotton wool (like woolly jumpers and hats) and shiny material (like waterproof coats).

They covered 3 plastic bottles with the different materials and then poured in hot water and recorded their predictions.

The children enjoyed using the thermometers to record changes.

Finally they made their conclusions when the result showed the wool was the best material with the felt coming a close second.

Great science work children.


Please note that this is a holiday weekend.  The school will be closed on

Monday 8th Feb.

Tuesday 9th Feb.

In-service Day 10th Feb.

School re-opens Thurs. at 9.00pm

*Please note it is Ash Wednesday on the 10th.  A letter from Father Kane has been issued to all pupils detailing times of services for Ash Wednesday and for services throughout Lent.  A morning service will take place every morning at 8.30am.  As our church is so close it wil be lovely to see an increased number of children attending Holy Mass during Lent.

Kitchen Update

The school is delighted to announce that it has two fully upgraded and refitted new kitchens. The main school kitchen has a new servery which has provided a much improved serving area for everyone. This has impacted upon efficiency and enabled pupils to make their healthy food choices.  Our cooking kitchen is now fully operational and has been used by staff during a recent staff training event and also by our Primary 1 pupils.  Today they made the most delicious bruschetta!! Lots happening at school that impacts on our school as a community of faith and learning!

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