Category Archives: Primary 5

Netball Celebration

A great time was had by all at our Netball celebration after school today. Well done to all of the netball players who commit to weekly training. A special thanks to our P7 pupils who have been fantastic this year and also last year for some. We will miss you all but hope that you keep the sport up as you move on to secondary school.  Next year looks like a promising year with so many talented and committed players from P5 and P6. Onwards and upwards!

Gaelic Final – Wednesday 29th May

Attention all Gaelic Team members currently in York.  We got through to the finals!

Could team B (boys) and D (girls green kit) come to school wearing their kit on Wednesday 29th May (appropriate strips will be given out on Tuesday).

You will need a packed lunch or order a snack to go in the event we are late back for lunch.  Don’t forget a drink or snack for between games.

Team A (boys) and C (girls) will play 12th June.

Well done !



STEM Fun in P7

Room 8 had fun today with some STEM stations.  We used K’nex to make a motorbike and a car – we even had a race!, built geodesic domes and marshmallow towers with spaghetti.

The best fun was building our own glockenspiel using foam and copper pipe before playing twinkle, twinkle, little star and shotgun!