Category Archives: Whole School


Welcome back everyone for the start of our new school year.  We are all looking forward to the year ahead.  A special welcome is extended to all our new Pr. 1 pupils and parents who join our community of faith and learning.  School starts for Pr. 2 – 7 at 9.00am.  Pr. 1 pupils will begin their school day at 9.30am tomorrow with parents invited into the building to settle their child for their first day at school.  Please note P.r 1 pupils will leave the school at 2.45pm on Thursday and Friday.

Fund Raising for St Andrew’s Hospice

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The ambassador committee made the most of the good weather and our beach party yesterday by organising stalls to sell lemonade, chatterboxes, paper aeroplanes, sweet kebabs and “soak the ambassadors”.  We don’t have the final total yet but at the last count over £115 was raised for St Andrew’s Hospice. Great work team !

Last Day

The sun is still shining so please note it is shorts and T-shirts for school tomorrow .  No school uniform . The school closes st 1.00pm.  We have enjoyed a fabulous year with your wonderful children and wish you and your family a most enjoyable summer holiday .  A huge thank you for all your support this year .

Move Up Afternoon

This afternoon our pupils were involved in the Move Up Afternoon as part of our enhanced transition for August.  All children were introduced to their new teachers, met their new classmates and spent some time in their new classroom.  Below is a list of our classes for the new session and their teachers.

Pr. 1 – Rm 1 – Miss G Ross

Pr. 1 – Rm 2 – Miss N.Cameron

Pr.1/2 – Rm 3 – Miss K. Ross

Pr. 2 – Rm 4 – Mrs T. Elder

Pr. 3 – Rm 10 – Mr F. O’Dowd

Pr. 3 – Rm 11 – Miss E. Jamieson/Mrs M. Hanlon

Pr.4 – Rm 9 – Mrs. D. Gillooly/Mrs E. O’Donohue

Pr.4 – Rm 12 – Mrs. S. Shields

Pr.5 – Rm 15 – Miss H. Fern

Pr.5/6 – Rm 13 – Miss H. Devoy/Mrs. Fraser

Pr. 6 – Rm 16 – Mrs. C. Llaza

Pr.6/7 – Rm 7 – Miss C. Watt

Pr. 7 – Rm 8 – Mrs.  L. Drummond

Our Attainment Teachers for next session are Mrs. McGlone and Mrs. Chisholm.

Mr. Mullen will provide support across the school for the teaching of ICT.

Mrs. Fraser (Principal Teacher ) and Mrs.Hanlon will have responsibility for teaching Spanish across the school.

We are looking forward to the next school session.



End of Term Whole School Assembly

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The whole school gathered today to celebrate a busy final term in St Augustine’s.

We celebrated our many successes and enjoyed hearing all about our wonderful achievements throughout a busy year.  Awards were given for Pope Francis Faith Award, Scottish Engineering Awards and attendance.  Well done to all award winners.

A cheque was presented to St Andrews Hospice for our recent fund raising – thank you very much for supporting our charitable events throughout the year.

To finish off our assembly we enjoyed watching the P7 Leavers dvd.  What a talented bunch we have.  We will miss you P7.


What’s on this Week?

Monday ASSEMBLY – whole school end of year assembly – 9.30

Break for all classes 10.45

HEwart – Kodaly – Pr.5

LEAVERS MASS and AWARDS CEREMONY – 1.30pm. Parents and grandparents invited.

Early Lunch 12.00 – 12.45

Tuesday 9.30 –Mrs.Docherty to attend Review Meeting

Lunchtime  Beach Party – own clothes day, shorts and shades and beach towel.  £1.00 for school funds.

MOVE UP AFTERNOON – all pupils to meet their new class and teacher for the term ahead.

Wednesday End of Term Mass – 10.00 St.Augustine’s Church
Thursday SCHOOL CLOSES – 1.00pm

Lunchtime Beach Party

We are delighted that the weather forecast for our last week at school is a good one – warm sunshine all week!!

On Tuesday at lunchtime  we will have a beach party.  Children are asked to come to school wearing shorts and T-shirts and can bring along a beach towel to lie on the grass.  As this is a non-uniform day we kindly ask for £1.00 to assist with school funds.