Category Archives: Whole School

Head Teacher Update and What’s on this Week?

This is the final week of a what has been a very long and trying term for everyone.  I am sure if you have been working with your children during lockdown you will appreciate this down time just as much as the children and  school staff.  Once again I would like to extend my sincere thanks on behalf of all staff for all that you did to maintain learning during this last term.  As I have stated on many occasions we are in unprecedented times and find ourselves being challenged in so many ways but your ongoing support has been greatly appreciated throughout.  Holy Week will give us all time to reflect and be thankful for all that we have and for all that the good Lord has bestowed among us.  We are truly grateful for Father Kane’s pastoral support during these trying times and the many visits he has made to the school to speak with children,  offer pastoral support and prayers for pupils, families and staff,  carrying out Confessions and serving Mass for our senior pupils.  We are eternally grateful.

The end of our school week last week was marked by two positive cases within our community and the resultant action that now requires a significant number of children to self isolate.  Can I once again appeal to all parents to drop off and leave in the morning and not stand at the school gates (blocking entrances and requiring children to squeeze past congregating adults ).  There are signs outside the school from NHS Lanarkshire highlighting the need to maintain 2 metre distance and to wear a mask.  Please also abide by the current restrictions that only permit socialising outdoors for a limited number of people.

Monday 29th


9.00- 9.45 – Rm 7 and 8  – Mass with Father Kane in hall.

Nursery will be using Rm 6 for morning snack – 9.00 – 10.00 – due to repairs being carried out in the nursery.

Confessions – pm

CDocherty 3.30pm- 4.00pm –itrent training – teams

CDocherty 4.00pm – Outcome Star Training – teams

Parent Appointments – teacher will make calls at designated times.

Tuesday 30th




9.00 – 9.45 – Rm 12 and 14  – Mass with Father Kane in hall.

Nursery will be using Rm 6 for morning snack

Confessions – pm

Parent Appointments – staff will make contact at designated times.



Wednesday 31st




9.00- 9.45 – Rm 13, 15 and 16  Mass with Father Kane in hall.

Easter Party – Nursery

Confessions – pm

Deadline for PPE orders

Parent Appointments – staff will make contact at designated times.

Thursday 1st


MMElliott– to cover NCCT – Rm 9 and 10 – 9.00 – 9.40

School and Nursery closes – 2.30pm

School and Nursery will re-open Monday 19th April.


Friday 2nd





Lunch Menu – School

Today’s hot option RED BAND Pizza and tomato pasta with salad and vegetable  sticks (v) Pork hot dog with seasoned  diced potatoes and a choice of vegetables or salad Fish Fingers baby boiled  potatoes and a  choice of  sweetcorn, peas or baked beans (mayo dip) Mince pie and mashed potatoes with  carrots and peas Fish and chips with a choice of peas or salad
Vegetarian alternative GREEN BAND Not required Quorn hot dog with seasoned  diced potatoes and choice of vegetables or salad (v) Baked potato and baked beans with a choice of  vegetables or salad (v) Cheese and onion pastie and mashed  potatoes, carrots and peas (v) Quorn nuggets and chips with a choice of salad or peas (v)
Baked potato with  filling YELLOW BAND Cheese (v) or tuna Baked bean  or cheese (v) Tuna or cheese( v) Baked beans or tuna Cheese (v) or tuna
Snack 2 go BLUE BAND Choice of chicken, tuna or cheese (v) Choice of chicken, cheese (v) or tuna Choice of ham, tuna or cheese (v) Choice of ham, cheese (v) or tuna Choice of chicken, tuna or cheese (v)
Soup, sweet treat, fruit or yoghurt Lentil soup,(v) fruit,yoghurt or jelly Vegetable soup (v) homebaking or fruit Chicken and rice soup, fruit or yoghurt or homebaking Vegetable soup(v) homebaking or fruit Lentil soup,(v) fruit,yoghurt or jelly

What’s on this Week?

It was amazing last week to see all our pupils return to the school building  and to find our campus alive with the joyous sound of children at work, rest and play.  I hope you have managed to check our twitter account as there are lots of examples of the amazing work taking place in the school and nursery.  The happy smiling faces that have been captured by teachers gives a perfect snapshot of what is happening each and everyday.  May I take this opportunity to thank you once again for all your endeavours with home schooling as your children really have been a credit to you on their return to school.  They have returned to school with a renewed zest for learning and we will continue to  do all we can to ensure that learning is focused upon revising and consolidating previous work undertaken during lockdown before we move onto new learning.  Please note all homework will be provided via our digital platforms.  During this period of lockdown our children have developed amazing IT skills that we aim to continue to use and develop further.

Please note a letter will be sent out this week to book a teacher/parent reporting session for next week.

Monday 22nd 9.00- 9.45 – Rm 7 and 8 – NCCT – Mass with Father Kane in hall.

Nursery will be using Rm 6 for morning snack – 9.00 – 10.00 – due to repairs being carried out in the nursery

Confessions – Pr. 7 Rm 7 – Room 5 – pm

CDocherty to cover NCCT Rm 9 and 10 – 2.20 – 3.00pm

Tuesday 23rd



9.00 – 9.45 – Rm 12 and 14 – NCCT – Mass with Father Kane in hall.

Nursery will be using Rm 6 for morning snack

Mrs. Docherty to attend Family Group meeting 9.45

Mrs. Elliott – interviewing 9.30

Confessions – Pr. 6/7 Rm 8  – pm

CDocherty meeting with Education Manager – 3.30pm


Wednesday 24th



9.00- 9.45 – Rm 13, 15 and 16 – NCCT – Mass with Father Kane in hall.

Confessions – Rm 15 – Pr. 6 – stage – pm

Thursday 25th Mrs. Elliott– to cover NCCT – Rm 9 and 10 – 9.00 – 9.40

Mrs. Docherty to attend Head Of Establishment Meeting 12.00 – 12.45

NET ministeries- Rm 16 – am – located in school hall/stage and class.  Rm 15 – pm – located in school hall/stage and class

Confessions Rm 16 Pr. 5 – pm

Friday 26th



Mrs. Elliott– to cover NCCT – Rm 1 and 2 – 9.00 – 9.40

Mrs. Elliott to cover NCCT – Rm 3 and 4 – 9.45 – 10.25

Virtual Assembly- am