Category Archives: Whole School

Sponsored Walk

Many thanks to all parents and grandparents who joined us on Friday for our annual sponsored walk.  The weather was extremely kind to us and made sure everyone had a great time.  We have a lovely walk on our doorstep that gives us great photo opportunities.  A huge thank you to everyone who has already handed in their sponsor money.  If you have not done so already please arrange to get your child’s sponsor money in as soon as possible.

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What’s on this week?

Our Pr. 7 pupils will set off at 9.00am on Monday for their outward bound trip to Kilbowie.  An exciting week lies ahead with lots of new experiences to share and memories to last a lifetime.  Our fingers are crossed that the weather looks kindly upon us this week.

Please note Mrs.Docherty and Mrs.Elliott will accompany the children alongside Miss Watt and Miss Jamieson.  There have been some staffing changes this week to ensure all affected classes are covered.

Both Mrs. Fraser and Miss Ross (Principal Teachers) will deputise this week.

Monday 9.00 Pr. 7 depart for Kilbowie
Tuesday Tony McMinn to continue with BOX Soccer sessions with classes on the Tues. timetable – all staff to assist the delivery of the programme.

Swimming/Dry sports block– Pr.5 pupils – 9.30 – 10.15/ 10.30 – 11.15.   Please ensure that yur child is dressed in their PE kit for this session – black shorts, white T-shirts for the dry sports block.


Thursday Speech and Language Therapist  – Clare Ramsay – school visit 2.30pm

Macmillan Coffee Morning – 10.00. Room 13 organising.  All welcome


Friday HOLIDAY!!!

Rag Bag Collection – Uplift Wednesday 6th November

Our Eco Committee have issued all pupils with a Rag Bag today as part of our raising awareness of Textile Recycling.  By participating we help the environment as well as raise funds for the school.  When returned Textiles are sorted and exported to Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe providing good quality second hand clothing.

We would appreciate if everyone could support this project and when ready your donations can be handed in anytime before 6th November.

Thanks as always for your support.



What’s on this Week?

Monday 9.00 – Mrs. Docherty to meet MWilson and JDarcy – kitchen plans

9.15 – Speech and Language Therapist – school visit

9.20 – 10.00 ASSEMBLY Pr. 5 – 7 – Mrs. Fraser

9.15 – Class Obs. Rm 11 – Mrs. Elliott

11.00 – Class Obs – Rm 1 – Mrs.Docherty

– Rm 2 – Mrs.Elliott

1.30 –                    – Rm 7 – Mrs.Docherty

–  Rm 8 – Mrs. Elliott

3.00 – Mrs.Dochery to meet Angela McBride – Finance

Mrs. McGlone – out pm – Read, Write Inc training


Tuesday 8.30 – Mrs. Docherty and Mrs. Elliott to meet Curriculum Improvement Officer – Jill Woodward – to discuss school improvement.

Mrs. Drummond – out of school SSERC training event

9.30 – Mrs. Fraser to attend 1140 hours Expansion Meeting – Gartlea Community Centre

1.30 – Mrs. Docherty – Family Group Meeting

1.30 – Class Obs. – Rm 9 – Mrs. Elliott

Tony McMinn to continue with BOX Soccer sessions with classes on the Tues. timetable .

Swimming/Dry sports block– Pr.5 pupils – 9.30 – 10.15/ 10.30 – 11.15.   Please ensure that all pupils have been instructed to wear their PE kits – black shorts, white T-shirts for the dry sports block.


Wednesday ASSEMBLIES – Pr. 3 and 4 – Mrs. Fraser (9.20 – 10.00), Pr. 1 and 2 Mrs. Elliott (10.45 – 11.25)

CDocherty – out all day – HT Conference

Mrs. Drummond to attend – Numeracy Coach Meeting – 1 – 3.30pm

1.30 – Class Obs – Rm 11 – Mrs. Elliott

Thursday 9.15 – Class Obs. – Rm 9 – Mrs. Elliott

Rm 12 – Mrs.Docherty

10.00                      Rm 10 – Mrs. Elliott

1.30                         Rm 16 – Mrs. Elliott

Mrs. Drummond out – pm – Pope Francis Faith Award Co-ordinators meeting

PM – Bikeability Training – Pr.7

Speech and Language Therapist – school visit

Mrs. Docherty to attend ACPHT Meeting 2.00pm

Friday SPONSORED WALK – Pr. 1 – 3 – am – depart 9.30

Pr. 4 – 7 – pm – depart .30pm. Children to wear their own clothes. Please remind children to bring in sponsor money.   Please ensure your child is dressed for inclement weather – if it is raining lightly we are still going out.

Please join us for a lovely walk along the leafy lanes of Coatbridge.

National Parent Gathering

National Gathering for parents with children in Catholic Schools. Saturday 21st September 2019, 9.30-3pm, St Francis Xavier primary school – Falkirk. Separate programme for children. Lunch will be provided. Places are free but need to be booked by phoning 0141 556 4727

This event is the only national event for parents with children in Catholic schools and aims to support them as the first educators of their children. The day will include activities for children, so that child care is not an obstacle to attending. We hope that the programme will be of interest to all families and will help strengthen the link between Catholic homes, the parish and their schools.