Category Archives: Whole School

What’s on this week


Monday Mrs. Gillooly in-service training – out. Mr.Clarke to cover

Mrs.Rankin –out all day – census training.

Mrs.Docherty and Mrs.Elliot will be involved in monitoring and tracking meetings and professional review and development meetings  with a variety of teachers across the school this week.

Any parent meetings to take place after 3.00pm

Tuesday Mrs.Docherty and Mrs.Elliot will be involved in monitoring and tracking meetings and professional review and development meetings  with a variety of teachers across the school today.

Any parent appointments to be made after 3.00pm

Wednesday Assemblies – Pr. 1- 4, Pr.4 – 7
Certificates awarded for Stars of the Week, Good Citizen Award.   Please remind children to bring along achievement certificates/trophies from out of school involvement.

Cool Class Award to be announced at assembly

Mrs.Docherty and Mrs.Elliott involved in monitoring and tracking meetings – am

Mrs Hart , Mrs.Fraser to attend Jigs and Reels in-service training, Carnbroe Primary

Staff collegiate planning and moderation meeting – 3.00 – 4.30

Thursday Mrs Docherty out of school all day – attending CHAPS (Catholic Head Teachers) conference

Mrs.Gillooly  out of school with 2 pupils to attend JRSO meeting – am.

Badminton afterschool club

Miss Watt and Miss Thomson to attend Literacy in-service training 9.00 – 4.00

Sacramental Meetings at Church

6.30 pm – First Reconciliation

7.30pm First Communion

Friday Mrs.Docherty out of school – attending CHAPS conference – all day

Mrs.Elliott – monitoring and tracking meeting – am

Basketball afterschool club

Open Evening/Meet the Teacher

Many thanks to all the parents who came out in such large numbers to visit the school on Thursday evening.  I hope you found  the presentation informative and that it explained the school’s recent journey and the commitment of all to  move forward and improve the quality of teaching and learning for all pupils across the school.  A copy of the powerpoint is available for those who were unable to attend.  Many thanks for the feedback you provided in regard of homework and curriculum rationale.  All responses will be collated and reviewed by staff with a view to reviewing our current policies to ensure they have taken account of your views and the views of your child(ren).  I hope you enjoyed the opportunity to meet with your child’s teacher,  to see their learning environment and discuss their future learning.

Open evening – Powerpoint presentation

Peer Mediation Training

Primary 7 attended peer mediation training last week where they learned how to become a better friend, developed new skills in effective communication, self-control, problem solving and understanding.   They competed their two day training by acting out scenarios to put their new skills into practice. We look forward to seeing our peer mediators in action.  Our slide show below captures their intensive training sessions.  Well done boys and girls!!

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The Week Ahead

Lunch Menu
lunchtime menuimages-4

Monday Heather Ewart – Kodaly Music Classes for  Pr.5 Community Involvement from St.Ambrose – 1.20 – 3.00 – Christina Lennon,   Emma Cannon, E. Cassidy, Chelsea McAuley.

In-service Training – all staff – pm

Tuesday Wilson Photography – Individuals/ Families

Mrs.Docherty attending Head of Establishment Meeting

Mrs. McGlone attending in-service training – am

Wednesday Pr. 1- 3 – Assembly -pm

Pr. 4 – 7 Assembly- pm

Stars of the Week, Good Citizen Award and Cool Class Awards to be announced at asembly.   Please remind children to bring along achievements – certificates/trophies from out of school involvement to be shared at asembly.


PTA – 7.15pm – new members very welcome.

Thursday Mrs.Drummond attending in-service training

Inclusion Support Base to work with the Pr.6 children not involved in peer mediation training last session – now Pr.7 pupils.

MEET THE TEACHER – OPEN EVENING – 6.30pm. Parents and pupils invited. Mrs. Docherty to address parents at 6.30pm and canvas parent views on homework and curriculum.


Friday Curriculum Improvement Officers to visit school to met with Mrs.Docherty and Mrs.Elliott – 9.00am

First Friday Mass

Peer Mediation to continue with Pr.7 pupils – am

Mass at Carfin

Our Pr7 pupils did an excellent job of representing the school community at Friday’s Year of Mercy Mass at Carfin Grotto. It was a splendid occasion and one to remember as Pr. 7 pupils and secondary pupils from across the Diocese of Motherwell joined together for a concelebrated Holy Mass lead by Bishop Toal. Our film slide below captures images from a lovely day shared with our fantastic Pr.7 pupils.


The boys and girls of Pr.7 really demonstrated their skills of persuasion as they presented their speeches and manifestos to their classmates this week. All candidates were eager to demonstrate they had the qualities that would make them ideal House Captains and Vice Captains and that they could be trusted to lead by example and to be ambassadors of the school. Tough decisions. Look out for the announcement in regard of who were successfully elected. It was great to see so many children putting themselves forward for election. Well done boys and girls!