Category Archives: Whole School

Netball Celebration

A great time was had by all at our Netball celebration after school today. Well done to all of the netball players who commit to weekly training. A special thanks to our P7 pupils who have been fantastic this year and also last year for some. We will miss you all but hope that you keep the sport up as you move on to secondary school.  Next year looks like a promising year with so many talented and committed players from P5 and P6. Onwards and upwards!

Foodbank Appeal

Thank you very much to those who have already donated for our Foodbank Appeal to support Coatbridge Foodbank.  We really appreciate your support so far.

For anyone who would still like to contribute please hand in items this week so we can arrange to drop off our collection before the holidays.

What’s on this week?

Please note there is a pupil Fun Day on Friday.  It is a non-uniform day and costs £1.  Takeaway Theatre Company will perform their production of Donald Where’s Yer Troosers, which is sure to be an most entertaining morning.  The Grand Final of St.Augustine’s Got Talent will take place in the afternoon.

Monday ASSEMBLY – 9.20 –10.10 , Pr. 5- 7 Mrs. Docherty

2.00pm– Mrs.Docherty meeting with Speech and Language Therapist

Last session of Multi- Sports afterschool club


Tuesday Pr. 6 – on retreat to Parish Centre.  Childen to bring a packed lunch

Hymn singing practice – Pr.6 and 7 – with Greg McHugh

Last session for Garden club

Wednesday ASSEMBLIES – 9.20 – 10.10, P r. 3- 4 – Mrs. Fraser, 10.45 – 11.25 – Mrs. Elliott
Thursday Pr.4 – Retreat to Carfin.  Many thanks to Father Kane for covering the cost of the bus.  Children to bring a packed lunch.


Friday PUPIL FUN DAY = non-uniform day. Coast £1.00

10.00 – Donald Where’s Your Troosers

1.30pm – St.Augustine’s Got Talent – Talent Show Final



Weather permitting our Annual Sports Day will take place on Tuesday 11th June.  Pr. 1 – 3 Sports Day will commence at 10.15am with school gates opening from 10.00am to accommodate all parents and grandparents.  Please note the children will have their break from 9.45 – 10.00am.

Lunch will take place from 12.00 – 12.45

Pr.4 – 7 Sports Afternoon will commence at 1.00pm.  Gates for all parents and grandparents will open directly after lunchtime has finished.

Parental involvement is always encouraged so come with your running shoes!!