Category Archives: Whole School

Week 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Hot Meal RED BAND Chicken curry  and rice  with  a choice of two vegetables or salad Beef bolognese served  with garlic bread and a choice of two  vegetables or salad Cowboy beans Quorn sausages and beans with potato waffles and a choice of two vegetables or salad (v) Steak pie with mashed potatoes and a choice of two vegetables or salad Fish and chips with  a choice of two vegetables orsalad
  Hot Meal Vegetarian alternative GREEN BAND Vegetable curry  and rice with a choice of two vegetables and salad (v) Tomato Pasta served with garlic  bread and a choice of two  vegetables or salad  (v) Not required Not required Quorn nuggets  and chips with  a choice of two vegetables or salad  (v)
Baked potato  with a filling salad and vegetable sticks YELLOW BAND Cheese (v) or tuna Baked bean  or cheese (v) Tuna or cheese (v) Baked Beans (v) or tuna Cheese(v) or tuna
Soup and sandwich served with vegetable sticks BLUE BAND Choice of chicken, cheese (v) or tuna Choice of tuna, cheese (v) or ham Choice of cheese (v), chicken or tuna Choice of tuna, cheese (v) or ham Choice of chicken, cheese (v) or tuna
 Choice of soup,  sweet treat, fruit or yoghurt Lentil soup,(v) fruit, yoghurt or jelly Vegetable soup (v) homebaking or fruit Chicken noodle soup, fruit yoghurt or homebaking Vegetable soup, homebaking or fruit Lentil soup,(v) fruit, yoghurt or jelly

Week commencing  26 April, 17 May, 7 June, 23  August, 13 of September, 4 October. All meals are served with milk or water, two portions of vegetable and pupils have the option to add soup or fruit daily or something sweet as indicated on the menu.


What’s on this Week?

Mon. 6th Assembly – Pr. 6 and 7 and  pupils – 9.00 – 9.40 – Mrs Docherty- hall



Tues.7th Assembly – Pr. 2 and 3 and  pupils – 9.00 – 9.45 – Mrs Elliott- hall

Jane Black Occupational Health – school visit

Mrs Docherty – meeting with parent – 1.30pm

Wed. 8th


Assembly – Pr. 4 and 5 pupils – 9.00 – 9.45 – Mrs Docherty – hall

Jan Craven PFFA lessons with Pr. 6 and Pr. 6/7.  These lessons will take place each week at the same time from 1.30pm and 2.10pm

Mrs Kinniburgh , Educational Psychologist – school visit

Thurs. 9th Assembly – Pr. 1 and Pr. 1/2 pupils – 9.15 – 9.55 – Mrs Elliott

Mrs Docherty to meet Angela McBride – AFA (school finance) – 9.15am

Claire McKeown  Speech and Language Therapist – school visit

PIRATE THEMED LUNCH – Menu to follow

God’s Loving Plan –  4 – 5.30pm – staff training

Frid. 10th Mrs Docherty to meet with Community Learning and Development Officer 10.00am


Pr.4 (Rm 13  and Pr. 3 (Rm 8) to attend Mass

Parent Portal

Parents Portal

Please read the important information below. Find out more soon!

Parents Portal is a new digital service replacing the school bag as the main way for schools to communicate with parents & carers, making it quicker & easier to access services & information about your child – anytime, anywhere – all in one place!

What’s on this week?

Last week we celebrated our Patronal Feast Day.  Pr. 7 represented the school at Mass and the whole school joined the service virtually.  In the afternoon children had a movie afternoon as part of school celebrations.  As we could not secure M & M productions on Friday the theatre company came to the school on Monday to present Treasure Island to a variety of classes with three performances over the course of the day.

The newsletter will be sent out via groupcall this week as we aim to become a paperless school.  If a paper copy is required please contact the school.  If the newsletter does not drop into your inbox please contact the school.  Newsletter will be sent out on Tuesday.

Mon. 30th M & M Productions – 3 showings.

Mrs Docherty –meeting- 10.00am

Mrs Docherty /Mrs Elliott  to attend meeting


Tues. 31st Assembly – Pr. 6 and 7 and pupils – 9.00 – 9.45 – Mrs Docherty- hall

School visit by Occupational Therapist

Seminarian Ronan to meet and talk to Pr. 5 pupil (Rm 16 – 2.00pm

Wed. 1st Assembly – Pr. 4 and 5 pupils – 9.00 – 9.45 – Mrs. Docherty – hall

Mrs Docherty meeting  Mrs Dunne – Lead Practitioner


PTA MEETING – 7.15pm

Thurs. 2nd Assembly – Pr. 1 and Pr. 1/2 pupils – 9.15 – 9.55 – Mrs Elliott

Mrs Longyear to attend EIS training – cover to be confirmed

Clicker 8 training

Frid. 3rd KLongyear – EIS training – cover tbc

Pr. 6 (Rm 15 and Pr. 6/7 (Rm 12) to attend Mass


Digital Learning:North Lanarkshire Digital Schools

If your child is self-isolating, he/she can access digital learning through North Lanarkshire’s Digital Schools app. Pupils can log in through Glow or Microsoft Teams. The school will let you know which colour of programme your child should follow. The Digital Schools work is updated regularly is appropriate to your child’s age and stage to complement their classwork.

Guides for pupils and parents can be accessed below:



Important COVID information letter from Public Health

Please read the attached letters in regard of self -isolation procedures.  If your child develops any symptoms of COVID-19 they must not attend school.  They should stay at home, self -isolate and get tested for COVID-19.  Please alert the school if your child is getting a PCR test.

1. Letter for the new term – schools – August 2021 – NHSL – v3 ML final

2. Letter for the new term – nursery – August 2021 – NHSL – v2 (004)jh

Pr. 1 Information

We are delighted to welcome a new cohort of Pr. 1 pupils on Monday as they begin their new school career.  I am sure as parents you are slightly anxious but also excited for the next stage of your child’s learning journey.  We are delighted that you have chosen St.Augustine’s and feel honoured that you and your child will be part of the St.Augustine’s family.

Please note arrangements for the first day at school.  Your child’s start time will be 10.00am, however, the infant gates will be open from 9.45 in order that you can enter the school playground and take some photographs before we line up the children and bring them into school.  Please do not take offence when we ask you to leave the school grounds.  Unfortunately ,we are unable to have any adults in the school building and after Monday no parents are allowed in the school playground at drop off time.

Pick up time will be at 2.45pm.  Staff will announce what class are leaving and will request that you either enter the school grounds to pick up or make yourself visible in order that your child can join you.

Please note you are kindly requested to socially distance at the school gates and to wear a face mask at drop off and pick up times.