Category Archives: Whole School

Valentine’s Disco

img_2417Our Valentine’s Disco takes place on Thursday evening.

Pr. 1 – 3 ,  6.00 – 7.15pm.  Children to be dropped off at the main foyer and collected from the infant entrance.  Parents to locate in their child’s classroom.  Children will be brought along to the classes to be collected.  We kindly ask for your patience in order that we can supervise effectively and ensure all children are picked up by their parents and we don’t have heavily congested corridors.  Thank you.

Pr. 4 – 7,  7.30 – 8.45pm.  Children to be dropped off at the main entrance.  Children to be picked up from inside the hall.  We kindly ask for your patience as we ensure all children are picked up from inside the school and leave with their parent.  No children are allowed to leave the hall without a parent.  Your support and patience would be greatly appreciated.

Catholic Education Week

image6-300x282The Catholic Church in Scotland encourages schools, parishes and other agencies to work closely together in order to celebrate the successes of Catholic education particularly during one week each year.  The purpose of Catholic Education Week is to highlight the significance of education, not only for young people but for society as a whole.  Students, parents, teachers and others are asked to reflect on their own roles in the education process –  at home, in school, in the local parish and in other educational settings.

This year’s theme is “Developing as a community of faith and learning.”

“What makes the Catholic school distinctive is its attempt to generate a community climate that is permeated by the Gospel spirit of freedom and love.”

Welcome Back

The school community hope that you and your family enjoyed a lovely mid-term break and feel refreshed for a return to school.  Today was an in-service day across the authority and involved school staff reviewing current practice and planning for future developments.  Today we had a visit from BT Barefoot who gave a presentation on computer science and how to develop this within the curriculum.  Staff had the opportunity to review the online resources.  Later we had a highly informative presentation by  Speech and Language Therapists who are currently working in partnership with the school to develop pupil speech, language and communicatin skills.  This week is a short week but a busy one as always.  Thursday evening we have our Valentine’s Disco and we also launch Catholic Education Week.

Thursday Review Meetings – all day , Mrs.Docherty, Mrs.Elliott


VALENTINE’S DISCO – 6- 7.15pm, Pr.1 – 3

7.30 – 8.45pm , Pr. 4 – 7

Friday Review Meetings – all day , Mrs.Docherty, Mrs.Elliott

School Committees – VSadler to attend Health Committee Meeting



cmhw-2017-logo-headerv1This week children will be trying to spread a little kindness as we learn about mental health and looking after our wellbeing.  All classes are involved in our competition to create a superhero with the aim of spreading a little kindness.  We look forward to receiving entries. Below is a message from Pope Francis and the powerpoint created and delivered by our Health Committee last week.

Pope Francis says “Let us learn to live with kindness, to love everyone, even when they do not love us.”


The Week Ahead

whats-happening-this-week-clipart-1-1This week is a big week for the school as we have a return visit from HMI.  We have an ongoing engagement with Education Scotland as we continue on our Improvement Agenda and look forward to their feedback on our progress to date and our self-evaluation processes.  This week is Child Mental Health Week with all children focusing on the theme of “Spread a Little Kindness”

Monday Mrs. Ewart – Kodaly – Pr.5, Choir – 2.30pm

Netball League – netball team out of school am

Transition visit Pr.7 – Mrs. McDonald, St.Ambrose – 9.15am


Tuesday HMI – VISIT – initial meeting with Mrs. Docherty, Mrs. Elliott ,class visits all day, Meeting with staff 3.10pm.

SAFER INTERNET DAY – all classes focusing upon this important message

Developing the Young Workforce – 3.45 – 5.15 pm – Kildonan Street

COOKING CLUB – Miss Ross, Miss Thomson – Pr.5



Wednesday HMI – VISIT, continued class visits, meeting with pupil groups,meeting with Father Kane

St.Ambrose Sports Leaders -9.00 – P.E. block


Thursday Mrs. Docherty and Mrs. Elliott to attend EIS Meeting – St.Margaret’s H.S. 4.15pm


Friday Whole School Assembly – 9.20

Mr.O’Dowd’s  class to be covered by Mrs.Shields

Pilot Project  – Lego Therapy – Rm 4 – lead by Speech and Language Therapy – 1.30pm


Assembly News

Our wonderful Health Committee worked hard during their lunchtimes to prepare a powerpoint presentation on Mental Health which they delivered at our Wednesday Assembly.  Next week is Child Mental Health Week which willl see the whole school raising awareness of this very important aspect of our wellbeing.  Our Health Committee gave some very important information about what we can do with our bag of worries, explained how this can make some people feel and where we can go for help.  I am sure the whole school will find it very interesting next week as we explore further how to look after our mental health.  Well done to the Health Committee for their hard work and wonderful presentation.  During the assembly we had an unexpected visitor, Mr.Paul Jukes, Chief Executive of North Lanarkshire Council.  He reported that he thoroughly enjoyed our assembly and the very topical theme being explored.  It was lovely of Mr.Jukes to pay a visit to our school and to provide his support as the school prepares for a visit by HMI on Tuesday and Wednesday.

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