Category Archives: Primary 7

Pr.7 Leavers Night

Oh what a night!!! The boys and girls of Pr. 7 enjoyed a fabulous night on Friday thanks to the dedicated group of  parents who gave up their time to plan and organise a great night for our wonderful children who loved every minute of the evening!! Thank you ladies for all your great work! Father Kane joined the children at the end of the evening to say a few words, to join everyone in prayer and to oversee the releasing of the balloons!! Quite a send off indeed. Our leavers Mass will take place in the school on Monday at 1.00pm followed by our leavers award ceremony. All parents and grandparents of Pr.7 pupils are welcome to join us for this joyous occasion.

Pr6 & Pr7 Summer Show

Congratulations and well done to the boys and girls of Pr.6 & 7 who put on a wonderful show on Wednesday for the whole school and then parents. Their production of ‘Go for Gold’ based on the Olympics was fantastic and showcased the amazing talent we have at St. Augustine’s. A huge thanks to Miss Wilson and Miss Bell for all their hard work preparing the children and for producing the show. Many thanks to mrs. Hanlon, Mrs.Murphy , Mrs. McLean and Mr. O’Dowd for teaching the children the songs.  A  huge thanks to Mrs. McShane for her artistic talent and her hard work creating the backdrop!! A huge team effort!!

Summer Show

182Next week the children will be hard at work putting the finishing touches to the production ‘Go for Gold’.  Our Summer show performed by the pupils of  Pr.6 and 7 will take place on Wednesday 22nd June at 2.00pm.  Children will perform for the school on Tuesday afternoon.

Pr.7 Retreat

Our Primary 7 pupils and excellent school ambassadors left the school campus today to attend their Retreat at St.Augustine’s Parish Centre.  They started off the school day with Mass up the stairs in the centre  and then took part in a workshop finding out about famous Christians who put their faith into action everyday.  Afterwards they got the oportunity to present their findings to their peers.  Thanks to the generosity of Father Kane and a contribution from school funds the children then enjoyed a wonderful lunch in Kairos Cafe.  The afternoon was led by Father Kane who both inspired and reflected with children upon the qualities we should look to develop in order to grow on our journey of faith and serve others.  A truly wonderful day that I am sure will leave a lasting impression on all.  The children were totally enthused with their day.  Many thanks once again to Father Kane and Miss Robertson from St.Ambrose for working in partnership with the school to plan and deliver a wonderful programme for the children.  Faith in Action!!

School Show Preparations

The boys and girls have been hard at work practising for the Pr.6 and Pr.7 summer show titled  ‘Go for Gold’.  Everyone is getting excited about the production and there are a great deal of last minute preparations taking place to get everything in order.  The show will be presented to the whole school on Tuesday afternoon with a performance taking place on Wednesday 22nd June at 2.00pm.  Everyone is welcome to come along and see the performance. Doors will open at 1.30pm.


Wear Yellow Walk

The Primary 7s had great fun last week walking 6K round Strathclyde Park in aid of St. Andrew’s Hospice. The sun was shining brightly. It was a fabulous day enjoyed by everyone. Everyone was  exhausted by the time they  got back to school! The pupils were  excellent and repreented the school beautifully.  Well done boys and girls!! Please encourage your child to bring in the sponsor money for this great cause as soon as possible.  Thank you for your support and generosity.

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