Category Archives: Primary 7

Daily Mile

Across the school many classes are engaging with the daily mile as a way of promoting and mantaining a healthy lifestyle.  This has been of particular help over the last two weeks as the school hall is used for practices and social dancing. Primary 7 went outside for their daily mile then did some balance work with online resource Go Noodle. Healthy bodies, healthy minds.


Pope Francis Faith Award

Congratulations to the boys and girls of Pr.6 who attended 10 o’clock Mass to enrol for the Pope Francis Faith Award.  A large group of children presented themselves to participate in the award which will span over two years and will involve the children in actions of faith that will impact upon others both within our school and parish community. A great show of commitment.  We also congratulate our Pr.7 pupils who have committed themselves to become Mini Vinnie’s for our parish.

Sportshall Athletics

Our talented sportstars from Pr.6 and 7 set off on Friday morning to represent the school at the North Lanarkshire Sportshall Athletics Qualifiers.  Our team were magnificent with Mrs.Drummond reporting that the performances were outstanding.  She came back to school without a voice after cheering on our champions all morning.  Mrs.Drummond reported that the children were a real credit to the school.  We look forward to finding out if we have qualified for the finals.  Fantastic work boys and girls.  You were outstanding!!

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Pr.4 – 7 Halloween Disco

Check out our slideshow of the Halloween Disco for Pr.4 – 7.  A fabulous night was had by all.  Apologies to  parents for having to wait to pick up their child after the disco but we must ensure every child is picked up from the premises.  Children are not allowed to leave without an adult.  Due to the volume of children and adults we had to stagger everything to ensure we did not become overcrowded and could fully ensure all children were picked up by a parent.  Your understanding and patience in this regard was much appreciated.

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Tae Kwon Do

Many of our classes enjoyed taster sessions today as part of our health week which has a focus on promoting a variety of activities and raising pupil awareness of clubs in the locality.   During  P.E. slots children, under the guidance of a Tae Kwon Do instructor, participated in a wide variety of moves .  As you can see from the slideshow below they all enjoyed the experience.

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