Category Archives: Primary 2

P2 Sponsored Walk

When P2 when on the Sponsored Walk they looked for signs of Autumn.

We saw changing leaves, fallen leaves and branches from the storm, some berries and felt the cold as well as got to splash in the puddles!

We wrote all about our experiences back in school.  It was great to be outside for some fun learning.

Maths Week in Room 3

Room 3 were busy planning and preparing for their own Willy Wonka chocolate shop. They started by deciding when and where to hold their ‘shop’ and made posters to advertise and displayed them around the school. They then prepared the secret recipe ‘Willy Wonka Fudge Mallow Delight’ chocolate treats and sold them for 20p each.
They learned lots about the value of money throughout the week and looked at several coins and notes that we use in our everyday lives.