Category Archives: Primary 6

Wider Achievement

We love sharing news about Wider Achievement so are delighted  to share with you the news that this young lady competed for Scotland in a British National Gymnastics Competition at the weekend.

We are so proud to let you know that she did amazingly well as she finished as the top Scottish Gymnast in the event and was 2nd of all the gymnasts competing from across the UK in one of the disciplines.  Absolutely fantastic!  We can’t wait to congratulate her at our assembly tomorrow.

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York Trip

The children returned to the school on Wednesday evening – exhausted after an exciting few days sightseeing in York and visiting Flamingoland.  The children were excellent ambassadors for the school throughout their stay and were a real credit to themselves, their families and the school.  It was a delight to spend a few days in their company.

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Gaelic Final – Wednesday 29th May

Attention all Gaelic Team members currently in York.  We got through to the finals!

Could team B (boys) and D (girls green kit) come to school wearing their kit on Wednesday 29th May (appropriate strips will be given out on Tuesday).

You will need a packed lunch or order a snack to go in the event we are late back for lunch.  Don’t forget a drink or snack for between games.

Team A (boys) and C (girls) will play 12th June.

Well done !