Category Archives: Whole School

Free School Meals and Clothing Grants

A reminder to parents who are eligible for FSM or Clothing Grants that applications should now be made.

Parent/carers who applied last year have either been issued with a notice of consent or with a change of details letter. Application forms can also be downloaded via: ]

Early submission of applications should be encouraged to ensure clothing grants are made and free school meals are registered for the start of the new session.

End of Term Assembly

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The whole school gathered today for our end of term assembly. We took the opportunity to review our term and celebrate some of our success over this period.  Congratulations to our maths, writers and artist stars of the month.  Well done everyone.

Today we awarded netball stars, football stars and received awards for attendance as well as celebrating the fact Monklands won the sports day points tally.

We are immensely proud of everyone for their hard work and commitment over the past year and wish our primary 7 children well as they go off to pastures new.

We hope everyone has a fabulous summer holiday.  Keep safe everyone.  We can’t wait to see you in August.

Foodbank Donation

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Massive thank you to everyone who kindly supported our Foodbank appeal over the past few weeks in aid of Coatbridge Community Foodbank.  Your support has been overwhelming, with over 30 bags of groceries and toiletries being received.

Mrs Drummond ran out of space in her car to take this donation to the Foodbank and had to enlist some help from these trusty pupils to carrry everything.  In a world when you can be anything – be kind.


Lunch Menu

Please note there is a change to the menu this week.  Hots dogs and burgers are the choices for Thurs.  On Friday there is only snack to go.  Orders for both Thursday and Friday were taken last week.  If lunch has not been pre-ordered please provide your child with a packed lunch.  If you have received a letter notifying you that your child has an outstanding bill for lunches taken please arrange to settle by the end of the week.

What’s on this Week?

It is our final week before we break up for the summer holidays and as usual there is a lot going on in school.  Please note dates and times of events this week. The school received an invitation to attend the NL Sports Award Ceremony and have been shortlisted for the Primary School of the Year. An outstanding achievement. We are in the final 3 and don’t yet know who we are up against. Getting to this stage is amazing. The event will take place on Thurs. 27th June.

Monday ASSEMBLY – 9.20 –10.10 , Pr. 5- 7 Mrs. Docherty

LEAVERS MASS and Awards Ceremony –1.30pm.  Parents and Grandparents of all Pr.7 pupils are invited to join us for this end of Primary school celebration.

EARLY LUNCH – 12.15 – 1.00pm

Tuesday MOVE UP AFTERNOON – all pupils will meet their new teachers and classmates for the return to school in August.
Wednesday End of Term Mass – 10.00am.  Please join us.

Mrs. Docherty to visit St.Patrick’s Pr. – am

Thursday End of Term Assembly

Change to lunch menu – Hot dogs and burgers.  Orders were taken last week.

Mrs.Docherty, Mrs. Elliott and Mrs.Drummond to represent school at Primary School Awards Event – Alona Hotel – 6.30pm.

Friday Snack to go for lunch only.  Orders were taken last week.

Farewell to Pr.7 – whole school to line up for Pr.7’s departure

School closes 1.00pm



Talent Show

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The whole school gathered yesterday for the long awaited finals of our talent show.  What a great afternoon we had!

Huge thanks to our Pupil Council for organising and running the event.  We had musicians, dancers, singers, footballers, rappers and tribute bands.  We really do have lots of talent here at St Augustines.

Congratulations to our winners and huge well done to all who took part.  We are so very proud of you all.



Important Pr.7 Leavers Information

Our Leavers Night will take place on Thursday evening.  The event starts at 7.00pm.  Children can arrive slightly earlier for individual and group photographs. Parents are invited from 8.45pm to come to the main gates to watch the children release their balloons with their individual messages.  The evening finishes at 9.00pm.

Pr.7 Leavers Mass and Awards Ceremony will take place on Monday 24th June at 1.30pm. Parents and grandparents are welcome to attend.  We look forward to celebrating the contribution of all children  to the community life of St. Augustine’s  over the last 7 years.  Get your hankies ready!

Please note all phones to be left with parents.