Friday Assembly

The whole school joined together on Friday morning for our monthly whole school assembly.  Our newly elected House Captains presented the assembly as part of their expected duties and they did a fine job indeed.  Well done House Captains.  They informed the children of the events that will be taking place over the next few weeks and introduced some representatives of the Global Citizens Committee who  informed everyone about Fairtrade Fortnight.  Our Fairtrade shop will be set up next week with lots of interesting items, all at a good price.  Our Confirmandi pupils sang for the school and our Pr. 1- 3 pupils sang their Lenten Song.

Confirmation Service


image-300x300A warm congratulations is extended to all Pr.6 and Pr.7 pupils who who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Thursday evening.  I am sure you must have all felt extremely proud of yourselves.  The school staff and your parents could not have felt more proud of you all at a service that was both moving and uplifting.  You were a real credit to your families.

Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on those who received the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Grant them:
the gift of WISDOM to see the world through Your eyes;
the gift of COUNSEL to make difficult decisions;
the gifts of KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING to use their minds to know You and to love You;
the gift of FORTITUDE to have the courage to live out their faith, despite difficulties and disappointments;
the gift of PIETY to be able to express their love and commitment to You;
the right kind of awesome FEAR that makes them pause each day to wonder at and revere God’s amazing love.



Our Pr.6 and 7 pupils will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Thursday evening.  The service will begin at 7.00pm and all children are asked to be seated by 6.45pm. Staff will be on hand to ensure all sponsors are directed to the correct seats that correspond with the children.  We pray for our our Confirmandi at this very important time on their Faith journey.


Room 14 Update

The boys and girls of Pr.6, Room 14 have been very busy over the last few weeks learning about WWI and are now sharing their learning with each other.  They have carried out their own research and have happily shared it with each other.  Here are a few pictures that show the pupils developing their presentation skills whilst informing their classmates about the interesting facts they have uncovered.  Well done boys and girls, confident individuals indeed!

The Week Ahead

Our week ahead has much to keep everyone in the school community very busy.  Our Pr.6 and 7 pupils, in particular, will be very busy preparing for their Confirmation service on Thursday evening.  This is the second week of our Lenten Charities.  Our ‘Guess the Bear’s Birthday’ will continue each lunchtime.

Mon. – Netball League – am

Basketball Coaching Session – Pr.7 -am

Tues.  – Mrs.Docherty to attend  training event at Literacy Base – am

Cross Country Afterschool Club

Fun Fitness Afterschool Club

Wed. – Miss Ross – Heartstart training event

Netball Afterschool Club

Thurs.  – SportsLeaders from St.Ambrose to deliver orienteering to Pr.4/5

Badminton Afterschool Club

Dance Afterschool Club

Healthy Eating Programme – Room 9 lead by pupils from St.Ambrose

Confirmation, Pr.6 and  Pr.7 – 7.00pm

Frid. Sports Leaders from St.Ambrose to deliver hockey to Pr.6

Whole School Assembly

Mrs.Docherty to attend Budget Briefing for 2016/2017, St.Ambrose – am

Wacky Hair Day – non-uniform day.  All proceeds are for our Lenten Charities


Cross Country

Last week we had a strong group of very talented long distance runners who took part in the North Lanarkshire Qualifiers.  It was a great morning that gave our very talented pupils the opportunity to represent the school with pride.  We are delighted to announce that every single pupil beat their personal best and we also have a number of pupils who qualified for the finals.  What a super achievement!!  Great work boys and girls!

Our HMI Visit

Our school was extremely busy last week as we played host to a team of HM Inspectors.  They were in to see the teaching and learning and to speak to the children about what they were doing in class and what they needed to do to make further progress in their learning.  They were really impressed with all the children and their capacity to talk about the life of the school.  They complimented the school on having such fine children who displayed great manners and thanked them for making their stay so enjoyable.  Their report will be issued soon and will give the school clear next steps in terms of addressing our ongoing improvement agenda.

Outdoor Learning

Outdoor Learning Primary 1
Rooms 1 and 2 took advantage of the good weather and enjoyed some outdoor learning with their P7 buddies this week.
The children starte with some warm up exercises such as, body twists, star jumps and running from tree to tree.
It was then time to begin their outdoor learning challenge with their buddies.
The creative challenge was to collect objects around the garden such as, sticks, stones and leaves. Then they had to create pictures with these items.
The counting challenge was to count items around the school such as, windows bins and benches. The children had to put their estimatiing and guessing skills to work here especially when counting the windows.
The literacy challenge was to play I Spy. They found items like e – for empty bottle, b – for brick and f – for feather.
The physical challenge was to create their own game with some PE equipment such as, hoola hoops and bean bags.
Some great fun and great learning! Well done P1 and of course our P7 buddies.

Valentine’s Disco

Our Valentine’s Disco takes place on Thursday evening courtesy of our wonderful PTA.

Pr. 1 – 4  – 6.00 – 7.15 pm

Pr.5 – 7 – 7.30 – 9.00 pm

Please note there have been changes made to some tickets that have been sold in error.  The times are the same as all advertising by the PTA.  Apologies for an confusion this may have caused.


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