Category Archives: Primary 6

Be Internet Legends Assembly

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P4-7 attended an interactive assembly this morning with some very special guests. We were very lucky to work with Google Be Internet Legends.

During our session we learned about the importance of staying safe online and how to keep our information secure.  We learned what phishing means and also about over sharing, particularly how quickly information is shared online.

We hope the boys and girls shared their knowledge you.

Netball Celebration

A great time was had by all at our Netball celebration after school today. Well done to all of the netball players who commit to weekly training. A special thanks to our P7 pupils who have been fantastic this year and also last year for some. We will miss you all but hope that you keep the sport up as you move on to secondary school.  Next year looks like a promising year with so many talented and committed players from P5 and P6. Onwards and upwards!