Category Archives: Whole School

Dates for Your Diary

                                      images-8                                IMPORTANT DATES FOR YOUR DIARY
                        Robin Hood Panto -Tues. 1st Dec. in school 1.30pm
                            PTA Children’s Christmas Stall –Thurs. 3rd Dec.
                                                  Pantomime – Mon. 7th Dec.
                                                   Pantomime -Tues. 8th Dec.
                                     Christmas Lunch Wed. 9th Dec. Pr.1 – 3
                                  Christmas Lunch Thurs. 10th Dec. Pr. 4 – 7
                                    Concert Dress Rehearsal – Frid. 11th Dec.
                                     Christmas Show – Tues. 15th Dec. 1.00pm
                                     Christmas Show -Wed.16th Dec. 7.00pm
                       Christmas Party – Thurs. 17thDec. ,Pr. 4 and 5, 1.00pm
                          Christmas Party – Frid. 18th Dec. Pr. 6 and 7, 1.00pm
                             Christmas Party –Mon. 21st Dec. Pr. 1 –3, 1.00pm
                                        Christmas Service – Tues. 22nd Dec.
                                       School closed Wed. 23rd Dec –5th Jan.
                                                School re – opens Wed. 6th Jan.

A Busy Week Ahead

This week is a busy week as always with lots going on both inside and outside of school.  Today we celebrated St. Andrew’s Day with Holy Mass at 10am at St.Augustine’s followed by our wonderful concert in the afternoon.  Reminders were not sent out as this concert was in our newsletter for the term with all our important dates for your diary.

On Tuesday our Pr.5 pupils begin their 10 week swimming block.  The children will have a swimming block and will also attend the gym for a coaching session in the main hall.  In the afternoon the children will enjoy a special treat as a result of all their efforts for our Christmas Fair.  A visiting theatre company will perform Robin Hood to the whole school at 1.30pm.

On Wednesday we will gather together for our weekly assembly.

On Thursday our hardworking PTA will invite each class to our multi-purpose room for a Children’s Christmas Stall.  Please remember to give your child some money for the stall.

On Friday Rooms 13 – 16 will attend First Friday Mass at 10am.  Mrs.Docherty will attend St.Ambrose patronal Mass at the high school at 11.30am.  In the afternoon all pupils will gather i their committees for their next committee meeting.

St. Andrew’s Day Celebration

The whole school took part in a wonderful celebration of Scottish music,    song, dance and poetry as we celebrated our patron, Saint Andrew.  It was a great opportunity to showcase the wonderful talent we have here at St. Augustine’s.  We were also delighted to have Kieron and Jamie from St. Ambrose who very kindly stayed all afternoon to play the bagpipes and pipe each class into the hall. We were also very privileged to have our talented pupils accompany their class playing the piano and violin. That was a real treat. Many thanks to our very talented janitor, Mrs. Karen Redmond and our wonderful cleaner Mrs. Jean Marie Innes for their great support as they made all our tartan sashes.  All donations and raffles sold were in aid of St. Andrew’s Hospice. A later blog will update you all on what was raised today.

St.Andrew’s Day

image39The school will be awash with tartan today as we celebrate the Feast Day of our Patron Saint, Saint Andrew.  The school will attend Holy Mass at 10 am in St. Augustine’s Church and we look forward to being joined by parents, grandparents and parishioners.  At 1.00pm we open the doors to all parents and grandparents so that they may  join us for a St.Andrew’s Day concert that will celebrate all things Scottish.  We hope to entertain everyone with plenty of Scottish songs and ceilidh  dancing.  Money raised today from donations and raffles will be given to St.Andrew’s Hospice.

Christmas Fair Day


Our Christmas Fayre was a resounding success from the minute the doors opened at 10 o’clock!!! The hall was packed the whole time and there was a long queue of excited children and very patient parents waiting to see Santa in his grotto! Many thanks to all our parents and grandparents who came out and supported the school this morning. There was a lovely Christmas atmosphere in the hall with everyone joining in the festive spirit.  Many thanks to all staff who came and supported the Fair this morning and a huge thanks to our fantastic PTA for their great work in preparing everything for the fair. Our picture gallery really shows how successful our Christmas Fair was today.


Ready and Waiting

The wonderful team here at St. Augustine’s have worked tirelessly to get everything prepared for the Christmas Fair tomorrow. The staff team and pupils have all been busy working on their enterprise projects and getting the school ready.  The PTA team have worked non stop to get us all ready for a morning that is sure to be a great success. The Fair starts at 10am so please don’t sleep in tomorrow.


Author Visit

Celebrated children’s author Stuart Reid came to visit the school on Wednesday to carry out an author talk with Pr.1 – 3  then Pr.4 -7.  In the afternoon he also delivered a creative writing workshop to the Pr.7 pupils.  We are now looking forward to reading the Pr.7 imaginative stories inspired by Stuart.  The school purchased signed copies of Stuart’s books for the classes and there was also a long queue of excited children eager to buy their own signed copy.  The morning was entertaining, noisy and enjoyable!!